Unsimulated sex scenes in a movie

Good points. Completely forgot about Lars. Also, sorry in my initial post I said "porn" I meant movies.. but I guess you both got the gist lol.
I think there are several reasons for this.

One, most of these scenes have used body doubles and that's been done enough times it's become obvious. When the face and cock are never in the same shot, and it cuts between them when a pan or longer shot would have worked better that's a good sign it was a double.

Also, there's the existence of this thread and X videos and the like. 20 years ago doing an explicit scene meant it would be seen by the audience for that film, in context and in character. Now any actor doing a scene like this has to know it's going to end up on porn sites and seen by people who are never going to see the whole film.
was this in simulated tho?
Na, the fact that they didn't show much of anything should prove that. When something is unsimulated they want you to know it, there shouldn't be a question lol.
Agreed. Unless the top has a half inch penis, there’s penetration lol.
Between :30-:35 there are a couple of frames where the top is pulled back that it does look like there's an erect penis, but anything is possible I suppose.
Between :30-:35 there are a couple of frames where the top is pulled back that it does look like there's an erect penis, but anything is possible I suppose.
It looks realistic, but since it only lasts a few seconds and the rest of the scene doesn't show anything, I would guess it's a short prosthetic with no actual penetration.

But maybe not. Google provided no answer one way or another.