Haha I can’t imagine his reaction should he discover this forum.Cheeks
Haha I can’t imagine his reaction should he discover this forum.Cheeks
Wow, He must be super tightly tucked in cause, I’m pretty sure He’d be hanging out proudlyCheeks
Oh damn someone shine a flash light up there lolCheeks
Now THATS a team I’d like to see……..in bedHe was just on dynamite he saved jungle boy from a beat down those two as a team would be unstoppable
Watched a wrestling news vid today and it was suggested jokingly that their tag team name be Jungle HookHe was just on dynamite he saved jungle boy from a beat down those two as a team would be unstoppable
wow its about time...I’m hoping for a beat down on jungle boy and hook tonight by the firm so I can jerk off to them being laid out tonight.
Hook is definitely due for a beat down AEW can carry this tough guy persona for so long it would nice to see his ass beat once in a while lots badasses in wrestling have gotten their ass beat then came back to get the upper hand including stone cold Steve Austin. It’s okay for hook to take an ass whooping he shouldn’t be an exception because he’s a “badass”wow its about time...
What worries me a little about this new alliance is that Jack Perry is one of the "best selling" wrestler in AEW today... and its It makes sense that they paired him with Hook so he would eat all the crap and then Hook would always save the day. Similar to the connection between Shawn Michaels and any tag team he ever had...
He got lifted up for a choke slam by Morrisey on tonight’s episode and there’s a nice cheek view. I don’t know how to screen cap it as on my streaming app it doesn’t let me take screenshots. If anyone can do it that would be great.