I find the debate over a person's sexual orientation sort of silly for a couple of reasons.
First, I do not believe the big three labels (straight, gay, bisexual) are sufficient to describe the majority of sexual orientations. For example, lot of guys that identify as "straight" have had a male sexual experience in the past - even if it was just to jerk off with a buddy when they were teens. Lots of gay guys have had sex with a woman in the past, but prefer men. So, in those two instances alone, is one sexual act sufficient to define a guy as straight, gay, or bisexual? I think not. Likewise, there are a lot of guys with foot fetishes, and there are men who like to dress up in their wives' lingerie. How should they be labeled? Does strutting around the house in your wife's bra and panties make you gay? Does it make you straight? If your primary turn on is feet - no matter whose feet - does that make you bisexual? Again, I think not. If you've only had sex with women, and only want to have sex with women, but occasionally get a boner when you see a boner, does that make you gay? Does it make you bisexual? Probably not. So, again, these labels are completely insufficient to describe sexual orientation adequately.
Second, labels are used to make comparisons of people, and when we compare people, someone loses. Just read through the responses in this topic and consider the debate over whether a guy is "really straight." The debate, in and of itself, implies that one orientation is better than another. If that's not true, then why the outrage over whether a guy says he's "straight" but really isn't???
I think what's really important is that we try to understand and accept our own sexual orientation. Forget what the other guy says about himself. Do you know who you are and what you like? Are you honest with yourself about it? If you can answer those two questions affirmatively, you're probably sexually well-adjusted and ready to accept others for who they are.