Why do alot of bisexual guys say that their gay?

bisexual erasure is a thing. a lot of bi people are pushed into labeling themselves as mono-sexual for the acceptance of others as well as their safety. there are many other reasons why your question may have been formed. most other reasons have simpler answers
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There are degrees of bi-ness a guy can be mainly het yet enjoy sex of close intimacy with another guy or just gets turned on by loking at guys; the other end is a guy who is mainly gay but still enjoys sex or close intimacy with a woman or gets turned on my looking at women but he will still declare himself as gay because that is where his soul is
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Everyone spends an inordinate amount of time defining themselves sexually -- to themselves and others. It's really no one's business but your own.

Exactly ............. why try defining it which is theoretical science when you can explore it which is practical science.

I am all in favour of practical experimentation the more the better :D
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Most gays won't have anything to do with bisexuals. So it's just easier for a bisexual to tell them that they're gay. Since gays can't tell the difference, they're ok with it. Saves a lot of time and headache for the bisexual.

It's kind of an underhanded sneaky thing for the bisexual to do to get laid, but then when the gay guy just wrongfully has it stuck in their heads that bisexuals are just "confused" or are "gays that just need to come out but won't admit to it", I guess it kind of balances out.

As long as everyone is happy and gets off, who cares! LOL
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I do believe there are 100% straight people. And I believe that many of them consider themselves being sexually liberated and willing to do all sorts of things sexually -- as long as it's in the "straight" paradigm. That said, it's paradoxical in that if you're confined by the "straight" label, you're not really understanding what sexual liberation truly is.
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I do believe there are 100% straight people. And I believe that many of them consider themselves being sexually liberated and willing to do all sorts of things sexually -- as long as it's in the "straight" paradigm. That said, it's paradoxical in that if you're confined by the "straight" label, you're not really understanding what sexual liberation truly is.
I do believe there are 100% straight people. And I believe that many of them consider themselves being sexually liberated and willing to do all sorts of things sexually -- as long as it's in the "straight" paradigm. That said, it's paradoxical in that if you're confined by the "straight" label, you're not really understanding what sexual liberation truly is.

If you have sex with both men and women then you're bisexual period.
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It may take time for some folks to come around to understanding Kinsey heterosexual-homosexual scale http://www.kinseyinstitute.org/research/images/ak-hhscale2_clip_image001.jpg, however by using even this seemingly conservative standard, one realizes that 5 of 7 men on average are at some degree of bisexuality in their own self perception. Rather progressive for a study done more than 70 years ago, eh?
bisexual erasure is a thing. a lot of bi people are pushed into labeling themselves as mono-sexual for the acceptance of others as well as their safety. there are many other reasons why your question may have been formed. most other reasons have simpler answers

That's true... sadly, many people label themselves as homo or hetero just because they feel such a simplification does make things better. And more sadly, some demand such false declarations from bisexual people. Even my sister doesn't believe I'm just keen on both. In my country being bisexual means being a liar and practically, not existing. There are accepted famous bisexuals like Mick Jagger or Lady Gaga, but the acceptance comes only because of their distance from a common man's life. Saying I'm bi, I feel like saying I'm cheating.
I call myself bisexual, tho my selection of men are not as abundance as women. But he men I am attracted to......turn me on way more than any woman. There just isn't enough of those men out here. If I could live anywhere in the world....I'd live in the UK. I find those men to be the sexiest in the world. Ireland isn't too far behind. But yes, I am bisexual!