Eh, that’s a lame justification. Whenever you have to lean on what someone did being worse than what someone else did, you lose whatever argument you’re trying to push. I don’t think Em is especially homophobic. I think more than anything, he is a damaged troll and is a bit insecure about a multitude of stuff. But the dude did purport male homophobia and anti-gayness in a handful of songs. He did use those things to promote himself and build an image. And he certainly contributed to a homophobic/anti-gay landscape. I’m not saying that you’re no longer allowed to crush on Eminem or listen to his music. I’m not even saying he’s a bad guy. But promoting and profiting off of homophobia, anti-gay views, hetero pressures and superiority, misogyny, toxic masculinity are all things that he did and did for years. That can’t be erased, especially even after him and Elton used each other for relevance and image and after putting a “gay” character in his movie, he still leaned on male homophobia to shade people. It all is what it is. But don’t constantly look for excuses and constantly look to downplay shit that happened.
Lol a working class dirt poor kid who grew up in a trailer park with an abusive mother and little education and experience with the outside world had unenlightened and uneducated opinions that were reflective of all media, music and the vast majority of politicians in USA in both parties are the time when he became famous at a young age. How shocking.
If we're going to be upset about the things Eminem said, let's erase Tupac, Biggie all rap until about 5 years ago in fact all media , politicians, comedians musicians, movies and tv shows and general history till about five years ago. That'll make us super popular.
I'm sorry that you're upset that a kid who had no experience with gay people held views that everyone held or gay people at the time, but I guarantee he's done more for the LGBT community than you or anyone who dislikes him has, have you donated millions every year to aids charities for 21 years? He has ... So where do you get off calling someone whose done more for the community than you a perpetuator of homophobia.
The LGBT community says more anti lgbt shit than he ever did.
Eminem the so called troll, took on politicians, bush , the Iraq war , corporatism, the death of the working class jobs due to free trade back when you'd get pretty much lynched for doing it. He did it with a sense of humor, he's been blamed for school shootings, violence drug use everything under the sun.
I prefer people who are open about the fact they weren't perfect and were ignorant to the people who pretend they are super perfect and enlightened since birth because those people behind closed doors are usually truly bigoted.
If you wanna be mad at things decades ago, fine but I'd rather be mad at the things going on now and hold people who weld true power both then and now accountable not artists. That's not activism it's just moaning.
Eminem's critics don't have the wit, charm or intelligence of his songs and that's why he's Eminem and they are upset about a song from 2000.