It only matters when said personal feelings are expected to override objective truth and reality for the entire world and those who refuse to validate those feelings in their own personal lives are quickly "labeled" as hateful or bigoted.
You are entitled to feel as you do. I don't share your position on this issue. If only people focused more on themselves and fixing what's wrong with them rather than trying to fix others...
I've already explained that non-passing males identifying as lesbians have tried to hit me up on lesbian dating apps. They're allowed on there because feelings now override facts, apparently.
You are entitled to feel as you do. I don't share your position on this issue.
Very easy for you or anyone else who it his on by someone they are not interested to just say no. And move on rather than get all worked up about it.
If only people focused more on themselves and fixing what's wrong with them rather than trying to fix others...
As would most people. However, that is not the point I was trying to make, nor was it even the point that the gay men in those threads were trying to make. You had/have men identifying as 100% having vaginal sex with trans men and calling that 100% gay sex. To expect every single 100% gay person to accept this assertion and not offer protestations when such scenes make their way into gay porn is just absurd.
And no amount of arguing about this here or elsewhere is going to change anyone's mind.
To you and some gay men, sex with a FTM is not 100% gay sex. It appears for you and them, chromosomes are more important that visual.
To me and other gay men, sex with a FTM is 100% gay sex. It appears for me and them, visual is more important than chromosomes.
I don't expect anyone of any given demographic to accept any assertion that they don't accept. For whatever reason that may be. Their life experience. Ignorance. Whatever.
Moreover, if someone finds out that an individual who appears to be one sex but is biologically another sex that they're not attracted to, it is not "weird" for that person to immediately be turned off by that discovery. It's understandable.
When it's smexy time, I would bet those who focus on the biology are less than those who focus on the visual.
That's why some will be immediately turned off and others will be immediately turned on.
Just because something isn't for you or for me doesn't mean it isn't for someone else.
Bottom line, these discussions wouldn't even be occurring if a certain subset of the population wasn't so adamant about erasing the reality of biological sex and insisting those who don't share their views are hateful or "genetic/genital fetishists." That's bullshit. Not sorry.
I think you and a few other Members here have made more out of this nonissue than it really is in the real world.
What's really bullshit and stinks to high heaven are those who think that somehow their position on a given subject is the only correct one. Seldom is that the case.
And it's not the case with the topic of this thread as demonstrated by the disparate opinions that have been espoused throughout the thread.
Some of you are all about chromosomes; some of us are not. Some of us are all about the visual; some of us are not. At the end of the day, important that each of is true to ourselves. You are not interested in a FTM lesbian? Yay you!