Edging tips

I edge at least 3 times a day. As stated, it does take time to "master" but it is well worth it. I really started just because I heard it was a good way to build up a big cum shot. Shortly after, I discovered a few little beads of precum (I never had it before). After that, I was more focused on learning how to produce and drip pre and from that point on, I have become obsessed with it. Over time, it has helped my sex life immensely because it's taught me to control and hold back if the need calls for it. Now when I'm fucking, I can last for a very, very long time thru all kinds of positions. It makes for a very fun and vigorous sexperience.
To answer your questions:
1. yes, I watch porn. (ALOT of it lol)
2. Sometimes I'll use an aneros but 8 times out of time, no toy
3. I'll stop for a few minutes on a long edge session (more than an hour) but I'll stay hard the whole time whilst watching porn. Other times, I'll edge for like 5 minutes and then stop for a while and do stuff.
I love edging as well. This website has some very good information on the subject and should be checked out. Extreme Edging and Cum Denial
Interesting. I read the closed and open edging bit. I edge relaxed a lot of the time. It causes a bits of cum to just leak out. Interesting control. Staying relaxed while you orgasm (the sex muscles and dick), but using the rest of your body can be wild, especially during sex.
I learned an interesting way to control ejaculation but it requires a bit of practice to master it.

Firstly you need to recognise the sensation of the oncoming ejaculation in order to do what is necessary to prevent it, it's hard to describe in words but you can feel some fluid flow along your tubes inside your body and your cock becomes more sensitive. You have to focus on what you can feel to learn the right moment to stop stimulation, you should reach "the point of no return" a few times just so you know what is happening and practise your timing.

This method gets very close to an orgasm but doesn't involve squeezing the PC muscle, you use your breathing and contract certain muscles to cancel the orgasm. When you get good, you can keep fucking or wanking while staying in control, although stopping makes it a lot easier.

So just before the point of no return that you learnt to recognise, you need stop all stimulation, then expand your lower abdominal muscles while breathing out, your stomach will inflate, at the same time you contract your lower back muscles which will pull your pelvis rearwards. This combination will prevent orgasm contractions if you hold the position and don't inhale until the pre-orgasm sensation fades, usually a few seconds will do.

Inhale and start stimulation again until you approach the point of no return again then repeat the above exercise. You will become a bit desensitized each time you do this and it will be easier to control the orgasm.

After several edges, your erection will become very hard and long lasting, it's up to you how long and how many times you stop the orgasm from occuring. When you do cum you will have a mindblowing, super intense orgasm with ropes of spunk.
Getting naked and having the time to do it for a while is the best. Like others have said get hard and stroke it until you feel the intense pleasure. The key is knowing when to stop so you don’t cum and that takes practice. At that point you should feel an intense kind of pressure in your balls and prostate area, such a good feeling! Take your hand off your cock, maybe go soft and enjoy the edge feeling! Then start all over again. It’s not about the cum it’s about riding the edge! But when you do cum it’s amazing.
IT IS NOT THE SPERM , BUT IT´S ABOUT RIDING THE EDGE AND GAION CONTROL OVER THE ENTIRE MALE BODY BY IRON WILL , STOPPING SPERM FLOW AT THE PINT OF HIGHEST SPERM PRESSURE ! very impressed of you description ! practiced 9 totally unsatisfying sperm releases without orgasm . just on the way to force and frustrate the complete naked masculine body to practice this in cold outdoor field at 56 fahrenheit degrees ! after a long edging session the naked masculine body will be shivering from cold ! it is a very addicting and unhealthy ritual for the male body !
Yes, I watch porn while I'm edging. It makes it more difficult when I find porn that really turns me on, but that's part of the challenge. If you want to edge then you need to get used to resisting your urge to cum when it feels like you're ready. Stopping and starting is the core of what edging is.
I learned an interesting way to control ejaculation but it requires a bit of practice to master it.

Firstly you need to recognise the sensation of the oncoming ejaculation in order to do what is necessary to prevent it, it's hard to describe in words but you can feel some fluid flow along your tubes inside your body and your cock becomes more sensitive. You have to focus on what you can feel to learn the right moment to stop stimulation, you should reach "the point of no return" a few times just so you know what is happening and practise your timing.

This method gets very close to an orgasm but doesn't involve squeezing the PC muscle, you use your breathing and contract certain muscles to cancel the orgasm. When you get good, you can keep fucking or wanking while staying in control, although stopping makes it a lot easier.

So just before the point of no return that you learnt to recognise, you need stop all stimulation, then expand your lower abdominal muscles while breathing out, your stomach will inflate, at the same time you contract your lower back muscles which will pull your pelvis rearwards. This combination will prevent orgasm contractions if you hold the position and don't inhale until the pre-orgasm sensation fades, usually a few seconds will do.

Inhale and start stimulation again until you approach the point of no return again then repeat the above exercise. You will become a bit desensitized each time you do this and it will be easier to control the orgasm.

After several edges, your erection will become very hard and long lasting, it's up to you how long and how many times you stop the orgasm from occuring. When you do cum you will have a mindblowing, super intense orgasm with ropes of spunk.
Your method works for me, thanks
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Yes, I watch porn while I'm edging. It makes it more difficult when I find porn that really turns me on, but that's part of the challenge. If you want to edge then you need to get used to resisting your urge to cum when it feels like you're ready. Stopping and starting is the core of what edging is.
Porn really gets a session going, for sure. Even using and not touching. Focusing on your body movements and mind play.
I learned an interesting way to control ejaculation but it requires a bit of practice to master it.

Firstly you need to recognise the sensation of the oncoming ejaculation in order to do what is necessary to prevent it, it's hard to describe in words but you can feel some fluid flow along your tubes inside your body and your cock becomes more sensitive. You have to focus on what you can feel to learn the right moment to stop stimulation, you should reach "the point of no return" a few times just so you know what is happening and practise your timing.

This method gets very close to an orgasm but doesn't involve squeezing the PC muscle, you use your breathing and contract certain muscles to cancel the orgasm. When you get good, you can keep fucking or wanking while staying in control, although stopping makes it a lot easier.

So just before the point of no return that you learnt to recognise, you need stop all stimulation, then expand your lower abdominal muscles while breathing out, your stomach will inflate, at the same time you contract your lower back muscles which will pull your pelvis rearwards. This combination will prevent orgasm contractions if you hold the position and don't inhale until the pre-orgasm sensation fades, usually a few seconds will do.

Inhale and start stimulation again until you approach the point of no return again then repeat the above exercise. You will become a bit desensitized each time you do this and it will be easier to control the orgasm.

After several edges, your erection will become very hard and long lasting, it's up to you how long and how many times you stop the orgasm from occuring. When you do cum you will have a mindblowing, super intense orgasm with ropes of spunk.
I learned an interesting way to control ejaculation but it requires a bit of practice to master it.

Firstly you need to recognise the sensation of the oncoming ejaculation in order to do what is necessary to prevent it, it's hard to describe in words but you can feel some fluid flow along your tubes inside your body and your cock becomes more sensitive. You have to focus on what you can feel to learn the right moment to stop stimulation, you should reach "the point of no return" a few times just so you know what is happening and practise your timing.

This method gets very close to an orgasm but doesn't involve squeezing the PC muscle, you use your breathing and contract certain muscles to cancel the orgasm. When you get good, you can keep fucking or wanking while staying in control, although stopping makes it a lot easier.

So just before the point of no return that you learnt to recognise, you need stop all stimulation, then expand your lower abdominal muscles while breathing out, your stomach will inflate, at the same time you contract your lower back muscles which will pull your pelvis rearwards. This combination will prevent orgasm contractions if you hold the position and don't inhale until the pre-orgasm sensation fades, usually a few seconds will do.

Inhale and start stimulation again until you approach the point of no return again then repeat the above exercise. You will become a bit desensitized each time you do this and it will be easier to control the orgasm.

After several edges, your erection will become very hard and long lasting, it's up to you how long and how many times you stop the orgasm from occuring. When you do cum you will have a mindblowing, super intense orgasm with ropes of spunk.
very good description of edging ritual. starting just now edging ovwer many hours , days (?) , forcing the complete naked masculine body to practice up to 57 totally unsatisfying ejaculations without orgasm. forcing the male reproductive system to produce more sperm and seminal fluids by eating l-arginin, letcitine , powdered celery seed , zink, garlic....
I fucking love edging too. If I have time, I would watch porn and edge for hours... stop and start again, watching my rock hard cock pulsate and feeling running precumall over my cock and balls. if I go on for a couple of hours, I shoot really far and the sensation is just incredible. One of my biggest fantasies is for someone to tie me up to a chair, videorecord me, and edge me for hours while I beg to let me cum.
26yo man smooth hung into being verbally on skype.

I like longs sessions just receinving instructions about how control my load.
Turns on: lube, undies, poppers and laces.

Skype ID jizzzzer
You right Edging can be addictive. Like it more each time.
forcing the complete naked masculine body in cold and wet outdoor inviroment to practice this many hours multiple totally unsatisfying partial ejaculations without any orgasmic relief is totally addicting for the naked body of a human male .
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