I live in Europe and the debate is being opened here as well. Like with revenge porn, minor girls have had explicit videos made and circulated of them - prompting people to talk legislation.Ms. Swift is angry about recent explicit photos of her that were AI generated. This led to the white house taking notice and maybe making laws against and calling on Congress to look into this. This is just the US. I don't know about the issue in other countries.
This would be interesting if it ever happens. It's a bigger conversation with fake news too. I am not a fan of overt government control.
I dont know how I feel about this. It's fantasy. It's one thing if ppl were saying it is real. But that is not the case.
What do you guys think ?
In some ways I understand the fascination of seeing someone famous naked that you normally would never see that way.
But I also understand wanting to be completely in control of who sees me naked.
I think the debate is also very closely linked to net anonymity as well. If you are held responsible for everything you post then it has to be policed, even if only like here in this forum,
by moderators. I personally lean towards AI because I’m more and more turned off by porn where because of trafficking it is difficult to prove that the person in front of the camera wasn’t coerced or blackmailed.
This is something we are discovering thru Onlyfans but even happens in the porn studios when actors and actresses seem to consent legally.
Our (yes me included) fascination with porn and seeing people naked is not very healthy and not very respectful of the subjects of our attraction.
Part of me says it safer when it is AI generated. I think eventually tho we’d lose our fascination because we always want to know what the famous people’s actual body looks like naked, in motion. Substitutes don’t satisfy when you know they’re fake.
Just my opinions and somethings I’d like to hear others weigh in on as well.