Big Brother 14

Too bad Frank got evicted. He should have been this season's winner. He would have got through just fine on his own the way he did the rest of the season; no need for him to team up with that emaciated Dan.

I have to say, I agree! Although earlier in the season, I didn't want him to win. As the show progressed, he was one heck of a competitor!
I have to say, I agree! Although earlier in the season, I didn't want him to win. As the show progressed, he was one heck of a competitor!

Frank certainly deserves to win the $25K prize as America's Favorite Houseguest--but who knows. Glad to see Joe finally gone--his DR screaming sessions were really annoying. (One of the most worthless BB players in the show's history, IMO.) Watching the dynamics between Dan and Ian will be interesting.
I have to go with my man, frank. God he is adorable and sexy without trying to be. And with that wavy hair and cute smile...shit. And of course there's his 'good ole boy' personality.

I'd do him.


another thought: why cannot everyone see thru DAN the DICK? i loathe him and am beginning to cringe when Ian has airtime. anyone else feel the same, nor no? reminds me of a hyperactive mouse.
I have to go with my man, frank. God he is adorable and sexy without trying to be. And with that wavy hair and cute smile...shit. And of course there's his 'good ole boy' personality.

I'd do him.

Thanks for the fantasy. I'd like to watch that.
Shane looked way better on the show with his tanned body. The pics on his tumblr make him look really pale
another thought: why cannot everyone see thru DAN the DICK? i loathe him and am beginning to cringe when Ian has airtime. anyone else feel the same, nor no? reminds me of a hyperactive mouse.

I still like Dan, but I admit he hasn't been able to maintain the nice-guy persona he had during his own season a few years back. I suspect he won't win this year.

And, Lord, yes, Ian is irritating. I can't stand watching the weird tippy-toe way he walks. And his puffy manboobs are strange for someone who is so thin.
Really! I think he's a back stabbing, lying, sack of shit.

All true, but so far he's managed to make every remaining HG his personal bitch. Actually surprised he hasn't bent Shane and Ian over...although I guess that wouldn't be a good career move as a head football coach at a Catholic high school. Let's see if Shane and Ian keep figuratively sucking his dick. (Not sure either of those two wouldn't actually enjoy the experience, however.)
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I did keep wondering if the gay guy with the long blond hair (name forgotten) was transgendered... he had potential (to win) but think his mouth got him.

As to Ian (aka the nerd) I think he has potential. Glad to see '12 lives and counting' Frank finally go.
slightly off topic. I think someone here once posted a link to a vid with an international big brother contestant that was alone jerking off in several spots in the backyard including the hot tub. one of the hottest vids I've ever seen. I've tried searching for it but cant find it. anyone know where I can?