Ladies, post your pets

The hamster! :laughing: 10/10

The Best Cat Book Ever: Part 2
Bob has lost one pound! I'm so glad. His weight gain was my fault really, gradually I got very lazy and thoughtless over the pandemic/WFH and started feeding them dry food for dinner more and more nights a week. My PRE-Covid plan was giving them vet recommended dry food for dinner 1-2 dinners a week, almost always Friday and Saturday nights. But as quarantine progressed, it slowly became up to 5 & 6 times a week. Way too chomkifying :(

Motherfucker still ways 24 lbs

Gorgeous :heart:
I hardly ever post Ari pics and I don't know why, she's so gorgeous!

(that's not a cut on my leg btw...that's my dermatographia. i scratch my skin even lightly and i get raised welts for half hour or so)


Those eyes ✨✨✨
First she licks him and then puts him in a headlock, but he doesn't care. While he just has to see the other boy cat and he runs away screaming, his bestie can wrassle him to the floor and play bite him and he will suffer in silence; only to follow her when she tires and tries to walk away.


First she licks him and then puts him in a headlock, but he doesn't care. While he just has to see the other boy cat and he runs away screaming, his bestie can wrassle him to the floor and play bite him and he will suffer in silence; only to follow her when she tires and tries to walk away.

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The path to true love is never straight forward line

Sometimes you gotta suffer for the ones you love the most

God bless them both

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