Today's mood

I just wanted to say fuck them man...I cannot believe in 2019 that's still an issue.
Although and not to take away from the serious fuckery they did to you on that but how did they know about your sexuality?

Because when I’m on a job interview I’m interviewing my potential colleagues at the same time I’m being interviewed for a job, I told a search committee member as she was taking me to the airport. I said, “You do know I’m gay and married to a man, correct?” She responded there had been one openly gay man before at that institution and that the president “hadn’t minded” because the openly gay man—a fundraiser—“had brought in a lot of money.”

That told me all I needed to know about the extent of their retrograde attitudes, of course, but I wanted to see what they’d say—how they’d turn me down.

I still haven’t heard back from them. Oh, well. Life’s too short to work for/with bigots.

NCbear (who feels I dodged a bullet, considering)
Im not sure if there is a word for doing something and then immediately regretting it or over thinking it so much that you regret it.
But if such a word exists then thats me...every since Thursday / August 29th.
Tired. Slightly moody. Looking forward to Autumn. I want to start making some comfort food kind of dishes that tend to be better enjoyed when it's cold out. Chili. Red beans and rice. Warm up the apartment with baking some bread.
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