Daniel Greene (book Youtuber)

Ok, I'm gonna sound kinda insane and even though I don't wanna date anybody I get kinda jealous of bi guys who get supportive gfs that don't care about their sexual orientation, all I get are the most evil biphobic women you'll ever meet.
Ok, I'm gonna sound kinda insane and even though I don't wanna date anybody I get kinda jealous of bi guys who get supportive gfs that don't care about their sexual orientation, all I get are the most evil biphobic women you'll ever meet.
I’m sorry for that dude, you deserve better
Ok, I'm gonna sound kinda insane and even though I don't wanna date anybody I get kinda jealous of bi guys who get supportive gfs that don't care about their sexual orientation, all I get are the most evil biphobic women you'll ever meet.
Biphobia sucks a lot because you get shit from both ends of the spectrum about it.