Just a few tips for the trans Lovers/Friends Of LPSG

When it comes to trans women and their genitals it can be a touchy subject. This of course is dependent on each individual trans woman. Many trans women have what is called " Genital Dysmorphia" which basically mean when they see their genitals because it doesn't match how they feel internally it makes them extremely upset. This is a common issue with many trans identifying women. In some cases if left untreated many trans women will actually cut off their genitals in a severe depression and low mental state. Of course this is horrendous and we would hope that anyone who is trans would seek medical/psychiatric attention before it gets to this stage.

This of course Doesn't represent all trans women. Many trans women are very happy with what they got as long as the world generally sees them or they feel like a woman. In fact many trans women are now declining an operations and are happy with their natural bodies ( such as myself)

I think when it comes to discussing penises though, like most women or people, we dont like too much emphases put on our genitals. I mean you wouldnt go up to a cis gendered woman and be like " Do you like having guys pound your vagina hard" as its deemed offensive. So why would you ask a trans woman is " she likes getting her penis sucked". Really these things are to be discussed when and if your getting intimate with the individual and now it forums. LOL.

I hope that kinda enlightened you ^.^

I was curious about the how to give pleasure to a Transgender question too, but of course that is a personal intimate question unique to each individual.

I am curious about the term you use "cis gendered", what does it mean, where did it come from and when is it appropriate to use?
Cis means not trans. What most say are "real" or "born" men or women. Think born with the right set of genitals for the gender of the brain.

As a woman born with the correct equipment, I personally see it as a politicized word, but I suspevt ist simply the exposure I've had to it.

When is correct to use? i look at it as identifying ethnicity. Does it matter in the discussion? Yes? Then use Trans and cis. No? Then don't, because it doesn't matter and simply becomes a label.
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Do these men completely ignore the trans women's penis, or are the straight men happy to pleasure their tgirl by paying dutiful attention to the tgirl's penis?
ignore? heck no! adore, fondle, lick,suck, stroke and everything else she wants or will let me do!
I went through the thread and didn't see this question. How do you even meet a trans girl? As far as I know there's a hell of a lot of trans prostitution going on. Is it super common for them to go into the "escort" industry? I like tgirls and I'd love to meet one. I haven't attempted to solicit an escort but over the years it has been a tempting idea because I just don't see any other way to meet one!

As far as the straight guys thing goes, I'm a straight guy. To me, men are ugly as fuck. Literally everything about a man is completely 100% hideous except for the penis which is OK I suppose. Though if it's attached to a woman that takes it up a few notches. I love anal play on myself, love to stick big ol' toys up there. I have wished that I was gay, just so I could receive the anal pleasure that I desire. But, try as I might I am utterly disgusted by the male body and I'm just not gay. A woman with a dildo is a good scenario of course. But oh how I wish to experience being fucked! Plus I just like tgirls because they are sexy and they have a part that I can relate to. I know what they are feeling.
I went through the thread and didn't see this question. How do you even meet a trans girl? As far as I know there's a hell of a lot of trans prostitution going on. Is it super common for them to go into the "escort" industry? I like tgirls and I'd love to meet one. I haven't attempted to solicit an escort but over the years it has been a tempting idea because I just don't see any other way to meet one!

As far as the straight guys thing goes, I'm a straight guy. To me, men are ugly as fuck. Literally everything about a man is completely 100% hideous except for the penis which is OK I suppose. Though if it's attached to a woman that takes it up a few notches. I love anal play on myself, love to stick big ol' toys up there. I have wished that I was gay, just so I could receive the anal pleasure that I desire. But, try as I might I am utterly disgusted by the male body and I'm just not gay. A woman with a dildo is a good scenario of course. But oh how I wish to experience being fucked! Plus I just like tgirls because they are sexy and they have a part that I can relate to. I know what they are feeling.

Well Welcome to The Human Sexual Scale. lol. Your feelings are actually super common and yes you are straight. Men that are attracted to trans women are heterosexual. And there are a lot of men that are into it ( my tinder is a good example where I receive over 60 messages a day) its just Catholicism put a big restriction on sexuality and made us all feel guilty and dirty for being.. well humans.

As for finding us, well thats where it gets tricky as we are fetishized and try to avoid men who just want us for another "experience" as men often forget we are people. So it gets tiring. Some places you may run into a trans woman is at your local pride center. You could go start volunteering there once or twice a week. And you are bound to find someone. A lot of communities have trans based support groups that often have outings, if you kinda look through them you might be able to find out where they frequent and maybe go be a gentlemen to them. You could check out your local gay club circuit, as most cities with a gay scene usually have a bar most trans women frequent in order to feel safe. If you are just looking for sex look into craigslist. There is often a few trans women on there, or very passable crossdressers that you could have th experience with. Just make sure to be safe!

Feel free to IM me and i can maybe help you out by researching your local area :D
I want to date a TS woman, but then i'm mostly a bottom. and when i get fucked i love the feeling on my prostate, and sometimes come if the top has a big/long cock. would it be a turn off in relationships, or just cute, orwhat? lol
YAY More questions ^.^. Do I think the porn industry is good for trans women? I honestly think it depends on the woman. I dont really think the sex industry is really good for trans activism and awareness as a lot of porn tends to dilute to men what an actual trans women is like, and its actually not as common for trans women to be in the porn industry. For instance out of my large social circle only me and one other girl i know has been a cam girl. But i think if your smart about it, use it to kinda educate and improve the community and own it with confidence then definitely it can benefit the community.

1. I do think that that may be the case in certain part of the world with not great medical care, but at least for me and my group of friends the sex industry isnt a common option for trans women and I network with many around the world. Yes I know a few porn/ webcam/ escort girls but the vast majority of us are regular people with regular jobs

2. Yes porn is often a way many people have discovered about transsexuals. But we would like that not to be the first place people discover us. Being trans is often kinda a hushed topic, and we would rather parents and adults explain to kids/teens what being trans is instead of them stumbling upon it while google searching. lol.

3. The reason why porn creates an unrealistic image of trans women is because they are hyper sexualized, often have many surgeries and their value is put primarily on their image. Similar to cis gender women in porn. I dont have anything against women who do porn at all, I mean I was a webcam girl for 3 years. It just grinds my gears when guys ask me "do you have implants" before they ask me "hows your day going." lol

4. This has always confused me. I don't understand why people would assume your gay because you like trans women. I mean.. from what I can tell, the majority of us.. look like women. Gay men aren't attracted to women. LOL. I feel our society tries to label and put everything into a box. Your gay, your Straight, Your bi, your Good,m Your bad, Your hot Your ugly, Your Skinny, Your fat. Sadly the world and human brain don't work like that. I think it would greatly benefit people to not care what others think of them and not try to label themselves. Just do what feels right. And as I mentioned in a prior post the majority of men that like trans women are heterosexual. LOL. Your just lucky enough to be attracted to everyone ^.^

5.If you think dating as a guy trying to find a trans omen is hard, imagine how hrd it is for us! A lot of dating sites tend to kinda flop for us due to the constant berating of men treating us like sluts who are only there for the D. I think the dating world is hard for anyone though. If you are legit trying to date a trans woman, say that in your first message. be honest, say your not looking for a fling or a hookup and that you are looking for an actual relationship. Treat any trans woman like you would treat a regular woman and be a gentleman. Also sometimes you can spot the escorts when you have been on dating sites long enough. If their profile pics are overtly sexual thats usually a good sign. Also we tend to use real dating sites like ok cupid. You can also try going down to local lgbtq friendly bars and being a gentleman and socializing. Generally most lgbtq friendly bars are just a fun atmosphere anyways and your bi so its kinda like a smorgasbord for you.. jsut remember to now be creepy :p

Some dating nono's :
- Treating us like we are something shameful and need to be hidden in the closet ( we wanna go on dinner not eat in the car. lol)
- Assuming because we were once men we are obligated to put out for you (sex is never an obligation)
- talking about your fantasies before you actually meet us (oh I always dreamed about being with a tgirl)
- Asking us about surgeries (do you have implants)
- Telling us how passable we are.. Just tell us we are pretty ( its a nice compliment and sounds a lot better then "Wow your so passable, i would have never guessed")

Some dating Do's:
- Being a gentleman
- using your manners
- be prod to have us on your arm

LOL. I actually enjoy your rambling ^.^ And what do you mean OTHER TRANS GIRLS. LOL. JK! No I definitely would love some more trans input! And Mister don't ever hesitate to ask more, at least your making an honest effort to learn ^.^

Wait a second. I realise this thread is old, and also there's good intentions here, but porn " dilutes" peoples ideas of trans girls?.So what are we saying here?.Trans women and self identified she males are really diluted/ impure versions of "real" trans women?.

I think you have to be a bit careful where all this stuff is going. There's an intolerant side to political correctness, and a whole issue of exclusion/ gate keeping you're not going into here, ie. WHO decides who is a "real" trans person ( often not us but the medical profession and Benjamin's WPath)!?.

I know people can't run before they walk, but someone should talk about the other side too. The sanctioned way to transition excludes whole categories of people- "she males", autogynephiles, gender neutral etc.In the case of the first to, there is a DEsexualisation, as bad as the hyper sexualization.

We can't patronise trans people in those communities by saying they are all forced into those roles.We need access to advice, hormones and surgery- plus acceptance of ALL types of trans and gender people both in the cis and trans communities.
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Wait a second. I realise this thread is old, and also there's good intentions here, but porn " dilutes" peoples ideas of trans girls?.So what are we saying here?.Trans women and self identified she males are really diluted/ impure versions of "real" trans women?.

I think you have to be a bit careful where all this stuff is going. There's an intolerant side to political correctness, and a whole issue of exclusion/ gate keeping you're not going into here, ie. WHO decides who is a "real" trans person ( often not us but the medical profession and Benjamin's WPath)!?.

I know people can't run before they walk, but someone should talk about the other side too. The sanctioned way to transition excludes whole categories of people- "she males", autogynephiles, gender neutral etc.In the case of the first to, there is a DEsexualisation, as bad as the hyper sexualization.

We can't patronise trans people in those communities by saying they are all forced into those roles.We need access to advice, hormones and surgery- plus acceptance of ALL types of trans and gender people both in the cis and trans communities.

I am not quite sure what you are getting at. what I am saying is that men tend to assume we are all sluts that are just put onto this earth to full fill their fetish fantasies and we often get treated like sex workers in real life because of it.

And as someone who does advocacy work for all type of gender non conforming roles, the term trans is not one of them. That term was created to market sex workers and it basically has the same equivalency as calling a trans woman a Hooker or a Slut. Also in the gender spectrum that isn't listed. So there are no people who identify as " trans's" and generally that term is used by porn or by fetish Cross dressers who like the sexuality of the word. And out of the thousands of tran women I have met from all over the world, not one has ever Identified as a "trans".

So here is the Wikipedia link regarding the Term. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/trans

As for me or anyone else in the forum forcing people into roles they are not intended for , I would never do that. I work with a broad spectrum of gendered people, from Cis, to fluid, to trans to Non Binary. I would never ever assume someones Gender. Also Trans is an umbrella term, short for trans-gendered, that covers a broad spectrum of gender identity. So saying someone is trans is literally saying they are part of the community. I have also mentioned in past posts that Peoples medication is none of anyones business, You don't need giant breasts and a bunch of plastic surgery to be trans and i have also told guys to not compare us to hyper sexualized women.. So I am not to sure what you are getting at.

This Forum is about answering questions, and that has been what has been happening. .


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Yes actually there is a question.

If a Trans woman and a straight guy have sex then it is considered straight sex, even though there are 2 cocks involved.

If a trans woman and another trans woman have sex, now you have two woman having sex, so it would be considered lesbian sex, but with 2 cocks??

You actually have it completely right. Sexuality is different then gender. And genitals don't equate to gender. So men having sex with trans women is considered heterosexual sex becuase it's between and man and a woman . And trans lesbians having sex together is still lesbian sex as its between two women. :p

You answered your own question. :)

Try tell that to the lesbians!!

I just told my lesbian best friend. She looked at me like " Why are you telling me this" and then said "I know".

I believe there are lesbian women that do not know all about the diversity of the sexual world, just like how there are gay men, and straight men and straight women. So them not knowing this doesn't mean its not true. Just like how some cisgender people who aren't trans attracted assume that trans attracted men are gay because all they are considering is the genitals.

This is a common misconception alot of uneducated (on the topic) people have. But thats why its good to correct people. And if they choose to ignore you, then that is on their ignorant ass. lol. I alsways tell the haters " OK have fun with your outdated views I am just focusing on the future"


I'm incredibly attracted to trans men. I find something so masculine in the guys I have cammed with and frankly it is flattering as hell to connect and show off. Of course I would love to actually play but it is hard meeting trans guys for RT which I understand, given how crappy some dudes are. I love working to make any man happy and comfortable during sex and the ways in which trans men are unique is something I enjoy and hope to explore at his leisure and comfort. And get him all over me as well. Love chatting and sharing fantasies and offering support. Or with other gay men who are like me.

Hello <3

Believe it or not but its actually super common for gay men to like trans men. Just like how (even though our friend from above doesn't agree) Lesbian women to like trans women. The amount of free drinks i have had purchased for me from lesbians is proof of this. And its because of the same reasons Most Heterosexual men and women like trans people.

Doctors believe it's actually because most transsexual men and women tend to be Hyper masculine or feminine, not all but the majority. And for your instance as a homosexual man you in general would be attracted to well.. masculinity. . Keep in mind this isn't everyone, but its a lot more common then most think. And with that Hyper masculine, or feminine energy, the genitals take a backseat, or become almost like a Sexy juxtaposition and it arouses people more.. all like.. One of these things is not like the other.. BUT I LIKE IT!

Inst sexuality cool and weird at the same time!


I think its my turn to ask some of you some questions.

So to all my trans attracted friends I do have a few questions:

1.When did you realize you were attracted to trans people? Was it something that kinda was always there, or was there like an "AH Ha" moment?
2. Have you ever actually been with a Trans person? (no need for the Gorey Details, just curios)
3. Are you out and open about your attraction? I am a ware that there is still stigma for trans attracted men/women.
4. Would you consider dating a trans person long term/ marrying them?
5. Has this Forum helped at all? Ant Feedback?

Look forward to hearing from you ♥♥
I like trans
I think its my turn to ask some of you some questions.

So to all my trans attracted friends I do have a few questions:

1.When did you realize you were attracted to trans people? Was it something that kinda was always there, or was there like an "AH Ha" moment?
2. Have you ever actually been with a Trans person? (no need for the Gorey Details, just curios)
3. Are you out and open about your attraction? I am a ware that there is still stigma for trans attracted men/women.
4. Would you consider dating a trans person long term/ marrying them?
5. Has this Forum helped at all? Ant Feedback?

Look forward to hearing from you ♥♥[/
I think its my turn to ask some of you some questions.

So to all my trans attracted friends I do have a few questions:

1.When did you realize you were attracted to trans people? Was it something that kinda was always there, or was there like an "AH Ha" moment?
2. Have you ever actually been with a Trans person? (no need for the Gorey Details, just curios)
3. Are you out and open about your attraction? I am a ware that there is still stigma for trans attracted men/women.
4. Would you consider dating a trans person long term/ marrying them?
5. Has this Forum helped at all? Ant Feedback?

Look forward to hearing from you ♥♥
I think its my turn to ask some of you some questions.

So to all my trans attracted friends I do have a few questions:

1.When did you realize you were attracted to trans people? Was it something that kinda was always there, or was there like an "AH Ha" moment?
Unknown. My attraction to somebody, as stunning as you are (imo) for instance, doesn’t even consider that. Sometime later, if we both happened to feel we were intellectually clicking and you brought that up. My reaction would be: “WOW!” Then stunned like a deer for a moment. Followed by something like: “Noted! But what I really want to know is, do you like to play mini-golf?”

2. Have you ever actually been with a Trans person? (no need for the Gorey Details, just curios)
3. Are you out and open about your attraction? I am a ware that there is still stigma for trans attracted men/women.

4. Would you consider dating a trans person long term/ marrying them?

5. Has this Forum helped at all? Ant Feedback?

Look forward to hearing from you ♥♥