Jonah Falcon went on a hbo documentary in 1999 called HBO'S private dicks in 1999 and said Jonah exaggerated and said his penis is 13.5 inches erect and 9.5 inches soft. After the documentary aired Jonah became famous for having the biggest penis in the world. How ever despite walking down the street in bike shorts and leggings, talking about his penis constantly, being on this website, doing dozens of interviews about it he chooses not to do porn which is obviously so people don't see his true size and he chooses not to measure his penis on videos or photos just take photos of it semi aroused at 8 to 9 inches, say it is hid floppy size and say because it is 8 to 9 floppy we should take him on his word he is 13.5 inches hard. I don't know why the fuck what I'm about to do isn't already all over this site. This took me 5 minutes to do with a millimetre ruler and my laptop.
But someone more computer savvy can extrapolate it and factor in perspective to show Jonah Falcon is less than 10 inches. We are a team here after all.
Jonah has one photo of his erect penis on the Internet were he has used ever perspective trick standing side on with his knee out so it appears his penis comes closer to his knee than it does, look at the photo when it's upside down and it doesn't look that special. If you flip a photo of a dick and it looks smaller that means the person uploading the photo tried to manipulate perspective
In this photo he compared his dick to a 4th generation iPod nano the one where he is wearing a white tshirt.. If you go on Wikipedia you will see the width of a 4th generation iPod nano is 3.8cm. The length of Jonah Falcons erect penis is 6.5 iPod nano widths 6.5 x 3.8= 24.7cm = 9.72 inches
That is not exact as HE IS ACTUALLY A LITTLE BIT LESS as most dick is in front of the iPod nano and he is tilting the iPod nano which makes the iPod nano width appear slightly smaller than what it is. Someone better with computers can extrapolate this with the perspective distortions that I've mentioned he is most likely around 9.5 to 9.6 inches.
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