Today's mood

Me, too! Lol! But I’m just taking it easy and hoping for the best.
That’s basically all there is to do, I hope you will feel better soon! :emoji_thumbsup:
Cave paintings.......60,000 years old............

I suppose the first person who began to do this was a little out there from the rest. They did not leave a name or a signature to be worth billions...........but what they left behind is priceless.

And yeah.........they left it for the future......they knew it..........If they were alive today they would be critical of their own work probably :)

Kangaroo with Chicken feet :) .........they were probably placed on ignore from the rest of the tribe :)

WHEN IGNORANT BASTARDS suggest the use of disinfectant etc etc


arseholes of countries,in particular at this time with CV rampant who constantly mutter

'they have the best in the world'

within a few hours its proven false

mood,no different to what pissess you off,mst times