Today's mood

what i'd rather be doing today

how i actually feel today
Physically exhausted.

My boss asked if I could work another 12 shift today. I don't have enough strength in my hands and forearms to grip wrenches for another 5 hours but I told him yes because shit needs to get done.

Mildly tense. Applied for a job that seems like a perfect fit for me yesterday, and I already want to follow up with them. I know it is too soon, though. I am not a patient person about these kinds of things :p
What?! You’re not a patient person?! :p

Fingers crossed for ya!
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Physically exhausted.

My boss asked if I could work another 12 shift today. I don't have enough strength in my hands and forearms to grip wrenches for another 5 hours but I told him yes because shit needs to get done.

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Poor little Stormtrooper.
It was good, it was my birthday but then it went shit and now its no longer my birthday. yay
Saw the first bumblebee of the year! :)

those horrible fucks are already out there been out for about 2-3 weeks now. Aside from the horrible pollen here and these bastards I don't even go outside in the spring & summer. Its not worth it.
Today sucked.

I ripped my pants in the crotch area this morning and I got hydraulic oil all over my boots. I promise I'm not trying to avoid LPSG this week. After work, all I want to do is eat and sleep.
Today sucked.

I ripped my pants in the crotch area this morning and I got hydraulic oil all over my boots. I promise I'm not trying to avoid LPSG this week. After work, all I want to do is eat and sleep.
Well, I could use a break, too. So let’s just chill in our little boxes and do nothing, okay?
