Why are so many British guys Circumcised?

Most British guys I know are uncut. Although I have no issues with guys who have it cut for personal preference - I don’t think it’s medically necessary at all. If your foreskin is tight then you can get a procedure called frenuloplasty, which is done to extend your frenulum and still keep the foreskin intact.

Some guys, especially Afro-Caribbean, get it cut for the prevention of Aids etc. Again I see no evidence of this at all. If the foreskin is the issue, then surely pulling it back and dabbing some water on it should keep it hygiene.

Having your dick cut should be the last resort after everything else is done. The sensitivity your foreskin gives when running against the head is simply priceless. My advice is to think 3 times before you cut that fella.
Friend of mine got cut late in life, well at 45, as he was having trouble riding his foreskin back. Make fucking so much more pleasant for him.
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Even when I stared having sex the guys I met cottaging were uncut, my firsts real uncut experience was with an American whom only wanted me to suck him off.

My first ever sexual experience as a teen was (unexpectedly!) with an older man in a "cottage" and he was cut.

I am British, but was born on an American air force base in Germany (my dad was in RAF) and for some reason all the boys born there had it done.
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From my experience ranging from sexual encounters, using changing rooms, saunas, webcam sites and many years of going to naturist beaches I would say 10 - 15% would be about right for UK guys. The rate is higher in older men and lower in younger. NHS figures miss out the large numbers that are cut as adults in private clinics. Some for tight foreskin others for aesthetic reasons. This includes a few of my friends.
I grew up in North West England and there were very few cut, mainly older guys. I moved to the South West and the rates were much higher and some younger.
My partner is from South Wales (and has a high tight cut done as a small boy for phimosis ). There does seem to be a slightly higher than average rate for 35 - 65 year olds around Newport and up into the Valleys. Maybe 20%? High and tightish seems to have been the preferred style.
Back in the 60/70s many parents would gladly follow the advice of doctors, and circumcision was popular. Several of my peers were also cut so I never felt I was in a minority growing up. But as an adult I would agree that it's around 10-15% in the UK now, that's based entirely of my own experiences of gym changing rooms and naturist swims/clubs.
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My partner is from South Wales (and has a high tight cut done as a small boy for phimosis ). There does seem to be a slightly higher than average rate for 35 - 65 year olds around Newport and up into the Valleys. Maybe 20%? High and tightish seems to have been the preferred style.

I'd made that observation, as well, a few years ago. I wondered if it might be a legacy of mining, in the area; perhaps done for hygiene reasons, given the filthy working conditions and the likelihood of skin irritation.
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I'd made that observation, as well, a few years ago. I wondered if it might be a legacy of mining, in the area; perhaps done for hygiene reasons, given the filthy working conditions and the likelihood of skin irritation.
I think it may have been someone higher up in the local health service that thought it was important to identify and sort out problems properly. That may have been a legacy but the area I grew up in had a history of mining and steelworks similar to South Wales and circumcision was as far as I can tell pretty much non-existent.
There are a shocking number of guys in the UK with very tight foreskins. There are options these days to try and deal with the issue and retain the foreskin and I think it’s an indicator of mens reluctance to deal with their own health issues that many don’t do anything about it.
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I was born in 1948 and I was cut at birth, almost certainly because my father was too. In my day it was a class thing - the royals were cut so the so-called upper and middle classes were often done as well. I bet the percentage of those cut who attended the top public schools is higher than the UK average.
At the public school I went to in 1958, aged 12, well over half of us were cut. Probably 75%
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I am from the uk, who grew up in an ethnic area, so the Muslim guys where cut, most of the black and white guys where not. Perhaps, when i decided to be cut its because i lived in countries that had a high rate of circumcision and my partner wanted it and i liked the look. Looking at uk figures, and we take out ethnic groups who practice circumcision the rate in the uk is very low. I see this in showers and discussion on other forums.

I do laugh as some have mentioned here, that uncut guys seem to have an obsession with words like mutilation and guys who where cut a birth, worried that they are missing something, so of that is down to the anti circ groups.
Medical reason. Cut at 22 as my foreskin was too tight. It was like getting a new dick and going through puberty again for the first few years of it. Boy with another new toy lol.

There's pros n cons equally for being cut or uncut. I'm very pleased with my dick and my surgeons efforts on it
All these reasons you guys post are missing the biggest reason by far: religion. Muslims are 100% circumcised and they are one of the fastest growing UK demographics, especially among the younger crowd. There are also many converts to Islam.
All these reasons you guys post are missing the biggest reason by far: religion. Muslims are 100% circumcised and they are one of the fastest growing UK demographics, especially among the younger crowd. There are also many converts to Islam.
I think you do not know what you are talking about. Have you ever been to the UK? The Muslim population in the UK is very small - about 5% so unless it grows an an exponential rate, the increase would be very slow indeed. The is a significant Jewish population in some parts of the UK and many Catholics have traditionally circumcised boys.

In my experience being gay and from the UK, most British guys are not circumcised. When my dad was born, circumcision was quite common but since the formation of the NHS, it has fallen out of practice as the NHS only provides circumcision for legitimate medical reasons. Consequently, the medical profession in the UK is also more enlightened than other advanced countries and no longer see the need for circumcision. As such, there are very few doctors or private healthcare providers who would be willing to carry one out. Don't forget that private healthcare is very rare in the UK and probably wouldn't be covered by it anyway, so circumcisions are not 'pushed' onto parents by the medical profession like they are in the US.
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I think it is becoming more popular for adult men to get cut in the uk. I’d imagine it’s either at the request of there partners and they like the idea of it, or because they are following porn trends where every man has a magnificent looking circumcised penis.

Two of my friends have had it done and at least 3 of my wife’s friends husbands have had it done too. When one of her friends got her husband cut for his 40th birthday (odd gift I know) the other two women followed suite after she inspired them.
I think it is becoming more popular for adult men to get cut in the uk. I’d imagine it’s either at the request of there partners and they like the idea of it, or because they are following porn trends where every man has a magnificent looking circumcised penis.

Two of my friends have had it done and at least 3 of my wife’s friends husbands have had it done too. When one of her friends got her husband cut for his 40th birthday (odd gift I know) the other two women followed suite after she inspired them.
How was their experience?
One of them I talked to told me that sex was better, but masturbating was more difficult as he needed to use lubricant, which is a hassle, so he has pretty much stopped masturbating, safe for the odd time when he has a lot of time alone
Which rather confirms a theory that has been put forward that routine, non-religious circumcision was originally an attempt to prevent masturbation and the putative other health benefits were invented afterwards to justify it.

It is probably worth adding that, while on any particular occasion I would never turn down sex and choose to masturbate instead, if I faced a choice that, for the rest of my life, I could only have sex or only masturbate, I would choose masturbation because of being in control. That applies both to being in control during any particular session but, more importantly, to being able to enjoy an orgasm whenever I want without being dependent, and therefore under the control of, someone else.
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Another sour uncircumcised guy not really minding his own business.
I’ve always said, if you have nothing positive to say then rather not say anything at all
I'm curious about the British guys who are circumcised and in the minority in their country - or vice versa - the American guys who are uncircumcised (in the minority in their country). Are some British guys like me fascinated by cut guys when they see one and what it must be like just like I as an American am fascinated by an uncut American guy when I see one and wonder what it must be like to have a foreskin?

I think about (an am very turned on by) an episode of "Naked Attraction" (original British version) in which the guy choosing his date was cut and appeared naked in front of the final two contestants (and to a segment of the entire public on TV). Are Brits surprised at moments like this - when they find out a guy is cut (as I might be surprised to learn that an American guy is uncut)?