Gay or Nah?

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It is not transphobic to disagree with this statement. Trans men are trans men and trans women are trans women.

Trans men are, indeed, biological women who have taken exogenous male hormones and gotten surgeries to masculinize their phenotypes. That doesn't change their DNA which is, and always will be, that of women.

I disagree that 'man' and 'woman' are just "genders." They are biological terms that distinguish life stages of human males and females (i.e the adult life stage). That's all. Being a man or a woman is not a "social construct." To give credence to this flawed ideology is to actually reinforce gender stereotypes.

Transphobia is to deny someone basic human rights such as access to healthcare, housing, education, employment etc., just because they're trans. I am 100% against that. Transphobia is not acknowledging scientific fact, and insinuating that it is, is exactly what is turning so many people off.
again with your obsession with DNA and your discounting of phenotypic sex, a trans man post transition has a male phenotype, he is medically induced intersex. You are very ignorant
again with your obsession with DNA and your discounting of phenotypic sex, a trans man post transition has a male phenotype, he is medically induced intersex.

Sex is coded into DNA, that's why it can't be changed and is important to a lot of people when it comes to choosing a romantic or sexual partner. Again, I don't care how much someone looks like a woman. If I find out they're actually a genetic male, attraction is lost and I'm no longer interested in pursuing the relationship because I am a female attracted to other females who were born as such.

You are very ignorant

Trans women are not biological males and trans men are not biological females

Considering that statement is coming from someone who sincerely believes the above, I'll take it with a grain of salt.
Sex is coded into DNA, that's why it can't be changed and is important to a lot of people when it comes to choosing a romantic or sexual partner. Again, I don't care how much someone looks like a woman. If I find out they're actually a genetic male, attraction is lost and I'm no longer interested in pursuing the relationship because I am a female attracted to other females who were born as such.
You do you, but stop insisting that some people are not lesbian or gay just because they do not share your genetic sexual fetish and don`t care about their partner`s chromosomes, only their current phenotype.

Considering that statement is coming from someone who sincerely believes the above, I'll take it with a grain of salt.
It`s true, they are not, their phenotypic sex does not match their genotypic sex, they would be natal males or females who are now biologically intersex by artificial means.
Gotta say, I'm starting to miss the days when people like you just called me a dyke. Frankly, this is insulting to my intelligence.
calling you a dyke would be homophobic. On the other hand, your sexual fetish for XX chromosomes is not the same as lesbianism.
That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
Their phenotype does not match their genotype, ergo, intersex by artificial means.
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calling you a dyke would be homophobic.

Reducing same-sex attraction to a mere "genetic or genital fetish" is also homophobic.

You're essentially telling me that if a man starts making himself look more feminine (and many men can absolutely do this without taking hormones) that me, as a lesbian, not wanting to sleep with him means I just have a "genetic fetish." Are you not hearing yourself?

Their phenotype does not match their genotype, ergo, intersex by artificial means.

You keep saying this word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
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No. Reducing same-sex attraction to a mere "genetic or genital fetish" is homophobic.

You're essentially telling me that if a man starts making himself look more feminine (and many men can absolutely do this without taking hormones) that me, as a lesbian, not wanting to sleep with him means I just have a "genetic fetish." Are you not hearing yourself?
If a man starts making himself look more feminine without female hormones, he would hardly acquire a female phenotype or genitals, no? Of course genitals matter for attraction and sexual orientation, but not genetics, being attracted to genetics in particular is a fetish.
You keep saying this word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
intersex individuals may have chromosomes, genitals, or internal reproductive organs that don’t fit into the typical male or female category or may possess characteristics of both male and female sexes.
If a man starts making himself look more feminine without female hormones, he would hardly acquire a female phenotype or genitals, no?


This individual is physically pretty to me. But they're also biologically male and still have male genitals. I am same-sex attracted. Those factors are a deal breaker. And I'm not about to apologize for it.

That said, unfortunately the vast majority of "trans lesbians" out there not only don't look like Blaire White or Angelica Ross (both of whom I find to be gorgeous, though I'm still not interested), but they barely pass, and still have their natal male genitals, anyway. I have had a few try to talk to me on lesbian dating apps. They barely passed as women. Yet we're expected to accept them as lesbians, regardless.

It's not okay.
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This individual is physically pretty to me. But they're also biologically male and still have male genitals. I am same-sex attracted. Those factors are a deal breaker. And I'm not about to apologize for it.
Looks good but would have a male phenotype while naked and male genitals. I can understand that, still doesn`t mean that we are attracted to genetics as a whole.
That said, unfortunately the vast majority of "trans lesbians" out there not only don't look like Blaire White or Angelica Ross (both of whom I find to be gorgeous, though I'm still not interested), but they barely pass, and still have their natal male genitals, anyway. I have had a few try to talk to me on lesbian dating apps. They barely passed as women. Yet we're expected to accept them as lesbians, regardless.

It's not okay.
Ok, why are you showing me these goblins with booming voices? This isn`t what I meant, I meant women such as Janet Mock, Nicole Maines and Zion Moreno.
that doesn't contradict my point
i`m not erasing it, I`m just saying that chromosomes are irrelevant in regard to sexual attraction and sexual congress. It is weird to make it seem as if something invisible plays a role in any of this
Ok, why are you showing me these goblins with booming voices? This isn`t what I meant, I meant women such as Janet Mock, Nicole Maines and Zion Moreno.

And as physically pretty as they are, knowing they are actually genetically male turns me off. I would, therefore, not date or sleep with them. As is my right.

i`m not erasing it, I`m just saying that chromosomes are irrelevant in regard to sexual attraction and sexual congress. It is weird to make it seem as if something invisible plays a role in any of this

It is homophobic for you to classify gays not wanting to be with the opposite sex in any way shape or form as "weird" for feeling that way.
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And as physically pretty as they are, knowing they are actually genetically male turns me off. I would, therefore, not date or sleep with them. As is my right.
It is your right, I may not understand it but you do you, what I resent is you saying that no straight or gay person would sleep with a trans or intersex person. I would sleep with a trans man if I found him attractive and had a functional penis, that does NOT make me bisexual, I have never felt attracted to a woman and the thought of sexually interacting with a vulva disgusts me. The thing is that I see trans men as LITERALLY men if they have a male phenotype, I don`t care about their genetics and it has no role in my attraction. So acknowledge that some monosexuals don`t care as much about genetics as you (they`re an invisible trait, after all) and move on.
It is homophobic for you to classify gays not wanting to be with the opposite sex in any way shape or form as "weird" for feeling that way.
I would say the same thing about a straight person that said the same thing so it`s not directed at gay people specifically. You give extreme weight to genetics, I don`t, not all monosexuals do, some of us just care about genitals and sex characteristics. And yes, I can`t help but think as caring about the genetic code of your sexual partner as shallow, sorry.
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What I find bizarre about this line of argument is the OP basically is suggesting that it would be perfectly congruent with my sexuality to go for someone who has a host of feminine characteristics (like softer, looser skin, boobs, a higher voice, a less chiselled face etc) as long as they have XY chromosones. And yet a host of masculine characteristics with XX chromosones would not be congruent with my sexuality.

Chromosones do not make my dick hard, it's things like penises, pert muscular bums, musculature, chiselled faces, light body hair etc that do.
What I find bizarre about this line of argument is the OP basically is suggesting that it would be perfectly congruent with my sexuality to go for someone who has a host of feminine characteristics (like softer, looser skin, boobs, a higher voice, a less chiselled face etc) as long as they have XY chromosones. And yet a host of masculine characteristics with XX chromosones would not be congruent with my sexuality.

Chromosones do not make my dick hard, it's things like penises, pert muscular bums, musculature, chiselled faces, light body hair etc that do.
OP is not considering that sexuality is much more than chromosomes (which tend to be irrelevant)
Chromosones do not make my dick hard, it's things like penises, pert muscular bums, musculature, chiselled faces, light body hair etc that do.
Don’t genetics and chromosomes have a part in creating the things you list as turn ons.

Interesting that you don’t include vagina.
What I find bizarre about this line of argument is the OP basically is suggesting that it would be perfectly congruent with my sexuality to go for someone who has a host of feminine characteristics (like softer, looser skin, boobs, a higher voice, a less chiselled face etc) as long as they have XY chromosones. And yet a host of masculine characteristics with XX chromosones would not be congruent with my sexuality.

Chromosones do not make my dick hard, it's things like penises, pert muscular bums, musculature, chiselled faces, light body hair etc that do.
What I continue to not understand with this thread is the need that some have to "pigeonhole" people into certain categories. Place labels onto people different from them they don't seem to understand. Yet somehow they continue to riff about that which they don't seem to know or it seems, try and understand.

I know first-hand those who made the difficult decision to transition. Hating the body they are trapped in. While worried about what reaction they will face when they do go public. Start transitioning. And what's amazing is that all my friends who I did know who transitioned already considered themselves to be women. Chromosomes be damned.

And once they went through the transition process, they felt like finally, my exterior matches how I feel inside. I'm a woman. Chromosomes be damned.

I will never understand why it matters to others what/how others feel, especially when it differs from their feelings. I just don't get the need to judge. And label. Especially when it really doesn't affect them. But you can bet it affects those who transitioned in a positive way. Feeling complete. I'm home, if you will.

And my good friend @englad, I agree completely with your statement about chromosomes not making your dick hard.

Do I find that person attractive? Enough that I want to get busy with them if it's mutual? That's all that matters to me. Don't care about much else. Sexual attraction is based on what I see. I'm visual. The last thing I would think about when getting busy is their chromosomes. Don't. Get. It. :confounded:
Don’t genetics and chromosomes have a part in creating the things you list as turn ons.

Interesting that you don’t include vagina.
yes, but thanks to modern science we can create those things no matter the genetics or chromosomes. Why would they include vagina? I assume they are gay.
I will never understand why it matters to others what/how others feel

It only matters when said personal feelings are expected to override objective truth and reality for the entire world and those who refuse to validate those feelings in their own personal lives are quickly "labeled" as hateful or bigoted.

Especially when it really doesn't affect them.

I've already explained that non-passing males identifying as lesbians have tried to hit me up on lesbian dating apps. They're allowed on there because feelings now override facts, apparently.

The last thing I would think about when getting busy is their chromosomes.

As would most people. However, that is not the point I was trying to make, nor was it even the point that the gay men in those threads were trying to make. You had/have men identifying as 100% gay having vaginal sex with trans men and calling that 100% gay sex. To expect every single 100% gay person to accept this assertion and not offer protestations when such scenes make their way into gay porn is just absurd.

Moreover, if someone finds out that an individual who appears to be one sex but is biologically another sex that they're not attracted to, it is not "weird" for that person to immediately be turned off by that discovery. It's understandable.

Bottom line, these discussions wouldn't even be occurring if a certain subset of the population wasn't so adamant about erasing the reality of biological sex and insisting those who don't share their views are hateful or "genetic/genital fetishists." That's bullshit. Not sorry.
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