Have you guys seen this? Apparently theres a whole Yummy meltdown happening on their instagram with one of their models and now their post related to this model is flooded with comments...
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"more regular magazine"
"where we show something we wouldn't in Yummy"
"these sorts of models"
Wow, how awful. They are pretty much dividing models in categories of "worthy of our premium publication" and "not worthy (but we still can cash on them)."
Truly bad.
I'd never mock a person who speaks English as a second language, but if you're gonna officially communicate in a language that you're not that good at, you should make sure you have an editor. Often in Yummy I've seen grammar mistakes and some other oddities that puzzled me, but clearly this impolite message on Instagram sounds even worse due to its nuance.
The world does not have enough male TOP models, after all it's a field that is dominated by female models. So Yummy has a shortage of top male models to make offers to be on the magazine. Naturally most will say 'no' due to the lack of high pay, as it has been discussed here at length. So they will need to rely on new faces, not that famous fashion models, and - yes - some models that are only OF/social media models. Still, be kind. Still, be polite. Still, be nice to the people that are disrobing for you. Be protective of them after all they are helping you out regardless of compensation. No need to make distinctions between who's more valuable. They are all handsome men putting on a show in the end. Respect them equally.
In the past I spoke up about the fact people should respect male models. It's a tough job. And now I also say: respect sex workers. That's what a lot of those OF models are and there is no need to debase them.
Yummy should have protected their models - be said models runaway/fashion models or OF performers - and not protect their "customer" who was complaining about pornstars/OF models. Are they ashamed that they featured a few OF models? I see... so why don't they take a cut of the pay they got from mag sales, and give it to the models they are now ashamed of? Oh yeah, no need to answer that.