"vintage or when men had pubes"


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DUSTY WOOD on the LEFT with SAL GENNARO posed in a Rear and Side Camera View for Bob Mizer at AMG in 1972. SAL had a lot of Tattoos even on his back and Legs.
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Both of these guys are great really into Dusty. Sal has a bunch of jail house tats in his other photos from the front. Guess some could be from the military. Anyway, Dusty has some great photos.
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STEVE ANTHONY was indeed a handsome model who posed for Western Photography Guild. However, I doubt these photos were taken in 1958. Although WPG was active during this time, its photography was, like most studios, strictly legal (models wore "posing pouches"). It didn't turn to full nudity until the mid-sixties when the censorship laws were relaxed.

WPG was owned by the wonderful DON WHITMAN, who like his contemporary Bob Mizer at AMG, started up right after the end of World War II. During the mid-fifties, Whitman's studio, equipment, and most of its photos were destroyed by flooding in downtown Denver, and he subsequently relocated further south, just off Broadway or Lincoln. His studio was fairly small, so he shot a lot outdoors in the beautiful Rocky Mountains and in his models' homes. Indeed, there's a nice set of STEVE ANTHONY taken in his apartment. Whitman was very proud of his work and took great pains in the details of composition and lighting. You won't find a bad or sloppy WPG photograph.

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Thanks very much for these photos. The 3rd and 4th ones are new for my collection.