Kit Connor

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Congratulations to Kit on his nomination in the 2022 UK National Television Awards and on Heartstopper being nominated as best drama.
Meteoric rise in popularity!! I love the bts bits we're getting from the Vlog... I can't wait till they start filming the next season!
Connor Jessup is either really friendly or trying really hard to put himself into the Heartstopper fandom. Lol
From my understanding connor is a massive fan of the series and has been for a long time someone mentioned earlier in the thread maybe he’s trying to get himself cast in season 2

he’s buddied up with Sebastian and Joe and I’ve seen posts of him out and about with Alice, the writer.
Guys, i just wanna say, me (19) and all my friends (including people you can think of as "straight") dont really care much about labels. We go out with whomever we're attracted to (not just their looks but also hobbies, interests, etc.), our friends (and most of our parents) are very supportive, all they care about is whether that person is lifting us up or draggin us down. We feel like labelling is like putting ourselves in boxes, we're young and we want to explore what's out there, there're much more to a relationship than just where the "meat" encounters.

I understand that labelling might give older queer people (or queer people in places of less acceptance) a sense of belonging, or a way to find themselves a place where they can feel safe and be who they are, but at some point, in certain communities, we gotta start aiming for a world where queer/straight division is much less a thing, and de-labelling does help. Love is love, more joys and less aches, that's all.

Btw, Kit, Joe, and all the cast members are just so cute together. I wish them success, and happiness, really hope they can stay friends long after Heartstopper. xx
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