Why Many Straight Men Here Are So Obsessed With Deciding Who Is Straight And Who Isn't ?

I'm straight. I know this and I am completely comfortable with that. When I have sex it has always been and will continue to be with my wife and my wife alone. I do look at the picture section and I am completely comfortable at looking at other guys dicks. I can and do appreciate almost anything that is exceptional, be it dicks, art, music, mountain climbers, athletes, etc. I truly do not desire either openly or secretly, to have sex with a guy or hook up with some couple. I hold no ill will toward anyone who does do those things. I don't see that kind of behavior as abnormal or sick - just different than mine. It's a big world out there and there is room for anything as long as it does not hurt others.
I find the debate over a person's sexual orientation sort of silly for a couple of reasons.

First, I do not believe the big three labels (straight, gay, bisexual) are sufficient to describe the majority of sexual orientations. For example, lot of guys that identify as "straight" have had a male sexual experience in the past - even if it was just to jerk off with a buddy when they were teens. Lots of gay guys have had sex with a woman in the past, but prefer men. So, in those two instances alone, is one sexual act sufficient to define a guy as straight, gay, or bisexual? I think not. Likewise, there are a lot of guys with foot fetishes, and there are men who like to dress up in their wives' lingerie. How should they be labeled? Does strutting around the house in your wife's bra and panties make you gay? Does it make you straight? If your primary turn on is feet - no matter whose feet - does that make you bisexual? Again, I think not. If you've only had sex with women, and only want to have sex with women, but occasionally get a boner when you see a boner, does that make you gay? Does it make you bisexual? Probably not. So, again, these labels are completely insufficient to describe sexual orientation adequately.

Second, labels are used to make comparisons of people, and when we compare people, someone loses. Just read through the responses in this topic and consider the debate over whether a guy is "really straight." The debate, in and of itself, implies that one orientation is better than another. If that's not true, then why the outrage over whether a guy says he's "straight" but really isn't???

I think what's really important is that we try to understand and accept our own sexual orientation. Forget what the other guy says about himself. Do you know who you are and what you like? Are you honest with yourself about it? If you can answer those two questions affirmatively, you're probably sexually well-adjusted and ready to accept others for who they are.
I think men are obsessed with this issue because they grapple with deciding if they are straight or not. I once read on this forum a question that concerned if looking at your own hard cock equated possible gay or bi-curious desires or interests. ????? Just come out already dude! I don't get that. Just be into what YOU are into and accept any and all feelings that well up and spring out from your mind and body. Self acceptance is sometimes (well, usually) found in how others accept themselves.
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“Men” aren’t obsessed with this. Straight men aren’t obsessed with this. Gay and/or bi men seem to be, and they are who keep raising the issue.
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If you have curiousity/attraction to men, you're not straight. Simple

Attraction? I agree. Curiosity? I don't know. You don't think any straight guy has ever had an academic curiosity? even if only wondering what it's like for her?
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If you have curiousity/attraction to men, you're not straight. Simple
Ok. But would you say the same about women who are curious or had some attraction to women, even if she never acts on it? Why do you think people tend to be so "black and white" with men's sexuality but not so much with women's sexuality? I posted the question here because sometimes it seems that there's a double standard, that women get a pass when they experiment without being labeled as bisexual or lesbian, but men automatically are bi or gay, even if it was just a one-time thing 20 years ago. I am just curious to know what straight men think about it.
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This isn't just a straight guy thing.

One of my best friends since I was a boy is gay af.. I love him like a brother.. But.. I find him, and his gay friends, to be much more unbending when it comes to their definitions of straight/gay/bi than me and my straight friends.

They love to talk about how bisexuality isn't real and that bi guys are just afraid to come all the way out etc.

Meanwhile me and the other straights don't seem to give a shit if you sucked a dick at summer camp 25 yrs ago and decided it wasn't for you.

(And what's up with ~some~ gay guys always wanting to ask you "How do you know you won't like it if you've never tried it".. Fuckin enough already.)
And there's clearly a double standard about women who have experimented vs men who have. That's just a fact.

Usually it's the women who can't seem to get past the idea that a guy has had gay experiences. But that makes sense, yeah? What if he wants something they can't give him? There's bound to be insecurity and doubt.
So I clicked on the link you posted. The first guy can't seem to figure out why he a 'totally 100% straight male' is on this site and appears to be complaining about and I quote: "It is a battle as nearly every thread has Gay or homoerotic overtones. Cock lovers rule here."

Cock lovers rule here! Well gee, I wonder why. It's not like the whole website is geared towards penises and it can be argued that no one loves penis more than gay men!

I'm not trying to argue that all men on this site are a little gay. I'm trying to understand the psychology of why a totally straight man would feel compelled to join a site like this. The internet has millions of forums to join up to with absolutely no homoerotic overtones/undertones.

Agreed. It would be like me going to a vegan restaurant and complaining there are no meat or cheese dishes on the menu. You know what you're getting into.
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Why are you in this website? I searched for penis average on Google and it brought me here.

Why Many Straight Men Here Are So Obsessed With Deciding Who Is Straight And Who Isn't ? Because men that are not straight keep coming back to answer the questions in AASM.

A straight answer from a straight man.
I find it is usually the reverse
especially in fanfic
Sexual orientation is a spectrum, as one can imagine that is assumed by everyone in this webpage, given the % in our profiles.

If you are 100% straight, you are straight. That means that you don't feel attracted or aroused by people of your gender (but you do for people of the other gender)
If you are 100% gay, you are gay. That means that you don't feel attracted or aroused by people of the other gender (but you do for people of your gender)
If you are not 100% whatever and you feel sexual attraction, you are bi, which is kind of a gray category as it covers any intermediate situation.

Those are pretty straight-forward definitions (no pun intended)

All of that is not decided by me, other men, women, or even each person about themselves, because no one decides about their own orientation.

And, as it should be in this webpage, everyone here is (should be) completely OK with every other person sexual orientation.

Another thing is how "femenine" or "masculine" (not the right words at all) every person feels. And that has NOTHING to do with the sexual orientation.
You can be 100% gay and 100% "manly" (again, not the right word, I know). It doesn't mean that you are not gay because gay men are more "femenine" and you are not. It means that you are using the words wrongly.

PS. If this comes because some people tends to fantasize about straight men loving dick and do not like to be said that that is a fantasy, well, that is just reality.
really tho? i doubt that straight people even care to take out a minute of their day to go on here just to "decide" who is gay and who isnt. i mean, why would they? doesnt makes any sense to me.
It is because even though your profile says you are 100% straight, you get asked a million times, if the stars aligned and it was the end of the world, would you suck your friends cock. You have no idea how infuriating it is to be asked that over and over. The answer is never ever ever - end of story so stop asking.
Its a trickle down effect that ultimately negatively affects those all along the sexual spectrum. The elephant in the room here is straight privilege. There are palpable romantic and societal benefits that go along with that privilege and so it doesn't surprise me that those that aren't entirely straight would like to experience it.
There are a lot of heteroamorous bisexual men, slide the percentage scale around all you'd like that's what it is. The only way they will find balance and equilibrium in this world is if they embrace that truth and the consequences that come along with it, no different than the contemporary truths and consequences that face strictly cishet men in this modern age. We're all going to be subject to new romantic selectivity and societal perceptions, a lot of "metrosexuality" was the exact opposite; cishet men trying to capitalize on perceptions of sexual ambiguity to appeal to modern women's desires.
It's disingenuous and I think frankly, weak of men to have to blur categories instead of embracing their individual definitions and finding ways to thrive collectively.
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It's disingenuous and I think frankly, weak of men to have to blur categories instead of embracing their individual definitions and finding ways to thrive collectively.

I think it’s disingenuous and frankly weak to begin by writing off straight people as “privileged”.

Can we stop with this privilege nonsense?