Conor mcgregor

This is so hypocritical. First of all I wanna say that crime is not sexy at all. But it's safe to say that all of us here watch porn. Do you guys know how many sex offense there are in PORN industry? Yeah? EXACTLY. And yet still we watch these a**holes. An example is J0hnny R@p!d. Did you guys know that he solicited a threesome with a minor with his wife? Of course you guys know that. Not only was he arrested, he was convicted. And yet, we still jerk off to him. Why? It's because nobody cares! Nobody cares if that guy you're jerking off to is morally sane or not because essentially you're just jerking off to the screen of your phone. That's it. And think about it, you're jerking off to an imagery of a stranger through your phone. You sickf*ck. And again, NOBODY CARES! All of us just want to jerk off. So please please let's just fucking end this here. Let's just effin jerk off.
At the risk of getting banned for participating in this mess of a thread once again, I will say this: The previous commentor is absolutely, 100% wrong and should frankly be ashamed. I would never continue supporting someone like that, regardless of industry. Everyone saying nobody cares and we're just here to jerk off; love yourself more.
At the risk of getting banned for participating in this mess of a thread once again, I will say this: The previous commentor is absolutely, 100% wrong and should frankly be ashamed. I would never continue supporting someone like that, regardless of industry. Everyone saying nobody cares and we're just here to jerk off; love yourself more.
And yet you continue to come back here. I wonder why. I never said I support what he did and the act. I didn't even say that I support him. All I said was we all just come here to jerk off. I mean that's what I follow this site for and this thread. I just stated a fact. If stating a fact will get me banned then by all means.
New video footage is why I get annoyed as fuck at people on the net ready to try and "cancel" someone right away. Fucking hivemind of sheep with their pitchforks ready to tear somene down, same thing is happening in the tenoch thread here.

Yalls eagerness to do this just makes it harder to believe when rape actually happens. Hate the dude for being a giant prick (there's plenty of instances) and not some lie you try to spread on the internet.

And for the people that keep on saying I'm excusing rape fuck you and get some reading comprehension because you clearly didn't learn it at school
Why are normalizing sexual assault? Even if that woman is out for a pay day, the real question is, how did she and him first came into contact for them to meet at a VIP bathroom? Something happened before the assault came. And that woman is definitely not all 100% either.

She has to have known who he was before meeting up and agreeing to be in a bathroom with him. She knew what she was doing.

Also, let’s not forget, he’s expecting a FOURTH child. The infidelity is just atrocious.

my 2 cents is he will pay her off like he did the other women before her to keep their mouth shut.
Stfu and go complain on twitter or something
This site is literally called Large Penis Support Group. We don't come here for morality or ethics. If I did, I wouldn't have came here in the first place. So yeah...
Wow... yeah some of Y'all got some serious mental problems.
I think it's highly likely that they have an open relationship.
I agree. I mean it's Mcgregor. You have to be open to have a relationship with him. Even if most of it is just for his image, it's still pretty wild to not to be open about it.
I agree. I mean it's Mcgregor. You have to be open to have a relationship with him. Even if most of it is just for his image, it's still pretty wild to not to be open about it.
Yeah I just bring it up cuz some think he's a cheater lol not that I'm sticking up for him tho cuz I can see it
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As much as I’d love to have sex with him and actually be with him cos I think it must be a lot of fun, I wouldn’t actually wanna date him. The level of male toxicity is just something I couldn’t deal with in the long run. The constant fear of him cheating or him even asking you to let him cheat, I couldn’t deal with it. His ego is just too big and i doubt that he could ever love someone more than he loves himself. Considering all that I’d probably still fall for him (or maybe that’s exactly why I’d fall for him) but I’m sure that I would regret it haha