So recently, I was about to go see him for my sixth time, and if the studio was hot, I was going to ask if I could go without the drape sheet. I booked my appointment several days ahead, as I knew there was going to be a hurricane passing, but that appointment wasn’t scheduled to take place until several days after the hurricane was supposed to have passed or ended.
I know I have been building this guy up in my mind for several sessions by that point, because I think he’s straight, but also it’s certainly questionable? There hasn’t been indications toward either, or it’s wishful thinking on my end.
Well, turns out because of the said storm, they weren’t able to use their studio, so the night before the appointment, I get a text and ask if they would mind if I had my appointment at their home for which they newly cleared a space to have a studio room and their table is set up. I accepted if it wasn’t going to be out of his way for me and he said he already has other clients booked to do the same. Well, I decided to drink two shots of whiskey prior this time for that little liquid courage and the setup seemed super official and I would say I liked the vibe to it better than the studio itself. He mentions how it may be kind if an unofficial setup, but because of the emergency - and being his work and money - this type of situation meant he has ti to host at his place and thanks me for the consideration and willing.
He shows me the table, not his usual plug in one, so no heat or up and down, but I oddly liked the headrest and table better than the fancy one. I start undressing in front of him a little since he hasn’t quite left and he pretty quickly works his way out of the room and points at a bottle of water for me. I don’t give him the option to explain his setup since I’m actively undressing, shirt off, then socks, and half shorts down. His table had a sheet on it, brown instead of the usual white, and it was all of the way up to under the headrest, folded, instead of half way down the sable or a little side tuck open to indicate that I was supposed to get under it. So, of course, I felt brave and took advantage and just laid on top of she sheet. He came in the room and everything was normal and we just shoot up a conversation and he seems to get working on me without asking me to do anything different since words-wise, he didn’t really have that opportunity to slip in about it, or he at least I would’ve thought he would have said something immediately to me about the requirement. So, in my mind, he’s okay with this development also, lol.
Most every other time, with the sheet on me, he never really worked on my ass. He did the side of my cheeks, but never went very central or did it with the sheet over me. This time, he mostly focused on my ass, hand-to-cheek. I started face down, and kept chubbing up because I knew he had a sight of my downward and outward facing cock and balls. I practiced the night prior to see which way might feel and look best, lmao. When I flipped, the thigh situation again happened and I would start getting hard thinking about how he knew I came that one time and still let me back and how he hasn’t said anything yet.
My dick slightly bounces and is going from soft to hard and he stumbles out some words and says “you did know there was a sheet on the table for you to use, right?” and I was definitely unbelievable and lying in my response when I said “oh, no, but this is fine, I’m comfortable if you are” and he didn’t really say anything, but he started saying something about the letter of the law (where I think he was going is that as long as both client and masseuse are comfortable then undraped is fine). I kind of cut him off before he could get that far and kicked up a convo about another local masseuse who I saw while he was out of town.. and my boner went down so nothing really further was said about that interaction. He finishes wiping the oil off of me and I thank him. He “apologizes about the confusion” again and I say “for what?” followed by “oh!” as it clicked in my head what he had meant and I reiterate that I’m comfortable if he is and pop up off of the table before he has a chance to respond and he leaves the room since I’m naked. I had to use the bathroom and walked out naked and let him look if he wanted, but kept my eyes looking away from him to see if he was. All is good. We thank, I leave.
I had been in town in order to help some family move and the massage had been in the morning. That evening I decided to text him that I could use another massage if he ended up being free again and had availability the next day, as it would be my last opportunity to get one for a bit. A few hours later he replies he is all set up, but this time has his table from his studio that has hydrolics and the heat portion, and that I’m free to book it for anytime after the afternoon. So I book 4pm-6pm.
The next day comes and I go and he leaves me to the room and I don’t even question it.. I just get down naked on the table. He comes in, no questions and says nothing about it and works confidently on me. He says he was surprised I was back so soon, but I again explain that this would be one of my last opportunities for a bit and that I still had more moving to go. I guess I precame a bunch on my hips during all of this and he now notices as he worked his way up and starts wiping me with the sheets and says “you got a little wet there” and I lowly say “sorry.” and he says “it’s totally fine,” or something like that. I was like woah, he’s being super chill about it and apparently my mind went down that rabbit hole and I start openly getting hard while on my back (face-up). He worked on me like normal, except my body is a bit more reactive this time and I think I may be pushing back, lightly adjusting, slightly arching, and he seems to be going with it and rubbing in the newly accessible areas.
For the first time instead of sitting straight like hands to side and set out legs straight, I curled my legs up a little bit so that my two feet were touching one another and he started massaging that muscle that leads up to my groin. My dick started jumping and he kept pushing the blood flow up to my dick. I asked for a towel to cover my face for the light to try and distract him from my growing cock, but it also made me more horny because I took my arm and put it over my eyes. This being a two hour massage, we had the face down, then the face up where he cleaned my precum and I had bent my legs and he followed it upward. We had mentioned massaging 30 minutes for each side, but he says “wow, time is going by fast for me, it has actually been 45 minutes if you’re going strictly by time, if you want to turn over onto you stomach.”
I go along with any suggestion and say sure and tuck my cock down and outward against my left leg’s thigh and he’s semi-grazing it while going up and down and pressure massaging my legs, two hands on one thigh and alternating both.. so I know he sees me getting hard and leaking again. I felt like I was losing my boner a little and after thinking there was only a few minutes lef… I decided I didn’t want to be face down at the end of it. I asked if he minds if I turn back up again and he says of course it’s fine and so I do. He goes above my head and lifts up my head and rests it above where his pube-line would be while he’s standing / near his lap area / while he’s kind of leaning forward to prop me up, but with both hands under my neck and massaging.
I imagine he’s just staring at my dick growing slowly and swinging up toward my bellybutton as he’s doing this. It felt super nice!! He continues and works on my belly, which was a change, since it wasn’t in my preference sheet.. but his hands would graze into my pubes and toward my crack and my cock would bounce a little and hit his arm since he was moving my body in that manner.
He went to my feet and then grabbed around my ankles and stroked all of the way up each leg to my groin multiple times and he must’ve known this way my trigger because he would keep going that same motion using both hands whenever my dick was chubbing down. I didn’t care at this point about trying to hide my boner, but my body was fighting and would keep getting softer and harder and making a ton of pre-cum. I bent my legs even further up and he followed way up near my crack and kept pressing on the spots that he would hear me moan a little on.
He never did fully stroke my dick or balls even though I was prone and laying out in a position to be milked. I had thought he had held me over the massage time, but it ended right on time again, at 6pm. Sadly I left the area he’s in again, but I go back once every other month to visit family and so that leaves room for the next time..
I’ll make sure to have some whiskey in me, edge a bit, and hopefully my body will be determined to show off for him by getting hard and staying hard without my dick being touched and that he gets horny enough to take advantage too. I’ll have to admit, massage is great for my muscles, but also makes me trim, scrub my back and not eat a hefty meal beforehand - so the hygiene is good and the food and jerking off afterward always is such an endorphin boost & release. I always have tipped him well, but he also has never been very expensive. I like that he’s official and not like a strict gay masseuse / only home studio / or anything since it feels more natural and not forced and that I believe he is enjoying himself as much as I am. I left my first review of his, a glowing one, shortly after the massage.. as I was nervous if I went too far with letting myself be THAT exhibitionist. He ended up texting me a little later and thanking me for the review and for being his repeat client. I said I truly appreciate him.
At the end of the massage he had mentioned he was only booking any repeat clients or people he knew as he is using his home currently and it’s unofficial and maybe not on par with the law after the ongoing emergency hurricane declarations, but that he has been enjoying giving them at home and that he may continue to do them in the studio and his home for certain clients… which means it seems that I’m open to book with him again next time and I hope he allows me back into his home, as I feel more free to really relax there and I hope that he will end up feeling more relaxed as well..
Please, no DMs asking about the person, studio, or location of him.
I’ve attached a photo of how horny and hard I was on the airplane ride back home after having been massaged by him back-to-back.
I want him to see and edge me full-mast like that.
If only, if only.