1-2-3 Do You Know This About Me?

I busted out my flute for the first time a couple weeks ago to play for my fella.. I'm getting back into it.

Only one of my tattoos was done in a shop.

My best friend pierced my bellybutton at home.

2 pweez
I can only eat about 4-5 bites of yogurt, pudding, or the like before my gag reflex starts. If they have something crunchy in them, I can eat however much I want.

2 please
1. I wanted to join the Air Force and be a firefighter

2. I almost auditioned for the marine corps band when in college.

3. I wish I had never quit playing piano. I’m not very proficient anymore.

Two please
I used to be scared of skeletons (human) when I was little

I used to practice Wicca until a series of events in my life made me lose faith in almost everything

I have a fondness for bite size/finger food/appetizer things. Could happily make a meal of artichoke/spinach/jalapeno dip, chicken wings, etc.

2 pls
I fractured my skull when I was 5

I’m growing less tolerant of religious extremism by the second

3 as well

P.S: I also love the concept of entire meals of bite size foods/appetizers. I used to do that quite a bit.
I remember when I was young, I knew how to solder an the basics of mechanics that I took lots of things apart. By maybe age 11-12 I had the house wired though the walls to have a switch to turn on up to three sets of speakers from the cellar to the second floor or each independently.

( my parents were divorced by just about that time , my poor Mom having to deal with me ☺️ ... random bonus fact 1.5 ?....)

I’ll try building or designing, growing, carpentry, etc, anything unless I need a licensed contractor to do their part. But It’s been instilled, to just do it, figure it out, why can’t you do it?

I tend to think out side the box than in.

4 please...
Been a veghead for most of my life.

I collect musical instruments. I can play most of them.

Riding my bike is kinda my Zen. 3am. Headphones. Empty streets. *it's a habit I fell out of, made sure my ass fell right back into*

3 please