What I meant to say was that on a site dominated by huge dongs, it seems like everyone gives much love to the posterior fornix, and very little to the anterior.
Speaking from experience, it's pretty difficult to angle up before the cervix on purpose. I've heard it done by accident, by shape of cock, or by a concerted effort from both parties to move here, angle there, slide to, nudge fro,
In some ways this makes sense, since pressure upon the back wall is undeniably special, and takes a hung bull of a man to hammer hot, wet and right.
Most of the women I've spoken with except you, red44 and subgirrl prefer grinding the backstop as opposed to hammering. Maybe the cervix comes to play here? Hammering would require a bit of back and forth distance, probably longer than the distance from cds to cervix. Not sure there, kinda stabbing in the dark.
Yet I've noticed that for a man to be able to plunge into my posterior fornix and make the most of it, I need... no *WANT* him to dwell there. Extremely minute strokes deep within, or just a constant pressure is what I crave for peak posterior pleasure.
NUDGEFUCKING!! I love the nudgefucking! :biggrin1:
However, this means the stud can't directly be stimulating other areas inside my vagina as effectively as before. I want him deep, I want him to stay deep, and certainly he can make circular movements with his hips to help "girth me," but that doesn't make up for direct stroking friction.
I can't swivel my hips hard enough and sustain the depth necessary to maintain the stretch necessary when I'm on top, but MrsR does a fine enough job when she's on top. Here are some of the movements I've gleaned from the web as examples:
ALL the above leads into my love for the anterior fornix. When I was in my early 20's I began to lose my hate for cervical pressure, and gained an appreciation for the anterior fornix.
Very cool that you have the analytical sense to discern the different areas within to say this feels better today than it did last month. We've noticed that as the years go by, her vagina seems to grip, release and mold to my cock differently.
My anterior fornix does not require constant pressure, instead I prefer quick, colliding strokes into it.
Somewhere here, maybe even this thread, is an article about how the anterior fornix is actually deeper than the posterior fornix. I need to find that paper.
My cervix, however, seems to retract to a peculiar angle when I am aroused,
Could you expand on that? Petite has the ability to consciously raise it up and out of the way when she feels it necessary. Is that similar?
so in order for a boy to get into my anterior fornix, we need to be at steep and mis-matched bodily slopes, making his penis pointed as though he's about to fuck up and down my slit (also fun :evil: also why I love curves :aargh4
Love the description! I also love how the rough g-spot surface slides up and down my shaft when we do that. It feels like it should hurt, but the internal stress just makes it feel better.
As you can imagine, this angle when combined with the sharp and hard strokes I want makes for an excellent way to haphazardly fumble my g-spot.
Can a mismatched doggy do the same thing? Mismatched meaning the guy's cock is riding high making it angled almost perpendicular to the ground. Frenulum contact is so much more pleasurable for me.
This brings about the sensation I described as feeling like "there was someone within my skin tickling and rubbing me all over before the orgasm crests." The last brilliant thing I will mention about my anterior fornix is that all the above can be performed with dextrous fingers if need be. :silly:
Yeah, true, but using my fingers aren't nearly as much fun as my cock. :biggrin1:
-Anterior fornix stimulation means denial of posterior fornix pressure :02:
-I've never tried one of those g-spot stimulators like the we-vibe thingies in-conjunction with posterior fornix penetration to see what that result is like.
-Everything can come down to penis shape and size... I had one partner who had a noteworthy size and an obsurd S-shape that made him feel like he was everywhere inside me. Hooks, curves. straight, soft, hard... it's all going to change the "when and where's"
Good list, but I want to speak more about your prtner who had the S-shape. It got me thinking that if we could start from scratch and design the perfect penis (ala Bad Dragon), how would it be shaped? Rather than a domed head, would we have a pronounced cup with a wide rim to cradle the cervix and possibly suck on it when held flush against the cockhead? would the brim of this cockhead have a girth to it to properly stretch out the fornices in *all* directions? I wonder, if the cock were more like a contained bag of fluid, what shape would it be if it were pumped into the vagina and expanded into whatever shape the vaginal walls would allow?