I learned an interesting way to control ejaculation but it requires a bit of practice to master it.
Firstly you need to recognise the sensation of the oncoming ejaculation in order to do what is necessary to prevent it, it's hard to describe in words but you can feel some fluid flow along your tubes inside your body and your cock becomes more sensitive. You have to focus on what you can feel to learn the right moment to stop stimulation, you should reach "the point of no return" a few times just so you know what is happening and practise your timing.
This method gets very close to an orgasm but doesn't involve squeezing the PC muscle, you use your breathing and contract certain muscles to cancel the orgasm. When you get good, you can keep fucking or wanking while staying in control, although stopping makes it a lot easier.
So just before the point of no return that you learnt to recognise, you need stop all stimulation, then expand your lower abdominal muscles while breathing out, your stomach will inflate, at the same time you contract your lower back muscles which will pull your pelvis rearwards. This combination will prevent orgasm contractions if you hold the position and don't inhale until the pre-orgasm sensation fades, usually a few seconds will do.
Inhale and start stimulation again until you approach the point of no return again then repeat the above exercise. You will become a bit desensitized each time you do this and it will be easier to control the orgasm.
After several edges, your erection will become very hard and long lasting, it's up to you how long and how many times you stop the orgasm from occuring. When you do cum you will have a mindblowing, super intense orgasm with ropes of spunk.