Finn/jack harries

Yall stupid af. Climate Change is going to be solved by politicians and governments not us. I’d rather have a guy who votes to solve climate change while flying with a different plane everyday than an idiot who doesn’t vote to solve it.
When has politicians ever solved anything? Climate change will be solved by geniuses in private industry like Elon Musk.
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I just wanna see their cocks. Maybe even a cum shot. For science and the planet.

I think they should both participate in the World Naked Bike Ride. It’s environmental activism!
if he feels so bad about flying, maybe he should take another form of transportation, like a train. oh wait, he did try that but because trains aren't fast and convenient to him, he left at a station before his destination and got on a plane.
their activism revolves around what's comfortable and convenient to them

With Amazon prime and the McDonald's drive thru (and China having the manufacturing monopoly of the world) earning billions a year, it's Jack's fault? Persuasive!
With Amazon prime and the McDonald's drive thru (and China having the manufacturing monopoly of the world) earning billions a year, it's Jack's fault? Persuasive!
Global warming isn’t Jack’s fault. His hypocrisy is. He preaches about environmentalism, shuts down London traffic then has a carbon footprint that is far larger than the average person.
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Yet still just with the first paragraph blame still being pushed onto the individual. No shit consumers want things that that corporations produce that’s literally the point. Guess what consumers will still want the stuff if the corporations don’t destroy the planet at the same time too. Have you stopped for literally a micro second to think as to why people have the things currently available today? It’s because that’s what’s being made. Period. That’s it.

Because they don’t want the non-destructive stuff, because helping the planet is too expensive, and because they vote for people who promise not to solve the problem.

That’s why Jack needs to get his cock out. He’d do more opening an OnlyFans and donating the money to charity.
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this might be the stupidest thing i've ever read
Before you call someone stupid you should read the news. Here’s a few things off the top of my head that you would learn about:

Elon Musk was the first to mass produce a fully electric car and the first to create a global mass market to buy it. He doesn’t charge a license fee on the patents for EV charging stations which is enabling other companies to mass produce them at low cost. No government did that.

Musk also built a giant solar farm in the California desert that sells power to the grid. This has enabled California to greatly reduce its reliance on coal generated power. No government did that.

In Denmark, private companies have built a vast hydroponic system to grow food year round. Now this tiny country is second to the US in the production of some crops despite have little land and a short growing season. Denmark now is able to supple fresh food through Northern Europe, reducing carbon emissions needed for bringing crops from the south.

Another company in Denmark has built a sail powered cargo ship that is moving goods across oceans with little reliance on carbon fuel.

One guy in Australia has created a pill that reduces cow farts, which are a huge greenhouse gas contributor.

I could go on with many more examples but hopefully you get the point.
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Because they don’t want the non-destructive stuff, because helping the planet is too expensive, and because they vote for people who promise not to solve the problem.

That’s why Jack needs to get his cock out. He’d do more opening an OnlyFans and donating the money to charity.
God you’re dense. People aren’t out there shopping for shit being like oh that’s helping the planet not die fuck that. The only reason it’s as expensive as it is currently is because it’s not widely available. The only thing that I agree with in your dumb statement is that people vote against their own interests.
Can y'all shut the fuck up please? I'm here to objectify guys not read about your political views

This kind of apathy is part of the problem. The Harries bro's spread their message with your thirst for their dick. I am so proud of them. Nobody said anyone agreed with Lazlicious who literally says the opposite of whatever someone posts. Elon Musk is rich from apartheid in South Africa.
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Correction: the musk apartheid story is a smear, but him even being mentioned is a non sequitur
Correction: the musk apartheid story is a smear, but him even being mentioned is a non sequitur
How is it a non sequitur? Elon is a good example of how private citizens not governments or activists shutting down streets will solve climate issues?
How is it a non sequitur? Elon is a good example of how private citizens not governments or activists shutting down streets will solve climate issues?

Naming a private citizen that you like in response to monopoly industries within two world apart pollution leading nations is not a logical argument. It's like saying "Lebron James" randomly on any subject touching the NBA.
How is it a non sequitur? Elon is a good example of how private citizens not governments or activists shutting down streets will solve climate issues?

I think private enterprise has an important role in solving the climate crisis but it is both incredibly false and deeply offensive to suggest that governments have done nothing to address the problem (or any problem, like you originally posted).
I think private enterprise has an important role in solving the climate crisis but it is both incredibly false and deeply offensive to suggest that governments have done nothing to address the problem (or any problem, like you originally posted).
Thanks for your response. I’d be interested to read examples of governments creating products that solve the climate crisis.
Thanks for your response. I’d be interested to read examples of governments creating products that solve the climate crisis.
I don't plan to go back-and-forth extensively on this, as that will further hijack this thread, but I will give some examples. The U.S. government's Clean Air and Clean Water Acts in the 1970s and beyond massively reduced pollution and carbon emissions. The auto industry begged Congress to issue emission standards (which they did), because improving emission releases was the right thing to do but more expensive, and they didn't want to be at a competitive disadvantage by doing it alone. Energy-efficient lightbulbs, refrigerators, and other appliances were created using government-created and/or government-subsidized research. (Look into the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy program, part of the U.S. Department of Energy, for more.) Also, your use of the term "creating products" is, intentionally or not, moving-the-goalposts since you previously said "solve climate issues," which can be addressed in many ways that aren't limited to "creating products." That said, Elon Musk's products were all created by taking advantage of government tax incentives.