Today's mood

her mood
and/or maybe mne

often felt wed all end out there in space/cold as hell, on our demise
looking down not able to do a thing and thinking what destructve bastards many of us were

MACHO: On Black Holes, and the Fantasies of Men Frances Dodds recalls two men who laid bare the fragile lines between desire, pain and manipulation — and questions the framework of her own fantasies.

MACHO: On Black Holes, and the Fantasies of Men
Frances Dodds recalls two men who laid bare the fragile lines between desire, pain and manipulation — and questions the framework of her own fantasies.
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oh Nex how cum
we are heading into winter,not you guys geeeesus

i better get out of bed quick,fantasies kicking in

It's cold. COLD. Hate that chilly wind.
I find it hard to believe that I was sunbathing in the nude just last Sunday.
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Planted more flowers today, fertilzed, staked up my tomatoes (I'll have ripe cherry tomatoes in probably 2 weeks), going to plant green beans tomorrow and cleaned the pool and gutters.
I had a good day.....
sweety as
perfect musical Sunday Sanctuary

our prisoners are going to help plant our billion trees
about time they got them out to work
there gaurdian officers getting obese alongside some of them huh

Radio New Zealand Audio Player

you deserve such Nex, cool

On a more postive note, I got verified today. Nice to have full functionality of the forum back again! :party:
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Tired. Stressed out. So ready for my statewide conference to be over.

Looking forward to 5:00 pm on Tuesday.

NCbear (who’s the state chapter president and therefore has to 1. Preside over and 2. Coordinate the conference while 3. Ensuring that it’s successful)
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