Have you ever been the biggest cock at a party?

So does that mean you compare with other dudes? I'm down pretty big myself

That was one reason I was invited to an all male gay party for about three years. Then the group disbanded. There was a lot of fun to be had at those parties.
I was invited to a "Birthday Suit" birthday party. Yeah nothing like celebrating a birthday in the clothes you were born in. It was a friends fantasy birthday party. The center piece was a naked guy lying on the dining room table with sweet deserts all over him and assorted syrups and candies you could add to the dessert and to the guy lying on the table No plates were provided. (If you ever want to try this, be aware, it got extremely messy. You might want to put plastic on the floor.)

My friend got gag gifts for birthday presents. One of them was a book called "Penis Pokey" with heavy cardboard pages that had various cartoon like pictures on each page, like a fireman and a monkey. The book had a die cut hole through all of the pages, and the idea was you stick a dick through the hole to make the picture 3D. Like, when you put your dick through the fireman page, your dick became a long hose the fireman was holding. Or on the monkey page, your dick became a big banana.

The party boy loved the book, but insisted that I be the dick to demonstrate the full effect of the book. As each page was turned, I would shove my dick in the hole. It was quite a tight hole, so a few of the party goers offered to help pull my dick through. As the party wore on, and more alcohol was consumed, the book wasn't the only hole my dick was pushed through. The hottest one was when the birthday boy asked if he could watch me fuck his boyfriend while he and others watched.

Amazon carries the book if you want to see what I am talking about. Here is a picture of one of the pages.
Screen Shot 2020-01-25 at 10.01.11 AM.png
I recall attending an gay naturist event in Wellington about 23 years ago. It wasn't a party as such but more a gathering with food, like minded males with a presentation which was all over by 11pm. Everyone was naked. The first part was chatting and mixing. Quite interesting speaking to the some of those active in law reform.The presentation was about sensual massage with oil. Some larger cocks I recall. The presenter opted to be naked, that there was an option to be clothed, seemed strange to me. He was someone who whose cock literally popped out of his jeans as he undressed. A bit of eye candy for everyone. One guy brought along a street hustler, not his boy friend, probably 18, who didn't get naked, who finished up chatting to me as I was also new to the group, seemed a bit too interested in me, for reasons that didn't appear sexual, a little bit risky, and who went off with some of my clothing, luckily there was enough to get dressed with. There was another event some time later, a private hire of the Fryberg Pool. Talk about a paranoid city council. All windows facing the street had to be papered up in case someone saw someone naked. Would this have been a huge problem. Yet there was only a small turnout, enough to fit the two spas. Evenso there was some swimming in the main pool. I remember this especially because one guy had an extraordinary long soft large penis, which stayed long in the tepid water. I thought to myself, I have meet you somewhere else. At home I turned my mind to the issue, not wishing to have a mystery on my hands. I already knew he was from Christchurch. I remembered him attending a meeting in 1976 with a proposal for the trustees of a school on whether the body would agree to senior pupils swimming naked in the pool the body hired, in their free periods. This was agreed to.
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It's the reason i am invited to some parties....lol

The same reason I was many times invited...for years/decades...to "lifestyle parties" and "lifestyle conventions" that lasted anywhere from a long three day weekend at entire hotels/resorts that were fully booked out for the event (many hundreds checked in and hundreds more came and went...and the "lifestyle conventions" were always overseas...and had hundreds to over a thousand attendees...for a week to nearly two weeks.

As Atti of the House of Julia told her daughter when her daughter walked in has Atti was examing and deciding whether or not to give a mildly well endowed slave as a gift to a rival...the daughter was embarrassed to see the genitals of a naked, mildly well endowed slave and was embarrassed that her mother was going to give him as a "gift"..."what?...Big Penis is Always Welcome."
And i bet you was one of the two as thick as him, but you was the longer one than him?

B_er, I am sorry that I did not answer you sooner...I just now saw your post and question. To answer your question....yes...very obviously so...no need to actually measure to know. He was a great young man...took it totally fine and laughed and was even excited to actually see someone larger than he was...his mother...as I mentioned before...was shocked and stunned and then upset and that later turned that long weekend to resentment mixed with anger and hurt.

I seldom ever think to call anyone a perjorative....just not my personality...but she was definitely the biggest "dick" there. Many of us (to include all the other women there)...in private late night...relaxed...conversations...speculated that she knew far more about her son's endowment than just he was a "chip off the old block" of her husbands endowment...and she took her disappointment about him...just like she had months before at the first gathering when her husband was not the "biggest" there....more like a disappointed lover/sex partner....and her husband never said anything different in those conversations...

Interesting to remember...when she fucked the other guys that long weekend...she would only do so missionary so she could talk to them and look at them....she only have sex with me a few times in the "doggie" position...I do not think she wanted to look at me...but her body reacted to stretch and sex and she had some long and loud orgasms.

I have no "proof" of anything between them...but she and her husband and their son and his fiancé/ girlfriend all shared a room with two king size beds side by side. Some things I and the rest of us just did not want to know.
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B_er, I am sorry that I did not answer you sooner...I just now saw your post and question. To answer your question....yes...very obviously so...no need to actually measure to know. He was a great young man...took it totally fine and laughed and was even excited to actually see someone larger than he was...his mother...as I mentioned before...was shocked and stunned and then upset and that later turned that long weekend to resentment mixed with anger and hurt.

I seldom ever think to call anyone a perjorative....just not my personality...but she was definitely the biggest "dick" there. Many of us (to include all the other women there)...in private late night...relaxed...conversations...speculated that she knew far more about her son's endowment than just he was a "chip off the old block" of her husbands endowment...and she took her disappointment about him...just like she had months before at the first gathering when her husband was not the "biggest" there....more like a disappointed lover/sex partner....and her husband never said anything different in those conversations...

Interesting to remember...when she fucked the other guys that long weekend...she would only do so missionary so she could talk to them and look at them....she only have sex with me a few times in the "doggie" position...I do not think she wanted to look at me...but her body reacted to stretch and sex and she had some long and loud orgasms.

I have no "proof" of anything between them...but she and her husband and their son and his fiancé/ girlfriend all shared a room with two king size beds side by side. Some things I and the rest of us just did not want to know.
Thank you for your comments....this was some years ago...over a decade now. I still know some of the people there...

The first time we all met together...the woman (who later brought her son to the second time we got together) was very proud of her husband and she was shocked...and then hurt...and that hurt quickly turned in to resentment and even being upset that her husband was not the biggest there and several others were larger than he was...he was not by length or girth several others "beat" him...and he was enormous. His wife was so upset. And sometime in the weekend she started talking about how her son was even larger than his father and next time she would bring him as he would...to paraphrase her "beat us all" was her sentiment. Her husband was nice and a great guy...never upset at all. He sort of rolled with her comments and just accepted her. I thought she took it all too personally. And she seemed to know a lot about her son's endowment and being even larger than her husbands. The second time, when she and her husband showed up with her son and the other woman with him...the mother...she started out all sure that her son would "beat" us...whatever that meant other than size...he was like his father, great young man...and he did have an even bigger hose than his father...quite a few inches longer and thicker too by inches. But there were still two of us as thicker in circumference and he was not the longest either...which shocked, stunned, dismayed...upset...and just....no other word seems to fit...."defeated" and acted so...hurt....upset. The son, like his father, was surprised but fine with it...both got a lot of sex from the other women there...but the wife/mother...she would not have sex with anyone other than just hands and such. She was the only real negative for both parties....
Im sorry but can you explain this?
Im sorry but can you explain this?

Absolutely...my memory is not perfect. It was several decades ago. I am not sure of the year. As I recall, my best memory this moment...was she did have some sex..but most of the time she did not. The two events were several months apart...and lasted..and this I am certain...were from a early evening Thursday when every one finally arrived and checked in, over a long holiday weekend to Tuesday morning check out (when I checked out as I did not have that far to drive home). But I do think some left on Monday afternoons on both weekends...could not say for sure who but I think...it was the panhandle couple each time..which makes sense as they had the longest drive home. I do remember that she was so upset...I can still see her body...sort of face...in my mind...thin, very tall...at least six feet I think, wide hipped but not a big round butt..just wide hips, very long torso, small breasts, thin legs...big hair and huuuuuge dark black bush...from near her naval down to pubic area, inner thighs had hair, and up between her legs with hair between her ass checks.....flattish face with a big wide nose...wonderful nice and friendly husband. He was a "prince" and very friendly and laid back and happy to use his monster cock any time any woman even glanced at him...lol. As best as I can recall she had some sex...not a lot...just seems like she did. But do I remember some "epic" sex scene with her and anyone at all...nothing she ever did was memorable except for her temper tantrums... But it was not like everyone else, for certain. Her husband had a LOT of sex has did everyone else. She would do a lot of touching was my first recollection...but how much, when...I could not say for sex. Just remember as I remember now...not a lot at all. And at least once...maybe more than once...more or less..just nothing that I can specifically for certain recall...with me. Nothing that I really enjoyed as memorable. A woman's attitude goes a long way for enjoyment and she was not a pleasant person with her upset attitude. I might have been memorable for me and fun if she had not been so upset and a "downer"...speaking just for myself...that is the most memorable part of her...her attitude. Again, it has been decades....way back when I was first a member of AFF. So maybe middle to late 90s or very early 2000s...but my best "guess" now...it was in the middle to late 90s. The thing is....her husband always spoke of her has...not sure what he used...not. "nymphomaniac"...but something else...but the meaning was similar. She never showed much of that with the rest of the guys...she was bi and did, best I recall...fool around with some of the other women...especially the very busty woman from the panhandle with her husband. The grumpy lady...pretty sure she fucked her husband a lot and what not behind closed doors as it always seemed that...again...old memory...always sex sounds going on in their suite...maybe she was turned on but conflicted about the rest of us?..,..no idea for sure. Maybe she got turned on by all the other sex going on all day/night and seeing all the other big endowments and "took it out on her husband" late at night...lol. I really found her humongous thick bush sexy and as she was a size queen...so otherwise I remember I would have otherwise been excited by her...I do remember her husband wanted her to have sex with all the other guys...I think he liked that watching that...voyeur like the rest of us were...but the few parts of her involvement that I sort of recall...were not much...and certainly not in part of the group sex situations. Which reminds me of another point...there were five suites at the end of that hallway...one one the end and two on each side just down the hallway...I certainly did not see all the sex going on....most of it was in the end suite...but a lot was in the other suites as well. As to the woman I mentioned...as to the sex she did have...that I can remember...sort of..the little she did...as my best memory is...more private one on one in someones bedroom...and her husband was always present...I just now remembered. that part...I would guess because he liked to watch and double with her. I know she did play with most, if not all...but. I do not remember any specifics for certain, the other women...and she did as best I remember also play with the guys cocks and such, fondling and such...but not much sex as I do not recall all that much of her doing so. Candidly, because of her attitude, she was memorable from those weekends...but...if this makes any sense...because of her "grumpy" or "unhappy" or "resentful" or "upset" or "pouting" attitude...is exactly why she is...at least to me...the least memorable woman there. She was really upset her husband did not have the biggest endowment there...and I think he could have cared less. The other women present....were all waaaaaay more in to it all and personable and happy and having sex and fun and laughing and just having fun so they are far easier to remember.

This was two long weekends...ages ago....a fun and unique experience...but not something I think of that often...seems that many years go by and I do not think of it at all. Just part of my life gone by.
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Yep! Been the biggest and am usually so.

I like your screen name...Diomedes....I just recently saw a sculpture on for sale...A. Santini...circa mid 1900s...famous Italian sculpture....Hercules and Diomedes wrestling nude. Hercules is upright and is holding Diomedes upside down and off the ground...and Diomedes has Hercules by his endowment...s-l1600-11.jpg
I like your screen name...Diomedes....I just recently saw a sculpture on for sale...A. Santini...circa mid 1900s...famous Italian sculpture....Hercules and Diomedes wrestling nude. Hercules is upright and is holding Diomedes upside down and off the ground...and Diomedes has Hercules by his endowment...View attachment 19034771
I mean is that not how one wrestles?
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I mean is that not how one wrestles?

LOL...probably one of the very many reasons I do no wrestle...never have...not even as a child. Too big and tempting a "weak spot" target...lol. Besides Diomedes hand is not big enough to reach around me...but it would still hurt...LOL.
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Yes! thats how i started to get my confidence (and later narccissim) about my dick. Would go to after parties that turned into sex parties and literally everyone wanted to get fucked by me. My dick has a reputation now which is fun.