Amy Winehouse has Emphysema at 24?

This threads about Amy's illness. It not a I know a better singer than Amy thread. There are a huge amount of performances by Amy around the internet that clearly demonstrate her talent. She hasnt had huge marketing at all actually & all great artists have great producers. So what?
You stick to Sharon whatever & leave us to worrying about Amy's illness.
This threads about Amy's illness. It not a I know a better singer than Amy thread. There are a huge amount of performances by Amy around the internet that clearly demonstrate her talent. She hasnt had huge marketing at all actually & all great artists have great producers. So what?
You stick to Sharon whatever & leave us to worrying about Amy's illness.

She ain't got a real "talent".

She's got a mediocre voice and sings her songs in a jazzy- slightly off-key and out of tempo - stylee, is all.

If Amy is anything special, then we're all doomed.

Mediocrity and clever marketing duz not make you special.

She ain't special.

Just a druggy waster of what "talent" and good marketing she's been blessed wiv.
^Xcuze, I agree with your sentiments slightly, but this is an open Forum and WoB hasn't completely deraile the thread by posting her opinion. I think that Amy's no Aretha, but her style and especially her songwriting offer an oasis for any pop fans, but if WOB doesn't think so she's free to say so.
^Xcuze, I agree with your sentiments slightly, but this is an open Forum and WoB hasn't completely deraile the thread by posting her opinion. I think that Amy's no Aretha, but her style and especially her songwriting offer an oasis for any pop fans, but if WOB doesn't think so she's free to say so.

But plugging another artist at the same time is just opportunism & irrelevant. If she'd left that out I wouldnt have cared squat diddly. This thread is actually about her illnes, in truth. But I dont mind critics of hers. Amy's obvious talent & huge global success more than pisses on any critiscisms.
But plugging another artist at the same time is just opportunism & irrelevant. If she'd left that out I wouldnt have cared squat diddly. This thread is actually about her illnes, in truth. But I dont mind critics of hers. Amy's obvious talent & huge global success more than pisses on any critiscisms.

She'll not stand the test of time like Phil Collins has (or Lonnie Donegan, for that matter - and what of George Formby? - now there WAS talent - died of emphasemia though, I seem to recall).
This threads about Amy's illness. It not a I know a better singer than Amy thread. There are a huge amount of performances by Amy around the internet that clearly demonstrate her talent. She hasnt had huge marketing at all actually & all great artists have great producers. So what?
You stick to Sharon whatever & leave us to worrying about Amy's illness.

I was responding not to the posts about her illnesses, but to the posts extolling her . I simply don't see where she's on par with the great soul singers. With that said, I do like her music and I think her producer has done an amazing job working with the talent she does have.

Regarding her addiction, it's both a disease and something that can be controlled with a lot of help and a lot courage and resolve. I hope she gets her shit together, but I imagine she has a long road.

^Xcuze, I agree with your sentiments slightly, but this is an open Forum and WoB hasn't completely deraile the thread by posting her opinion. I think that Amy's no Aretha, but her style and especially her songwriting offer an oasis for any pop fans, but if WOB doesn't think so she's free to say so.

I like her music, actually. Anyway the thread was also talking about her talent and I wanted to address that. I don't think she's a musical genius, but it's still tragic that she's damaging her life as well as her singing apparatus.
First of all a few of you need to learn a bit about addiction, depression, and the nature of self-destructive behavior.

Second of all, she actually doesn't have emphysema, rather, her father is a bit of a sensationalist and exploiter of the press:

The Associated Press: Spokeswoman: Amy Winehouse doesn't have emphysema

This is what I expected. I thought the reports were a little sensationalistic because emphysema isn't something that happens so quickly. It's a disease for people who have abused their lungs for a lifetime.
If you say drugs, smoking or drinking is bad for you, people tell you to lighten up, stop judging, live and let live, don't push your morals on other people. When people hurt themselves from bad habits, we're supposed to feel sympathetic. What is one supposed to do, take flack for being the party pooper or step in and try to stop someone from going down the wrong path?
If you say drugs, smoking or drinking is bad for you, people tell you to lighten up, stop judging, live and let live, don't push your morals on other people. When people hurt themselves from bad habits, we're supposed to feel sympathetic. What is one supposed to do, take flack for being the party pooper or step in and try to stop someone from going down the wrong path?

I can't tell where you're going with that, Jovial.
You can be sympathetic and display that sympathy in the way you try to stop them from going down the wrong path.
Is it an either/or thing?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see it that way.
My cousin Drank herself to death at age 27.My aunt and uncle sent her to rehab after rehab.She didnt want help.she never thought she had a problem.She died x-mas eve.It was awful.I only pray Amy will see what she is doing to herself and stick to a treatment program before its too late.

Hm, how did she do that?

On the broader topic: Judge not lest ye be judged.

Also: I used to think she was a bit of an amateur, I mean c'mon, snorting vodka? Pssh, no different than a decent flaming drambuie. Anyway, hope she recovers. I need someone more addicted than me out there to look down on ...
I can't tell where you're going with that, Jovial.
You can be sympathetic and display that sympathy in the way you try to stop them from going down the wrong path.
Is it an either/or thing?
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see it that way.
Well, sometimes it's hard to sympathetically tell someone to stop doing something destructive. They just get angry with you.

My stance is everyone takes a calculated risk. I choose not to party much and I've missed out on those experiences, but I think I'm healthier because of it. Some people choose to enjoy their life by partying. How can I say that my choice is better than theirs? Everyone ultimately gets to live and enjoy their life the way they want to.

I guess I'm not in a sympathetic mood today. :frown1:
Of course.
And then, there's a great range of how 'addictable' we all are, just in physical terms.
I can drink all I want or smoke all I want, and often have (though not so much lately), but I've never gotten hooked on anything, not in the slightest.
On the other hand, my father and his father were alcoholics.
(My father got complete control of it once he realized that his professional life would collapse if he didn't. He quit when I was born and was thereafter able to keep alcohol in the house, strictly for guests, but never took a single drink in all the years I knew him.)

What bothers me about Wartrac's post is that I think he's being not only callous, as he half admits, to addicts ... but callous also to himself.
I think we have to harden ourselves a lot not to feel a natural compassion for anyone whose life is going down the tubes for any reason.
That doesn't mean we have to be sob sisters.
Compassion is not something we should dwell on or inflate.
But we begin with it naturally a piece of our beings, and when we're almost proud of squelching it, something's out of kilter.
Very common ... I'm sure I do this, too.

Fine. But Wartrac, that's the fault of the public and the media ... not the celebrities.

Oh really? You are going to tell me that Celebs do not do things that are beyond acceptable public behavior just to attract attention to themselves? It's the evil media and celeb hungry public that makes celebs do everything to showing off their cooch while getting out of a car to gun charges to driving under the influence over and over again?

I smell another person who doesn't believe in accountability. This is why I don't have sympathy, more so regarding celebs.

And don't assume I don't have compassion regarding people having their lives going down the perverbial shitter. I said I was speaking about people that don't go for help that they need, or go back when that help doesn't work the first time. Celebs have means that your average citizen does not, that is called money. They can go to the best rehabs money can buy versus local dry tanks. So there is even less of an excuse to get help.

I work with my local Boy's Club and also work in the Big Brother program. Between my Military service, my father's death, my divorce and a lot of crap in between I've seen and done a lot for my somewhat still young age, to include drinking, a lot. I didn't drink everyday, but when I started to have a couple too many, it would turn into a lot too many. When you can polish off a 5th of Bombay Sapphire and everyone around you thinks you are still somewhat sober, that takes a special skill.

I don't have sympathy for a lot of celebs that have various substance problems because a lot of them do not have real problems....other than being famous and not being able to handle success. I would like to see some of these people bury their father, bury what was left of 3 of their best friends that were vaporized but yet you were lucky enough to just get hit with shrapnel that allowed you to walk away, but since you were the "lucky one" you get to go home and talk to the wives and children of your friends and tell them what happened.

Not to mention that a couple of the kids never even met their fathers so you have to tell them what he was like and also visit them once in a while to keep that memory alive as they get older and understand more about what happened. Which means you get to keep reliving that moment over and over in your head. Then go through a divorce because your ex-wife cannot handle your mood swings because of the all the things previously listed. Which just added more to the pile. Oh and by the way this all happened within 4 years. This doesn't even cover other things I've done in the Military prior (first enlisted in 89) and things that I also dealt with as a child, the list is rather extensive.

I saw I was heading down a bad path and sought help, for my sake and for my kids. Now I'm working out constantly, I can have a drink or two with dinner and be ok and like I said I'm volunteering with local kids to explain to them how life is in fact fucked up but it's no excuse to toss it away. Bad shit happens but you have the rest of your life to enjoy yourself and have good things come out of it. Wasting it with drink, needles, smoke, blow, X whatever, is nothing but a tragedy and a complete waste of something wonderful. Trust me I do use a little more tact with the kids when I talk to them:tongue:. I don't deserves a pat on the back for helping, the kids who take what I say and make the right decisions need to be applauded. They are making those life altering choices and making the right ones at early ages so they will have a clear head to battle their way out of whatever hurdle is in their way.

So no, my opinion regarding people not taking steps to help themselves regardless of why is valid. Everyone has a choice, everyone, period.

All I want to know is:
Who the fuck is Amy Winehouse and why the crap should I care about her lungs?


amy is an adult and she's responsible for her own actions. i do sympathize with her because she's so young and she's close to my age. however, she should be mature enough to understand the situation she got herself into.

Exactly again.
I think contempt for "celebrity" is ironic coming from people who have the option to hide behind avatars. I'm not excusing what she did it all, but she clearly had trouble outside the business, including an eating disorder, having to deal with not being conventionally pretty, coupled with the pressures of stardom. More than being a fan of her music, I reserve my judgments for her cuz I don't know the life she's lived, it may not have been the easy one we all pictured. People who get raped don't advertise it on t-shirts, people who were outcast and ridiculed don't celebrate that wish bumper stickers and songs about loving being disconnected from society. I simply don't know enough about her to begin pointing fingers. Though its entirely valid to mention that "this is her choice," I think that's ignoring the human side of Amy, believe it or not that's a real person on those gossip shows and blogs, she's not a character, she's someone's daughter and someone's friend. A few times she's spoken of getting out of music to raise a family and I give her kudos cuz she atleast hasn't gone that far yet, having kids with a strange man and trainwreckin' it all over the place like other pop tarts.
I think contempt for "celebrity" is ironic coming from people who have the option to hide behind avatars.

This carries no weight at all since everyone involved in this discussion is in the same situation. Not sure why not posting your personal information has to do with having an opinion. Nothing ironic about it, they live in the spotlight, open ridicule comes with it. This is nothing new, if you don't want to be in the public eye then go work the fry station.

I'm not excusing what she did it all, but she clearly had trouble outside the business, including an eating disorder, having to deal with not being conventionally pretty, coupled with the pressures of stardom. More than being a fan of her music, I reserve my judgments for her cuz I don't know the life she's lived, it may not have been the easy one we all pictured.

Did you really list "not convertionally pretty as a possible reason. Christ that mean 90% of the population should be addicts. Ernest Borgnine made a decent career for himself, hell look at Oprah. Again, regardless of what has gone on during the course of her life, there is a little spark in everyones brain that kicks in at somepoint and says "WTF am I doing!" Some people choose to ignore it until it's too late. They like the "woe is me, everyone feel bad for me" situation because it gives them needed attention.

People who get raped don't advertise it on t-shirts, people who were outcast and ridiculed don't celebrate that wish bumper stickers and songs about loving being disconnected from society. I simply don't know enough about her to begin pointing fingers.

Again, I'm not saying she's an addict cause she felt like it. I'm saying Celebs have more options than the average person to get the help they need. And more often than not they choose against it, for those people I have no sympathy.

Though its entirely valid to mention that "this is her choice," I think that's ignoring the human side of Amy, believe it or not that's a real person on those gossip shows and blogs, she's not a character, she's someone's daughter and someone's friend. A few times she's spoken of getting out of music to raise a family and I give her kudos cuz she atleast hasn't gone that far yet, having kids with a strange man and trainwreckin' it all over the place like other pop tarts.

Again with the "yet". It's like the celebs that get arrested for DUI time and time again with no jail time. Is it going to take someone getting killed before celebs are addressed and sentenced the same way us common folk do? Giving someone "kudos" for not going that far yet is what is wrong in the first place. You don't praise someone for fucking up just a little bit and they haven't gone over the edge yet. Talk about having mediocre goals. :rolleyes: