Maybe 8 inches then, it’s hard to judge because I can’t recall seeing Mandingo or Julio Gomez from that angle.
What do you think Jonah is, he wouldn’t be less than 7.5. I think he would have to be 8 inches.
I said 8.5 because some people who are 8.5 could believe they are 9 because they would believe if they got a little bit harder they would reach 10 and desiring to be 9 or more would probably always cause them to push the ruler in to love in denial.
I just can’t believe a man who’s penis who is less than 8 inches could ever think he could pull of saying he is 13.5 inches, like 7.5 inches to the uneducated world is not considered huge or anything special so how could someone with a cock like that possibly believe they could deceive the whole world that they possess the worlds biggest cock.
What do you think he is?