No, they sure don't. But then, I'm no longer allowed to wrap gifts at my house. Seems I'm not precise and exact enough with my folds and pleats and hiding the tape. Can't make a bow to save my life.
Who knew? I mean, I've never had any feedback, good or bad, from the recipients. However, my hubby thinks I'm not of proper present wrappage caliber. Says I don't respect the!
I once was wrapping a gift and he informed me that the paper pattern I'd chosen was just wrong for that particular gift...and promptly gave me a different roll. And then wrapped it himself...too funny!
I have, however, mastered the art of gift bags and boxes. Open bag or box, insert gift, stuff in some tissue, and voila, beautifully "wrapped" present. Oh yeah, add on one of the self-sticky already-made bow, and I'm golden.