Just a few tips for the trans Lovers/Friends Of LPSG

I think its my turn to ask some of you some questions.

So to all my trans attracted friends I do have a few questions:

1.When did you realize you were attracted to trans people? Was it something that kinda was always there, or was there like an "AH Ha" moment?
2. Have you ever actually been with a Trans person? (no need for the Gorey Details, just curios)
3. Are you out and open about your attraction? I am a ware that there is still stigma for trans attracted men/women.
4. Would you consider dating a trans person long term/ marrying them?
5. Has this Forum helped at all? Ant Feedback?

Look forward to hearing from you ♥♥

Since you have been so gracious to answer all the questions posed to you, I thought it only fair that I answer the ones you asked:

1.When did you realize you were attracted to trans people? Was it something that kinda was always there, or was there like an "AH Ha" moment? I had an interest since my mid 20's (all due to porn) and in the last,probably, 5 years became very interested in transgirls
2. Have you ever actually been with a Trans person? (no need for the Gorey Details, just curios) I have not. I did have the opportunity to watch a transgirl and my ex-gf have sex on a few occasions
3. Are you out and open about your attraction? I am a ware that there is still stigma for trans attracted men/women. I am open in certain circles. The vast majority of my friends are very active in the local swinger community, and being so are very non-judgmental about such topics. I also openly speak about it in my podcast.
4. Would you consider dating a trans person long term/ marrying them? I am very open to the idea.
5. Has this Forum helped at all? Ant Feedback? This thread has been super educational. I am hoping to learn even more.
I think its my turn to ask some of you some questions.

So to all my trans attracted friends I do have a few questions:

1.When did you realize you were attracted to trans people? Was it something that kinda was always there, or was there like an "AH Ha" moment?
2. Have you ever actually been with a Trans person? (no need for the Gorey Details, just curios)
3. Are you out and open about your attraction? I am a ware that there is still stigma for trans attracted men/women.
4. Would you consider dating a trans person long term/ marrying them?
5. Has this Forum helped at all? Ant Feedback?

Look forward to hearing from you ♥♥

Okay, I realize that you posted these question like a year ago, but I'll answer anyway. :)

1) A few years ago. I don't think that it was always there. One day when looking at porn I watched a hot scene with a tgirl and that was probably my moment of "Ah, ha, this tgirl is so fucking hot."
2) Not yet.
3) Not out.
4) Dating long term, yes. Marry, I really don't know at this point.
5) Yes, it has helped. Thanks a bunch, Mizz Summers. :cool:
Hello <3

Believe it or not but its actually super common for gay men to like trans men. Just like how (even though our friend from above doesn't agree) Lesbian women to like trans women. The amount of free drinks i have had purchased for me from lesbians is proof of this. And its because of the same reasons Most Heterosexual men and women like trans people.

Doctors believe it's actually because most transsexual men and women tend to be Hyper masculine or feminine, not all but the majority. And for your instance as a homosexual man you in general would be attracted to well.. masculinity. . Keep in mind this isn't everyone, but its a lot more common then most think. And with that Hyper masculine, or feminine energy, the genitals take a backseat, or become almost like a Sexy juxtaposition and it arouses people more.. all like.. One of these things is not like the other.. BUT I LIKE IT!

Inst sexuality cool and weird at the same time!


I agree with you 100% Miz Summers. I am a fellow Canadian and my women of choice are transgender. A lot of that attraction is based on their femininity. I'm an old fashioned guy who still pays for dinner and opens doors. I worship women and the feminine is what I adore. TGirls are the most feminine women I have met. I am truly blessed to have met a few and am a better person thanks to them.
I think its my turn to ask some of you some questions.

So to all my trans attracted friends I do have a few questions:

1.When did you realize you were attracted to trans people? Was it something that kinda was always there, or was there like an "AH Ha" moment? I have always been open minded with a high sex drive so I went to a "trans" (that's the word the promoter used) Strip Club about 15/16 years ago. I was floored by the beauty on display but too nervous to even speak with 1 of the ladies. The host introduced herself to me in very close proximity and I found myself getting quite aroused. I'm sure she noticed because of the way she smiled at me as she walked away. In retrospect I think she knew I had just been converted. I began attending the club quite often partaking of the Ladies and getting to know some of them on a more personal level.I found the Ladies were no different than any other woman and I really enjoyed their company. I met some wonderful women through that club and they taught me a lot about being a better person. I was drawn by the Ladies sexuality and the thrill of something different and exciting but have never looked back because of the Ladies I met and got to know. They were some of the most beautiful people I ever met. Not just physically but spiritually as well.
2. Have you ever actually been with a Trans person? (no need for the Gorey Details, just curios) Yes I have. Transgender are my women of choice
3. Are you out and open about your attraction? I am a ware that there is still stigma for trans attracted men/women. I don't broadcast it but I am not embarrassed or shy about it. I go to dinner, concerts, theater, shopping etc. with a TGIrl date. People look and I'm sure whisper but that doesn't bother me because more often than not I am with the most beautiful woman in the room (inside and out) and everyone else wishes they were me. And if she is not the prettiest girl she is definitely, hands down, the most feminine. TLadies are true ladies in every aspect. I think its because they are always conscious of the fact they are ladies and work harder at it than GGs.
4. Would you consider dating a trans person long term/ marrying them? Yes on both counts. I have dated and would marry the right girl if I meet her and she will have me.
5. Has this Forum helped at all? Ant Feedback? Yes it has. Like every other Trans Lady I have met, spoken to, or more importantly, listened to, you have educated me and helped me understand things just a little bit better than I did before I read your insights. Trans are women with all the emotional baggage and mood swings most women come with, Gentlemen this is your destiny!!!!

Look forward to hearing from you ♥♥
Herrow ^.^

My name is Savannah and I am a 28 year old trans woman, former adult entertainer, and a trans activist in Canada. I have noticed that the lpsg community is actually very pro trans but sometimes the guys here are fed a bit too much trans idealism through porn that kinda makes them have very diluted views on what being trans is. So I thought i would help all you guys out and just give you some info so it might help you broaden your views on trans, understand it a bit better and maybe help you finally meet a trans woman! This Obvi isn't just for the people attracted to trans women, this is for everyone ^.^ Just here to help!

1. Please stop comparing trans women to famous porn actresses. Expecting all trans women to look like porn stars is like expecting all women to look like Jenna Jameson ( prior to the freaky plastic surgery. LOL). its an unreal expectation. Trans women come in all shapes and sizes, some are passable, some aren't, some have giant fake boobs, most have natural small boobs brought on by estrogen pills! Expecting all trans women to have big fake boobs, a fake ass and enough face work to make Cher jelly is kinda silly :p A womans worth isn't based on the amount of plastic surgeries she has :)

2. The porn thing brings me to the next thing. There are many word in the world that are considered offensive to certain demographics and shouldn't be used. The "N" word for Black people, the F*G word for Homosexuals, etc etc etc. With Trans women there are certain words that were created by the Adult industry to market and dehumanize trans women. These words, although reclaimed by some trans women, are considered highly offensive. If you are wanting to befriend, talk or even bone a trans woman never call them trans, trans, Ladyboi, HeShe or Chick with a dick. Your more likely to get a good old fashioned "That's So Raven" side eye then get laid when using those! Just be respectful. The terms that are generally ok are trans and tgirl. WE generally prefer you call us by our names and not our gender. LOL

3. Trans people have been around since the dawn of time. In native american cultures long before Jesus roamed this earth, many people were trans and called two spirited. These people where considered high ranking people in tribes and were often married to Men (or women depending on their preference). Here is a cool article about trans people throughout the different times! Check it out!!
Transgender History: Trans Expression in Ancient Times | The Bilerico Project

4, That brings me to the next thing. Men who like trans women are not in the slightest bit gay. Most aren't even Bi. They are very much straight. there have been quite a few studies on Men who are into trans women as of late. Basically it boils down to this.. trans women.. are women. Men who like them are attracted to the femininity of them and are open minded enough to get past the junk in the front. LOL.

5. DON'T BE TRANSPHOBIC! Wait? Oh you like trans women.. or you don't have anything against them? Your a huge lgbt supporter? AWESOME! So why do you shame men who are into trans women into feeling they are less of a man for being into trans women? WHOA! bet you didn't know that's considered trans-phobia! A recent study showed that searching for trans porn is one of the top searched porn types for heterosexual men! So its very much normal. Societies views on men who like trans women hasn't really changed since the 1950's. Men feel the need to hide their attraction to trans women in the closet and keep it a deep dark secret. Stop trans shaming men or it will never get any better. ^.^ And believe it or not a lot of the trans shaming comes from women who are all like " Oh mike is dating jen, did you know she is trans! Does that make Mike Gay. OMG that nasty"
really girl? What are you 12? SHOW SOME LOVE!

Anyways that's a bit of my two cents! LOL. If you have any questions let me know ^.^ I will prolly add more stuff in the future but this is a lot to read already!
Thank you for the information MizzSummers...
You’re beautiful.
I am not quite sure what you are getting at. what I am saying is that men tend to assume we are all sluts that are just put onto this earth to full fill their fetish fantasies and we often get treated like sex workers in real life because of it.

And as someone who does advocacy work for all type of gender non conforming roles, the term trans is not one of them. That term was created to market sex workers and it basically has the same equivalency as calling a trans woman a Hooker or a Slut. Also in the gender spectrum that isn't listed. So there are no people who identify as " trans's" and generally that term is used by porn or by fetish Cross dressers who like the sexuality of the word. And out of the thousands of tran women I have met from all over the world, not one has ever Identified as a "trans".

So here is the Wikipedia link regarding the Term. trans - Wikipedia

As for me or anyone else in the forum forcing people into roles they are not intended for , I would never do that. I work with a broad spectrum of gendered people, from Cis, to fluid, to trans to Non Binary. I would never ever assume someones Gender. Also Trans is an umbrella term, short for trans-gendered, that covers a broad spectrum of gender identity. So saying someone is trans is literally saying they are part of the community. I have also mentioned in past posts that Peoples medication is none of anyones business, You don't need giant breasts and a bunch of plastic surgery to be trans and i have also told guys to not compare us to hyper sexualized women.. So I am not to sure what you are getting at.

This Forum is about answering questions, and that has been what has been happening. .



I listen a lot to the various transfolx in my life, from former t-girl (her term to define that period of her life) to cabaret and club owner, burlesque performer and community anchor who is very vocal in her defense of the working girls in the industries (with all the issues those entail given the criminal dangers to women working the lack of concern and so on) and in porn in general. My academic friends tend to use intersectional feminism which seems to align with some of your perspective and is also influenced by trans activism artists and actors. I don't use the words that these women choose (except where it is as above, erasure to replace her self determination) to work under or that porn expects them to wear as marketing and sales strategies and I try to balance all of it without inserting myself too much into it, because while T is in LGBTQ it ain't my lane. I want to support what you are asserting about the stigmatization of transwomen especially when the language is fetishizing, ciscentric and from the power end of the trade (even as the terms can and do get reclaimed by some). Just as there are terms for gay men that are more acceptable for daily use, there are terms (rentboy, cumdump, b**ty boy etc) that are used in the trade still and by many with rich fetish sex lives but generally not for everyday use.

The sticking point of sexwork (for me and not just for trans sex workers) is always between the necessities of the demand for sex, the economics of the urban landscape, crime and victimization and lack of resources and the dignity and personhood of the sex trade workers and their autonomy. I have experience, and some of it is great and some of it is hella shitty. People chose to treat me a certain way because of perception of less than worth. It is real and it is part of the landscape for all sex work. I really wish transfolx were not put in the position economically in many cases of not being able to easily transition in the way they want because health care covers this essential treatment and work. We have made some progress here in Canada, but miles and miles more to go. It is clear that when many folx encounter the concept or transfolx beyond news items, it is through the objectification of porn. I think the rule of thumb is always people are people not things first and foremost and the terms used to define what someone is or is not when you are naming them from outside shouldn't come from porn. Jizz hungry grandma is certainly a genre but no one uses that term at a wedding or even a McDonald's Drive Thru.
I agree with you 100% Miz Summers. I am a fellow Canadian and my women of choice are transgender. A lot of that attraction is based on their femininity. I'm an old fashioned guy who still pays for dinner and opens doors. I worship women and the feminine is what I adore. TGirls are the most feminine women I have met. I am truly blessed to have met a few and am a better person thanks to them.
What about cross dresser? Do you like them too?
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oh no problem. i hope i didn't come off condescending as that's the opposite of what I am trying to do. LOL. Just trying to help :))
So I had a question, I notice that most Transwomen are into men, not all but most. So where do we ladies go for dating advice in your opinion.
Big hugs.
I'm so ignorant about transitions etc, so I'd probably make mistake and say rude things without knowing it (I try to do my best anyway) but I feel you can suffer a lot and I want to support the rights of every trans person out there.
Herrow ^.^

My name is Savannah and I am a 28 year old trans woman, former adult entertainer, and a trans activist in Canada. I have noticed that the lpsg community is actually very pro trans but sometimes the guys here are fed a bit too much trans idealism through porn that kinda makes them have very diluted views on what being trans is. So I thought i would help all you guys out and just give you some info so it might help you broaden your views on trans, understand it a bit better and maybe help you finally meet a trans woman! This Obvi isn't just for the people attracted to trans women, this is for everyone ^.^ Just here to help!

1. Please stop comparing trans women to famous porn actresses. Expecting all trans women to look like porn stars is like expecting all women to look like Jenna Jameson ( prior to the freaky plastic surgery. LOL). its an unreal expectation. Trans women come in all shapes and sizes, some are passable, some aren't, some have giant fake boobs, most have natural small boobs brought on by estrogen pills! Expecting all trans women to have big fake boobs, a fake ass and enough face work to make Cher jelly is kinda silly :p A womans worth isn't based on the amount of plastic surgeries she has :)

2. The porn thing brings me to the next thing. There are many word in the world that are considered offensive to certain demographics and shouldn't be used. The "N" word for Black people, the F*G word for Homosexuals, etc etc etc. With Trans women there are certain words that were created by the Adult industry to market and dehumanize trans women. These words, although reclaimed by some trans women, are considered highly offensive. If you are wanting to befriend, talk or even bone a trans woman never call them trans, trans, Ladyboi, HeShe or Chick with a dick. Your more likely to get a good old fashioned "That's So Raven" side eye then get laid when using those! Just be respectful. The terms that are generally ok are trans and tgirl. WE generally prefer you call us by our names and not our gender. LOL

3. Trans people have been around since the dawn of time. In native american cultures long before Jesus roamed this earth, many people were trans and called two spirited. These people where considered high ranking people in tribes and were often married to Men (or women depending on their preference). Here is a cool article about trans people throughout the different times! Check it out!!
Transgender History: Trans Expression in Ancient Times | The Bilerico Project

4, That brings me to the next thing. Men who like trans women are not in the slightest bit gay. Most aren't even Bi. They are very much straight. there have been quite a few studies on Men who are into trans women as of late. Basically it boils down to this.. trans women.. are women. Men who like them are attracted to the femininity of them and are open minded enough to get past the junk in the front. LOL.

5. DON'T BE TRANSPHOBIC! Wait? Oh you like trans women.. or you don't have anything against them? Your a huge lgbt supporter? AWESOME! So why do you shame men who are into trans women into feeling they are less of a man for being into trans women? WHOA! bet you didn't know that's considered trans-phobia! A recent study showed that searching for trans porn is one of the top searched porn types for heterosexual men! So its very much normal. Societies views on men who like trans women hasn't really changed since the 1950's. Men feel the need to hide their attraction to trans women in the closet and keep it a deep dark secret. Stop trans shaming men or it will never get any better. ^.^ And believe it or not a lot of the trans shaming comes from women who are all like " Oh mike is dating jen, did you know she is trans! Does that make Mike Gay. OMG that nasty"
really girl? What are you 12? SHOW SOME LOVE!

Anyways that's a bit of my two cents! LOL. If you have any questions let me know ^.^ I will prolly add more stuff in the future but this is a lot to read already!
Trans lovelies give me life! Been wit my trans BF for 5+ years and he's more blokey than I am xD and I'm friends with so many trans guys, girls, and NB folks that rock hard! Some with their cocks out! Others brandishing cocks/packers.
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Herrow ^.^

My name is Savannah and I am a 28 year old trans woman, former adult entertainer, and a trans activist in Canada. I have noticed that the lpsg community is actually very pro trans but sometimes the guys here are fed a bit too much trans idealism through porn that kinda makes them have very diluted views on what being trans is. So I thought i would help all you guys out and just give you some info so it might help you broaden your views on trans, understand it a bit better and maybe help you finally meet a trans woman! This Obvi isn't just for the people attracted to trans women, this is for everyone ^.^ Just here to help!

1. Please stop comparing trans women to famous porn actresses. Expecting all trans women to look like porn stars is like expecting all women to look like Jenna Jameson ( prior to the freaky plastic surgery. LOL). its an unreal expectation. Trans women come in all shapes and sizes, some are passable, some aren't, some have giant fake boobs, most have natural small boobs brought on by estrogen pills! Expecting all trans women to have big fake boobs, a fake ass and enough face work to make Cher jelly is kinda silly :p A womans worth isn't based on the amount of plastic surgeries she has :)

2. The porn thing brings me to the next thing. There are many word in the world that are considered offensive to certain demographics and shouldn't be used. The "N" word for Black people, the F*G word for Homosexuals, etc etc etc. With Trans women there are certain words that were created by the Adult industry to market and dehumanize trans women. These words, although reclaimed by some trans women, are considered highly offensive. If you are wanting to befriend, talk or even bone a trans woman never call them trans, trans, Ladyboi, HeShe or Chick with a dick. Your more likely to get a good old fashioned "That's So Raven" side eye then get laid when using those! Just be respectful. The terms that are generally ok are trans and tgirl. WE generally prefer you call us by our names and not our gender. LOL

3. Trans people have been around since the dawn of time. In native american cultures long before Jesus roamed this earth, many people were trans and called two spirited. These people where considered high ranking people in tribes and were often married to Men (or women depending on their preference). Here is a cool article about trans people throughout the different times! Check it out!!
Transgender History: Trans Expression in Ancient Times | The Bilerico Project

4, That brings me to the next thing. Men who like trans women are not in the slightest bit gay. Most aren't even Bi. They are very much straight. there have been quite a few studies on Men who are into trans women as of late. Basically it boils down to this.. trans women.. are women. Men who like them are attracted to the femininity of them and are open minded enough to get past the junk in the front. LOL.

5. DON'T BE TRANSPHOBIC! Wait? Oh you like trans women.. or you don't have anything against them? Your a huge lgbt supporter? AWESOME! So why do you shame men who are into trans women into feeling they are less of a man for being into trans women? WHOA! bet you didn't know that's considered trans-phobia! A recent study showed that searching for trans porn is one of the top searched porn types for heterosexual men! So its very much normal. Societies views on men who like trans women hasn't really changed since the 1950's. Men feel the need to hide their attraction to trans women in the closet and keep it a deep dark secret. Stop trans shaming men or it will never get any better. ^.^ And believe it or not a lot of the trans shaming comes from women who are all like " Oh mike is dating jen, did you know she is trans! Does that make Mike Gay. OMG that nasty"
really girl? What are you 12? SHOW SOME LOVE!

Anyways that's a bit of my two cents! LOL. If you have any questions let me know ^.^ I will prolly add more stuff in the future but this is a lot to read already!
Yes and thank you for this, sis! Fellow trans femme with small estro-boobies here.