What do women want?


Sexy Member
Dec 23, 2006
Marin County, San Francisco bay area
69% Straight, 31% Gay
What do women want? which is reviewed in today's New York Times Review of Books should start some interesting discussion here. Recent scientific results indicate that women are more libidinous than men. The results suggest that monogamy may reduce it. The author suggests that perhaps the longer time period required for a, woman's orgasm compared with a man's faster ejaculation may suggest the need for several successive copulations. Thoughts?
They want male model face aesthetics, they're was a scientific study done where they said that a man's face was what caused 75% of a women's attraction to him.

If you have a face like a male model like David Gandy you can almost do no wrong when it comes to females.

Also because of higher male sex drive, most men would have sex with just about any women, men these days are even willing to have sex with out of shape women that are fat, which is insane if you think about it, as nothing else can be as much of a signal of bad physical health and bad genes then an obese women anyway.

Combine this with natural female hypergamy, and lower female sex drives and most women would rather live vocel, then have sex with men who are in their league, most women who are 6/10 would rather wait for a guy with 8/10 face aesthetics, and any other things in their checklist then have sex with a 6/10 face man in their own league.

This is why more and more men are becoming incel's these days, as most men are not having sex and having a big cock, is only a bonus if your face aesthetics aren't good enough it won't really matter, unless you get lucky and can bust into a social circle of size queens and you can fit that niche.
They want male model face aesthetics, they're was a scientific study done where they said that a man's face was what caused 75% of a women's attraction to him.

If you have a face like a male model like David Gandy you can almost do no wrong when it comes to females.

Also because of higher male sex drive, most men would have sex with just about any women, men these days are even willing to have sex with out of shape women that are fat, which is insane if you think about it, as nothing else can be as much of a signal of bad physical health and bad genes then an obese women anyway.

Combine this with natural female hypergamy, and lower female sex drives and most women would rather live vocel, then have sex with men who are in their league, most women who are 6/10 would rather wait for a guy with 8/10 face aesthetics, and any other things in their checklist then have sex with a 6/10 face man in their own league.

This is why more and more men are becoming incel's these days, as most men are not having sex and having a big cock, is only a bonus if your face aesthetics aren't good enough it won't really matter, unless you get lucky and can bust into a social circle of size queens and you can fit that niche.

This is all bullshit. Leave it to a man to assume he has any idea about what women want.
They want male model face aesthetics, they're was a scientific study done where they said that a man's face was what caused 75% of a women's attraction to him.

I must say, having read your posts and the thread you created, I get the feeling that maybe (and please do not take this the wrong way), you have a rather jaded outlook on the whole 'attractiveness' thing. I should imagine living in NY does you no favours, but I for one cannot believe the situation is as truly dire as this.

In my own experience, I have two friends in particular who, shall we say, aren't exactly gifted in the looks department. Let's imagine a 4/10 guy and a 6.5/10 guy, if we're keeping score, both in their late 20s. I used to be pretty close with them both, and we'd go to night clubs (this is maybe 7 years ago), and invariably, they'd both end up going home with some hotness. Now, the 4/10 guy would strike out a LOT. The 6.5/10 was quite athletic and definitely had some moves on the dancefloor. He'd be shut down by a few people, but by the end of the night he'd manage to work his charms on at least somebody - if he didn't like the look of one, he'd usually have a backup plan too. Two confident guys who, I'm pretty sure, had no concept of their own attractiveness, yet rarely went home alone.

Myself, on the other hand... well I found all this pretty difficult. I never really had the personality for the whole nightclub thing. I'd invariably end up pecking some girl on the cheek, and making my way home. It was only if a girl was really into me that I'd get lucky, and that didn't happen very often.

Now, I'm not going to be so crass as to rate myself out of 10, but I know I was the looker out of us three - even I could tell that much. I never had much trouble getting the women talking in the first place. Maybe it was just the confidence thing which meant a connection wasn't made.

So I guess what I'm saying is, don't get jaded because you think you maybe don't look the part, because women absolutely are attracted to confidence and general sex appeal - doesn't matter how bald or ugly you are (or you believe you are). Otherwise my whole story about the 5'6" bald 28 year old with a scar on his face getting 10 times as much action as a 6'5" tall athletic guy with a nine incher, all his hair and a strong jawline wouldn't make much sense, now would it?
They want male model face aesthetics, they're was a scientific study done where they said that a man's face was what caused 75% of a women's attraction to him.

If you have a face like a male model like David Gandy you can almost do no wrong when it comes to females.

Also because of higher male sex drive, most men would have sex with just about any women, men these days are even willing to have sex with out of shape women that are fat, which is insane if you think about it, as nothing else can be as much of a signal of bad physical health and bad genes then an obese women anyway.

Combine this with natural female hypergamy, and lower female sex drives and most women would rather live vocel, then have sex with men who are in their league, most women who are 6/10 would rather wait for a guy with 8/10 face aesthetics, and any other things in their checklist then have sex with a 6/10 face man in their own league.

This is why more and more men are becoming incel's these days, as most men are not having sex and having a big cock, is only a bonus if your face aesthetics aren't good enough it won't really matter, unless you get lucky and can bust into a social circle of size queens and you can fit that niche.

You know you're really creepy, right?
This is all bullshit. Leave it to a man to assume he has any idea about what women want.

Oh look, a fat women who claims to swallow dicks like pills.

A fat man, struggles to get one women and usually has to lower his standard to the lowest of low females he can find.

Where, as you can walk into a club and ask for dick and have a 1 in 5 success rate amongst the best looking guys in there.

I'm sure you will try to convince others of personality theory, but most men have grown out of that.
Oh look, a fat women who claims to swallow dicks like pills.

A fat man, struggles to get one women and usually has to lower his standard to the lowest of low females he can find.

Where, as you can walk into a club and ask for dick and have a 1 in 5 success rate amongst the best looking guys in there.

I'm sure you will try to convince others of personality theory, but most men have grown out of that.

Care to share what ethnic/religious background provided you with such a commanding grasp of the English language? Your grammar is so impressive!
I must say, having read your posts and the thread you created, I get the feeling that maybe (and please do not take this the wrong way), you have a rather jaded outlook on the whole 'attractiveness' thing. I should imagine living in NY does you no favours, but I for one cannot believe the situation is as truly dire as this.

In my own experience, I have two friends in particular who, shall we say, aren't exactly gifted in the looks department. Let's imagine a 4/10 guy and a 6.5/10 guy, if we're keeping score, both in their late 20s. I used to be pretty close with them both, and we'd go to night clubs (this is maybe 7 years ago), and invariably, they'd both end up going home with some hotness. Now, the 4/10 guy would strike out a LOT. The 6.5/10 was quite athletic and definitely had some moves on the dancefloor. He'd be shut down by a few people, but by the end of the night he'd manage to work his charms on at least somebody - if he didn't like the look of one, he'd usually have a backup plan too. Two confident guys who, I'm pretty sure, had no concept of their own attractiveness, yet rarely went home alone.

Myself, on the other hand... well I found all this pretty difficult. I never really had the personality for the whole nightclub thing. I'd invariably end up pecking some girl on the cheek, and making my way home. It was only if a girl was really into me that I'd get lucky, and that didn't happen very often.

Now, I'm not going to be so crass as to rate myself out of 10, but I know I was the looker out of us three - even I could tell that much. I never had much trouble getting the women talking in the first place. Maybe it was just the confidence thing which meant a connection wasn't made.

So I guess what I'm saying is, don't get jaded because you think you maybe don't look the part, because women absolutely are attracted to confidence and general sex appeal - doesn't matter how bald or ugly you are (or you believe you are). Otherwise my whole story about the 5'6" bald 28 year old with a scar on his face getting 10 times as much action as a 6'5" tall athletic guy with a nine incher, all his hair and a strong jawline wouldn't make much sense, now would it?

Yeah the bald guy with the scar on his face probably has a more masculine and sexually dimorphic and handsome face, you probably don't rate him as all that attractive because to you he probably looked like a bruiser or not friendly, but he probably had a dominant face.

Or you are lying.

Either way, your story is bullshit, as most guys in clubs are not pulling anything, cold approaches fail the majority of the time, no matter what.

Anyone who has actually been in the field or has tried them knows that unless you have elite LMS ( pro athlete, musician, actor, etc... ) your going to fail the majority of time.

As a matter of fact every time I have watched my average or above average friend try it, they almost all got instantly rejected within the first minute.

Anytime I have seen it in real life it has pretty much always failed.

I know of a guy on another forum who has an 8/10 face and is 6'6" and he is ripped and he still says he needs to do about 100s of approaches to get one lay, and that through online dating the best he could get this year was a 21 year old who he thinks might be a trans.

My face aesthetics have been rated a 7/10, if I had clear skin, and I have posted body and dick pics on this site I'm packing heat, and am ripped as fuck and work as a webcam model and am highly successful in it.

I'm just trying to aware people on this site about looks theory and hypergamy, because most of this site is full of blue pill delusion, and liars who try to say they get laid once a week and posting their fictions stories about their lives anyway.

The truth is in the end, if you have the face the girl likes you have a chance to get her, if you don't have the face that she likes, you really don't have any other shot, unless you have money or high status or she has a fetish you can fill.
Women respond to face...

what makes a good male face?

A full head of hair

clear tan skin

ability to grow dark facial hair

thick dark brows

a prominent brow ridge

masculine almond shape vertically small eyes

a strong defined prominent jaw

a prominent long chin

a compact midface






All that matters is having male model face.

If you weren't born with a male model face, you were never truly born in this world.
Yeah the bald guy with the scar on his face probably has a more masculine and sexually dimorphic and handsome face, you probably don't rate him as all that attractive because to you he probably looked like a bruiser or not friendly, but he probably had a dominant face.

Sir! We're going to have to ask you to please step away from the thesaurus.
Oh look, a fat women who claims to swallow dicks like pills.

A fat man, struggles to get one women and usually has to lower his standard to the lowest of low females he can find.

Where, as you can walk into a club and ask for dick and have a 1 in 5 success rate amongst the best looking guys in there.

I'm sure you will try to convince others of personality theory, but most men have grown out of that.

The fuck? I'm not fat. And you clearly have issues with your own appearance and women.
For men to leave the toiletseat down god damn it!
The fuck? I'm not fat. And you clearly have issues with your own appearance and women.

I don't think he was calling you fat. I think he was trying to make some profound statement, but his Rosetta Stone grasp of English makes it a little hard to understand what the hell he's rambling on about.
I don't think he was calling you fat. I think he was trying to make some profound statement, but his Rosetta Stone grasp of English makes it a little hard to understand what the hell he's rambling on about.

SMH. I just don't get it. Women respond to a number of different traits. He's clearly hung up on his own short comings - whether they're perceived only in his mind or not - and just wants to bring everyone down with him. Fuckin A, take a chill pill.
SMH. I just don't get it. Women respond to a number of different traits. He's clearly hung up on his own short comings - whether they're perceived only in his mind or not - and just wants to bring everyone down with him. Fuckin A, take a chill pill.

Actually my face has been rated above average by the community I come from.

I come from a forum where they study attractiveness, and while I enjoy this forum I'm tired of seeing bullshit threads where ugly bald chubby guys who are 40 years old make it sound like they have sex with strangers once a week because they claim to have a 9 inch schlong...

I actually work as a webcam model, am well endowed, and have a good physique and make a lot of money and am one of the most popular men on there when I cam up, yet I noticed that the thousands of viewers I get and the people who send me money are all almost entirely men. Why...?

Because it's mostly men who are obsessed with other men's penis size, and physique as it's a competition thing, where as women typically care about a man's face mostly, and everything else is a bonus to them.

The majority of women ( those who do not have a fetish ) would rather be with a skinny man with a male model face and an average sized dick, then be with a a man who is muscular and ripped with a 7/10 face, and well endowed.