The Vintage Film Star Thread

“All I can say is I had a real love for her, and I think that’s where I ought to stop. Except to say she was like a lovely Swedish rose. I was young. She was young. We were involved for weeks in close and intense work.” - Gregory Peck on Ingrid Bergman in a 1987 article

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William "Billy" Haines. My celebrity hero. Billy was openly gay in 1920s Hollywood. He was a top male lead throughout the 20's, but when Louis B Mayer tried to force Billy to dump his husband Jimmy (and yes, Billy considered Jimmy to be his husband) and enter into a sham marriage with a woman, Jimmy refused and for the most part left the movie business. He ended up as one of the top interior designers in Hollywood after that. Billy and Jimmy were together for 47 years until Billy's death. Jimmy was not able to exist without Billy and committed suicide soon after. He wrote in his suicide note "It's just no fun without Billy". Truly an amazing love story.


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