Finn/jack harries

I don't plan to go back-and-forth extensively on this, as that will further hijack this thread, but I will give some examples. The U.S. government's Clean Air and Clean Water Acts in the 1970s and beyond massively reduced pollution and carbon emissions. The auto industry begged Congress to issue emission standards (which they did), because improving emission releases was the right thing to do but more expensive, and they didn't want to be at a competitive disadvantage by doing it alone. Energy-efficient lightbulbs, refrigerators, and other appliances were created using government-created and/or government-subsidized research. (Look into the Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy program, part of the U.S. Department of Energy, for more.) Also, your use of the term "creating products" is, intentionally or not, moving-the-goalposts since you previously said "solve climate issues," which can be addressed in many ways that aren't limited to "creating products." That said, Elon Musk's products were all created by taking advantage of government tax incentives.
I was waiting for you to get to Elon’s tax incentives, which are massive. It’s true that government money is almost always required to scale up any product. But all the government money and regulation is useless if you don’t have the Elon’s of the world creating the thing in the first place. What good is a government mandate that we have a certain quality of air if you don’t have the technology for clean cars and power plants etc.? You’d just wreck the economy. This was the point I tried to make earlier in distinguishing Finn’s activism (creating energy efficient buildings) from Jack’s (laying down in the middle of a street because he’s angry a bunch of oil executives are in town).

As for disrupting this thread, I think Finn and Jack would like for us to debate climate policy instead of talking about their tight little butts that they’re never going to show us.
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The Harries bro's spread their message with your thirst for their dick. I am so proud of them.

I think Jack needs to do more of this. As I said earlier, Finn's entered a profession where he can actually have a worthwhile impact on both an individual and systemic level. Bully for him. Meanwhile Jack spends time greenwashing his investments and making the occasional scene.

Give Alice a strapon with a "save water" logo and it'll be, by far, the highest exposure he could ever give to his cause.

God you’re dense. People aren’t out there shopping for shit being like oh that’s helping the planet not die fuck that. The only reason it’s as expensive as it is currently is because it’s not widely available. The only thing that I agree with in your dumb statement is that people vote against their own interests.

If people aren't measuring their impact on the environment, then businesses have no reason to provide them with ways to ameliorate that. Which is why it is also the responsibility of all of us individually. It's also not an access issue - local, vegetarian diets are universally available. Plus, expanding access means more transportation, production and storage. Even Jack knows all of this, which is why allplants doesn't just deliver parsnips, carrots and seaweed, it flies strawberries and blueberries in from North America and asparagus in from Peru.

jesus christ can y'all stop you're gonna get this thread closed

Good point. I've been meaning to ask, anybody ever figure out the context behind these pictures?
If people aren't measuring their impact on the environment, then businesses have no reason to provide them with ways to ameliorate that. Which is why it is also the responsibility of all of us individually. It's also not an access issue - local, vegetarian diets are universally available. Plus, expanding access means more transportation, production and storage. Even Jack knows all of this, which is why allplants doesn't just deliver parsnips, carrots and seaweed, it flies strawberries and blueberries in from North America and asparagus in from Peru.

I never once said not to be aware of your own environmental habits/impact. What I said was “corporations pollute way more than any one individual yet we’ve somehow shifted the focus of fixing climate change onto small changes the individual can do”. You’re argument is basically just like the other persons. You do realize one can’t purchase things that aren’t t in existence currently or use greener forms of transportation (flying) that don’t exist yet correct?
Also just to touch on your vegetarian diet comment. Could have been a typo and should have been “aren’t universally available” but just incase google what a food desert and a food swamp is.
I never once said not to be aware of your own environmental habits/impact. What I said was “corporations pollute way more than any one individual yet we’ve somehow shifted the focus of fixing climate change onto small changes the individual can do”. You’re argument is basically just like the other persons. You do realize one can’t purchase things that aren’t t in existence currently or use greener forms of transportation (flying) that don’t exist yet correct?
Also just to touch on your vegetarian diet comment. Could have been a typo and should have been “aren’t universally available” but just incase google what a food desert and a food swamp is.

Here is the link for the political thread
No can we get back to what the thread is about.
Here is the link for the political thread
No can we get back to what the thread is about.
Nah. I’m good. People wanna bitch about dumb shit in here I’ll be sure to correct them in here. Especially when I’m the one that said this is a stupid argument. Thanks though.
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