Today's mood

I am concerned. The Greek Salad I purchased as take-out yesterday caused some serious gastric disturbances. Ya think if it was full blown food poison I would already know? Time will tell. Concerned is my current mood.

not a food technician ha,or whatever
but common man thinking
i would suggest that garlic in particular,could have such a powerful odour,its quite likely able to disguise your/our normal smelling of good quality

just a thought

feeling great
3am nzt,after hot cuppa t/not crap coffee

aged,intermittent sleep pattern,holds no fear
when theres so much other human crap around in our world
Not so great. Just found out our son has tested positive, despite being vaxxed and diligent about mask-wearing (although most of those he works around are not) and is now experiencing some bad, but moderate symptoms.

So right now I feel myself shifting between both worry and a reinforced anger over the anti-vax/anti-mask assholes who refuse to help this shit be over with because the even bigger assholes they listen to have made it political.