Twitch Streamers

So apparently the streamer Naowh had a bit of a "private moment" on stream. He closed his Twitchstream but kept the YouTube stream open. Sadly seemed to only be Subscriber mode or something else that limited who saw things.. His YouTube channel got banned for it.
Anyone got any clips or screengrabs? Was it just a handmotion or was anything revealed?



So apparently the streamer Naowh had a bit of a "private moment" on stream. He closed his Twitchstream but kept the YouTube stream open. Sadly seemed to only be Subscriber mode or something else that limited who saw things.. His YouTube channel got banned for it.
Anyone got any clips or screengrabs? Was it just a handmotion or was anything revealed?

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He confirmed on Twitter that he was jerking off watching Phub. Hope someone managed to see and record it!