What do women want?

*pouty batface*
i ain't one bit okay with this Ms. Enid.
not one itty bitty bit8
Ok Usually I would refrain from wasting my time responding to a post like this. However this fool needs a wake up call.

Firstly you have no right calling anyone overweight when your ass doesn't have any pictures up. So as long as you are hiding behind your greyed out default picture you can shut your mouth.

Secondly your facts don't add up. The majority of women in my personal acquaintance date guys who are in terrible shape compared to them. I personally have never once dated a guy who was in shape/ thin. I take very good care of my body. Should I be upset that "Fat men" are with beautiful girls. It is up to the person whom they date and whom they are attracted to.

Your statement that "fat women" are given a free pass is what got a little under my skin. You have no idea the amount of pressure to which women are subjected to concerning their appearance. We are told that if you do not wear your hair a certain way or have a certain waist size that you aren't attractive. That if you have freckles you better pack on the make up and cover them up because they are unappealing. Breast not a decent size? better get some work done. All of this and more are what women have to deal with. Therefore saying we get a free pass is an invalid statement.

You want to talk about modeling. I modeled a bit in my teen years. I have also been asked to do work recently and all throughout college while living in new york by different agencies. I however hate the modeling industry because of how superficial everyone is. You are a reminder to me of how terrible some of the people in that business are. I have never condescended to tell a person they were overweight and yet I have been in the same environment as you ( minus the sex cam thing).

Being attracted to personality isn't something people have grown out of. I don't care what the guy looks like if I have a connection with them. Of course there are things that women find attractive on a man. The same thing with Men, they have things they find attractive about a woman. Just because all of those things aren't in the person they are with doesn't mean they are dating down.

You want to use the internet as a veil to hide behind so you can say the things you want to people who dont deserve them. I kept this really nice. I had to re-edit a few times to keep from going full on Bitch mode on your ass.

That just got me all excited. (rubs bald head and poochy stomach).....:tongue:
those are general theories that can be applied only on average.
there are exceptions. hack around your models and focus on becoming one.
you are missing some spheres, or should i say, variables.
use your brain on becoming something/somebody, instead of being evolutionary scientist who wants to fuck.

With only one post (#37) on your stats, you are already my hero. Well said.

And most of it will also apply to gays I know.

But apparently there are a number of males and females in the population, who are obsessed with game playing, high maintenance living, and trophy hookups. I am afraid these folks are trying to substitute external connections for real human empathy and meaningful relationships.

As I read some of these comments, I keep asking myself “ what happened to these folks and is it too late for them to change”?
Because I want an end to hypergamy...

I'm tired of seeing a bunch of fat and ugly females around, with awful genetics, I think that fat women should be fined until they reach a healthy bodyweight, and I want men around the world to either go MGTOW, or have sex with only attractive women or escorts.

The average American women weights about 165 lbs now, yet women have it much easier then men in terms of sex and dating... why are fat women being given a free pass?

Fail, because the first thread I made on this site, was posting my pics, and I have already said that if you click my profile you can see a topic I made with pics of me when I was 19 years old, and that I work as a web cam model.


Also I have the right to call her overweight based on her picture, because she is indeed overweight, even if I wasn't ripped or in good shape I would still be able to objectively say that she is overweight anyway.

What is even more fail is that you state that most women are dating guys in worse shape then them, this doesn't even make sense from a scientific or biological standpoint.

The average women in America has 30+% bodyfat, and according to the CDC the average women has a 28.7 BMI, the average man has a 28.6 BMI keep in mind that 25 is the barrier for being overweight. Yes a 0.1 difference is not much but keep in mind that men typically workout and get more muscular which makes their bodyweight go up, a women does not

( a women who worksout to get muscular does not have the hormones naturally required to bulk up to be overweight and still be in shape unless they use drugs to get more muscular )

if a women is overweight in BMI it's almost always a guarantee that she is fat, if a man is overweight he could be muscular or have a big bone structure.

The mean for a women's height in America is 5'3", and the mean for her weight is 166 lbs, do you know how fat that is?

Here's a picture of a women who is around those sizes



They'res proof.

Oh also when ever I go into the gym...

I see the same men in there for hours almost day in and day out, these same men are lifting 300+, or 400+ lbs often, and working hard day in and day out, and they are dieting hard and some are using performance enhancing drugs.

It's basically they're life, as the majority of them do not have girlfriends and are not having sex.

Where as the females in the gym, go on the treadmill for 10 minutes, and then probably go home and eat like a pig anyway, and can get sex within a minute.

Men biologically are in much better shape then women...

men are healthier, and can survive in tougher conditions

have lower bodyfat percentage

more muscle



can run faster

can jump higher

almost any time that a women is with a man she is in worse physical shape then him.

I can't remember the last time I saw a physically fit female who goes to the gym and works out with a man who was out of shape, as a matter of fact if a women is in good shape she demands her man be in better shape anyway.

Your in delusion if you think that girls are in better shape then their partners usually, if you are under 25 years old these days being ripped is a basic requirement to not be an incel and to get laid if you have a sub 8 ( non male model face ) as a man these days.

Also for a women to be considered in shape by society, she just needs to not be fat, she doesn't need muscularity, definition, strength...

where as if a man is just skinny with no muscle he is a joke to both men and women.

For a man to be considered in shape, he needs to be athletic, and have muscle, have good genetics in having wide shoulders, and thin hips, and to have low bodyfat, which to gain muscle you need to eat more, which in turn makes you gain fat so again for a man to be in shape, he needs to work hard and have good genetics, for a women to be in shape she just needs to not eat like a whale.


Any female can work as a model these days, I am a man and I worked in modelling as a kid because my mom works for a talent agency, and she got me into the job.

Almost all women claim to be models, because they know a guy who is a photographer and takes pictures of them in weird cool poses, then they claim to be a model but the truth is, if your not making legit money from it then your not a good model.

Looking at your pics, I can't zoom in, but my physique far surpasses yours, your male equivalent's physique is average skinny fat, I'm ripped as fuck with sub 10% bodyfat and 15 inch arms, so again if we were a couple I would be in much better shape then you. Do you understand that?

Also about personality, as long as the person doesn't have mental issues, and is not mean or treats people poorly, then their personality really does not matter much. No amount of personality, can make up for a lack of sexual attraction.

If personality mattered more then looks, why would men be put in the friends zone in the first place? Was it their lack of personality that didn't allow them to have sex with you, if it was... then why are you friends with them in the first place if you don't like their personality? Or was it the fact that you don't like their looks?

Men are honest, when they say that they like women because they are sexually attracted to them, a man is honest when he says that he likes a women's ass or tits...

where as a women is dishonest, she will say she likes intelligence, a guy who is nice and treats her right, and that she wants a guy who is funny, when in reality she is fucking top level athletes who treat her like garbage ( as they should because a top level athlete is above the average women anyway ), and who pumps and dumps her ( as she belongs ) then they will go and complain that all men are assholes to their friend zoned male friends who she won't have sex with, but would treat her nicer then the top level athlete that she fucks anyway.

Dude you seriously have issues, I work for the industry myself and I don't have the logic you are spewing here. Yes we work hard for the expectations they require, but so do the female models I have dated. Jasibella made a good inference as to how hard and more pressure they get to have everything society is so hard up on classifying beauty. You say the negatives about females sizes in average while the same can be said for the males. Why are you singling out the females; you are offering up Hate Speech. :mad: I will be surprised if Serial Kisser didn't report you for pety insults.
Ok - Someone please READ the Times Book Review piece, or better still the book! In an example of the worst of LPSG postings, the first impulse here was to get lost in a total flame-out on attractiveness. The next thing is for a woman or two to get all insulted because something that she imputes to the article (that she hasn't read) doesn't describe her. Why don't we all breathe.

I read them both. So here goes... the book is neither about 'is a woman going to be attracted to me... or a model?' nor 'does a woman go around looking for a gang-bang?' The book is about the evolutionary roots of the sex drive of the female members of our species. It recounts that at some times in history, women were looked upon as either the ones who had all the lust, or, more recently, the ones with very little native sex drive, only interested in love and affection, with sex as a bi-product of the desire to procreate. Both are wrong, it says.

It says, with a great deal of physiological, primate-studies, and ancient historical material evidence, that women can often be the more sexually lusty of our two genders. This is because, in the long evolutionary history of humankind, it was advantageous for females to mate with many males at one time, insuring both bonding and impregnation. The book also says that studies have shown that, over a lifetime, women tend to want to have more sex than men, and will desire to break monogamy more than men. It is lack of freedom that tends to suppress the sexual urge in women.

Please don't argue with my little digest of a full sized book. Read at least the review, if you want to opine on it.

In my own experience, I have observed many things that are consistent with these observations. I have known many wives who have desired more sexual satisfaction and variety than monogamy brings them. I have been at many orgies, and I have seen and felt the extraordinary primeval power that often comes over the people who participate. I have seen the greed for orgasms -- and sensation -- that one of the female posters describes, come over a room full of women, many times. The amazing energy which suffuses in a room when many people are fucking at once, leads me to intuit that our roots as a species lie in a sexual life of small bands in which women chose many partners, and sometimes many at once.

These are very subjective observations, but I was happy to see that science tends to support them. It doesn't mean that I don't think that many women are satisfied with their monogamous situations. I think that women are complex individuals with unique individual needs and desires. It doesn't mean that I think that we are better living in a state of primeval lust. We need our social norms and structures in order to have jobs, raise kids, have families, etc. However, it might be better not to see a woman's or a man's desire for outside sexual adventure as a violation of the most sacred rule, and the end of a relationship. It might be better if we left room for sexual exploration in our long-term relationships. It might be more in harmony with how we have evolved.
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Dude you seriously have issues, I work for the industry myself and I don't have the logic you are spewing here. Yes we work hard for the expectations they require, but so do the female models I have dated. Jasibella made a good inference as to how hard and more pressure they get to have everything society is so hard up on classifying beauty. You say the negatives about females sizes in average while the same can be said for the males. Why are you singling out the females; you are offering up Hate Speech. :mad: I will be surprised if Serial Kisser didn't report you for pety insults.

They're is no issue for calling out a fat women for being fat, it's called being realistic.

If a women made fun of a man for losing his hair or being bald, no body would defend the man or even care, they would just laugh.

Why do we have a double standard?
They're is no issue for calling out a fat women for being fat, it's called being realistic.

They're -> There

for calling -> with calling

fat women -> fat woman

, it's -> . It's

being realistic -> "being realistic"

If a women made fun of a man for losing his hair or being bald, no body would defend the man or even care, they would just laugh.

If a women -> If a woman

no body -> nobody

, they -> . They

Why do we have a double standard?

Please spare us your diatribes until after you take a few more correspondence classes in English.
They want male model face aesthetics, they're was a scientific study done where they said that a man's face was what caused 75% of a women's attraction to him.

If you have a face like a male model like David Gandy you can almost do no wrong when it comes to females.

Also because of higher male sex drive, most men would have sex with just about any women, men these days are even willing to have sex with out of shape women that are fat, which is insane if you think about it, as nothing else can be as much of a signal of bad physical health and bad genes then an obese women anyway.

Combine this with natural female hypergamy, and lower female sex drives and most women would rather live vocel, then have sex with men who are in their league, most women who are 6/10 would rather wait for a guy with 8/10 face aesthetics, and any other things in their checklist then have sex with a 6/10 face man in their own league.

This is why more and more men are becoming incel's these days, as most men are not having sex and having a big cock, is only a bonus if your face aesthetics aren't good enough it won't really matter, unless you get lucky and can bust into a social circle of size queens and you can fit that niche.

I do not agree at all. 8/10 my self with large penis and can't get laid for shit. Yeah I get hit on by average women but I'm not interested my self.
Women want a guy/life that makes their friends jealous.
I'll jump in the flames with you on that, as I've considered it myself. :biggrin1:

I was talking to someone about it years ago and saying how if you went to most guys and offered them 'their' ideal female partner, with their ideal body and looks, ideal personality/interests,etc., totally loyal to them, and said "but the catch is, you're not allowed to tell anyone that you're going out with them" ...most guys would think "Damn, now I'm set for life with everything I need!". Once you got to the part about nobody knowing you were seeing them, many girls would probably decline the offer.
What do women want? which is reviewed in today's New York Times Review of Books should start some interesting discussion here. Recent scientific results indicate that women are more libidinous than men. The results suggest that monogamy may reduce it. The author suggests that perhaps the longer time period required for a, woman's orgasm compared with a man's faster ejaculation may suggest the need for several successive copulations. Thoughts?

I'll wait for the movie.
I do not agree at all. 8/10 my self with large penis and can't get laid for shit. Yeah I get hit on by average women but I'm not interested my self.

This proves my point, chances are you are not an 8/10 as most people tend to overrate themselves, I thought I was an 8/10 to, but then I had my face analyzed and rated by people who know better and I'm a 6/10 or 7/10 if my skin was clear, my acne is holding me back.

But the fact that you say that you get hit on by average women, is further proof of hypergamy. You see, if your a 7/10 or 8/10 without money or status, your going to have to date down usually and go for 5/10 or 6/10 women who are a 2 points below you because of hypergamy.

The average 5/10 guy is not getting hit on by women at all, maybe by the occasional obese women.

A 6/10 guy might get hit on by below average women every now and then.

A 7/10 gets hit on every now and then, by average and maybe an above average women.

An 8/10 gets hit on by average and above average women.

An 8/10 with good status gets hit on by hot women.

A 9/10 gets hit on almost all the time by the hottest women.

It's not just looks, it's looks money and status as well.
They're -> There

for calling -> with calling

fat women -> fat woman

, it's -> . It's

being realistic -> "being realistic"

If a women -> If a woman

no body -> nobody

, they -> . They

Please spare us your diatribes until after you take a few more correspondence classes in English.

So because you cannot argue the statements that I suggest, you just correct my grammar in a post with maybe over a 100 words in it, basically picking out grammatical errors on an internet forum.