mandingo and realistic look at size

That's what it looks like to me based off Barbies being 11.5 inches tall, not over 13. Also makes her hands look normal sized. I looked it up, the package is 13.2 inches, the doll is 11.5 like the regular barbie.

Yeah, the guy who made that photo jumped the gun and got a bit excited. It's not the least bit accurate. I thought I had heard barbies were 11 or 11.5. Makes sense.

The 9.5 photo is better, but I still don't like it, as it's just too difficult to tell, as you have to account for angles of both the penis and the Barbie, the Barbie didn't look completely lengthened out, and the penis is being pulled downwards.

Overall, the previous one was better, but it's just not going to yield any accurate results.
as you have to account for angles of both the penis and the Barbie, the Barbie didn't look completely lengthened out, and the penis is being pulled downwards.

thats the reason why even the 9.5inches claim could still be too much.

in the "big cock in condom" thread was a post featuring mandingo and you could see him getting his whole length covered by a I think at least all the 10 inch+ claims should be ruled out with this.
Mandingo is all about hype and lies. Of course He's fucking huge and probably one of the biggest guy on Earth, but i think he's in the 9" NBP range simply because I've just got a 9" cylinder and it's so long while i'm sitting down i can lick it easily and it reaches my nipples..and i'm definitely taller than Mandingo (I'm 5'9").
There are a few guys here are longer and thicker at the same time.
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Some of you will know the porn actor Mandingo. He is famous for his penis size and I think he has biggest dick I have ever seen. (FYI: i am straight) When you people guess how long he might be, they come up with around the famous 12". My estimation based on some facts is much lower with 8.5".
The rest of this posted is copied from another forum and i hope its appropiate to post a porno screen shot in this section of the forum. If not, please move it to the appropiate section.

i estimate sizes by comparing it with other body features, which length you can guess better. i did this because i stumbeld across a video of mandingo where he in the middle of the blowjob strokes his cock and already has a pretty maximum sized erection.

In the attatched picture i have made a screenshot of what i mean. now its time to compare. his fingers are near to the penis and are roughly the same distance from the camera, so we can compare the breadth of his fingertips (palm) there, with the length of his penis.
when i blow the picture up all the way his fingers are 4.5cm (yes, i am european) and his cock has a length of around 13cm. now i take my hand and try to make similar grip around an objekt and measure the distance my finger touch it. i can come up with 7-7.5cm.
this means his cocklength is 7*13/4.5 to 7.5*13/4.5 cm. when i calculate this its 20.3cm(very close to 8inches) to 21.7cm (8.5 inches). you can very well test this your own, by measureing the noted features in the picture and your hand breadth and putting it into the forumla.

i think my hand measurement is pretty close to his, as our body types are pretty similar and he is roughly my size i would guess, compared to the girls (which thend to be tiny).
for all of you who are curious i have 17cm / 6.7 inches NBP (18 if bone pressed, not really much of a fatpad) and with my body size it can look pretty big from the right angle. (i can post examples if you want).

i hope with this realistic guess of the length of the all too famous mandingo, i have put your own (honest!) measurement in some meaning full context.i think, that in real life measurements huge (mandingo) means 8-8.5 inches and above average (my length) 6.5-7 inches. i also believe this study, which was done by pro familia in germany. there the mean penis length (measured by medical personel) was 14.5cm / 5.7 inches. even the longest they found was "only" 19cm / 7.5 inches among more than 100 men.

I can get two hands around mine, with the whole head sticking out. I am nearly 8. I'd say the guy in the photo is 10 to 11" legit.
Of course He's fucking huge and probably one of the biggest guy on Earth, but i think he's in the 9" NBP range simply because I've just got a 9" cylinder and it's so long while i'm sitting down i can lick it easily and it reaches my nipples
I've done the same thing with one of those caulking tubes that goes in a caulking gun. IIRC, the tube was something like 8.5x6 and it looked absolutely ridiculous even on me (I've got a decent sized waist and wide hands). People just don't stop to figure out what some of these sizes look like in real life before throwing these numbers around. The other day I was reading a thread with two different people claiming to be 9.5 x 6.5 and was thinking about Mandingo and the caulk tube. I've thought before it would be nice if all the numbers that show up in this place were automatically replaced by hyperlinks to small pictures of equivalently sized objects. Having someone say "My last boyfriend was about an inch longer than the current biggest guy in the porno industry and about a half inch bigger around." sounds pretty ridiculous, yet every day you've got piles of people in here mentioning 9,10, and 11 inch guys. :confused:

Find a caulking tube and try it yourself. :wink:
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what's a caulking tube? what's this about? sorry, do you mind explaining? how does this refer to man dingo's size?

I've done the same thing with one of those caulking tubes that goes in a caulking gun. IIRC, the tube was something like 8.5x6 and it looked absolutely ridiculous even on me (I've got a decent sized waist and wide hands). People just don't stop to figure out what some of these sizes look like in real life before throwing these numbers around. The other day I was reading a thread with two different people claiming to be 9.5 x 6.5 and was thinking about Mandingo and the caulk tube. I've thought before it would be nice if all the numbers that show up in this place were automatically replaced by hyperlinks to small pictures of equivalently sized objects. Having someone say "My last boyfriend was about an inch longer than the current biggest guy in the porno industry and about a half inch bigger around." sounds pretty ridiculous, yet every day you've got piles of people in here mentioning 9,10, and 11 inch guys. :confused:

Find a caulking tube and try it yourself. :wink:
Freddy beat me to it, but yeah, they'd be the ones in the center of his picture. Those two jumbo-sized ones on the ends make them look small (they're definitely not). I think the cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels is probably close, though maybe not as big around.

Point being, if you take one of those, or something cylindrical and that size, and hold it where your dick is, you can easily see the resemblance to a Dingo dick, and as I mentioned, it looks really ridiculous. The idea that everybody in here, or their BF/husband, is the size of (or even an inch or two bigger than) a guy who was made world famous for the size of his penis, the likes of which hadn't appeared on the porn scene until circa Y2K and to this day is pretty much unrivaled there, is absurd.

Take Care
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People just don't stop to figure out what some of these sizes look like in real life before throwing these numbers around. The other day I was reading a thread with two different people claiming to be 9.5 x 6.5 and was thinking about Mandingo and the caulk tube.
Make that three (I wonder if it'll get to four) :smile:
Mandingo is roughly the same length as an average female's wrist to elbow, along the bottom of the arm. I've seen it a few times on some of his videos.

Another stat suggests this wrist to elbow length = size of feet. The average foot size of a woman is 9.5 inches (not mentioning shoe size as UK is different to US)

Mandingo = 9.5"?

I think that's about right. Wasn't Lex measured at something like 9"? Well we all know Mandingo is slightly longer and thicker than Lex, so this half an inch in length would be about right.
Mandingo is roughly the same length as an average female's wrist to elbow, along the bottom of the arm. I've seen it a few times on some of his videos.

Another stat suggests this wrist to elbow length = size of feet. The average foot size of a woman is 9.5 inches (not mentioning shoe size as UK is different to US)

Mandingo = 9.5"?

I think that's about right. Wasn't Lex measured at something like 9"? Well we all know Mandingo is slightly longer and thicker than Lex, so this half an inch in length would be about right.
In some videos Lex seems to be only 8 and I would say Mandingo is 8,5....9 is the maximum I give him.
What makes you say Lex looks 8?

I'm basing Dingo's size on something comparable.
there are some videos where you can see his penis vs. his hand....and there is a video when Lex approaches to the college party starting fucking some girl suddenly..even the studs could not belive it's Lex couse he looked shorty....not like in his pov movies...Porn lies so much...
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Mandingo is roughly the same length as an average female's wrist to elbow, along the bottom of the arm. I've seen it a few times on some of his videos.
Keep in mind, the group of females who predominantly show up in gonzo monster dick porn stuff are sort of a specialized breed. I wouldn't count on any part of them being average size.

there are some videos where you can see his penis vs. his hand....and there is a video when Lex approaches to the college party starting fucking some girl suddenly..even the studs could not belive it's Lex couse he looked shorty....not like in his pov movies...Porn lies so much...
Yeah, he's in "Gangbang Auditions" in some of his early stuff where you get to see him with a bunch of other random porn guys. He's definitely bigger than them, but not quite as impressive as his "monster dick" era solo stuff.

Take Care
Pippi Mandingo has a weird dick. Some times you will see him with a tall female and his dick still looks huge then again you see him and his dick doesn't look that big. Maybe he is getting old and can't get it hard all the time or some females he just aren't into.
Amazing actor. His scenes have something extra. You cant believe your eyes and so do the girl. Why doesnt he do a measurement scene? He ist he biggest anyway
Amazing actor. His scenes have something extra. You cant believe your eyes and so do the girl. Why doesnt he do a measurement scene? He ist he biggest anyway

Well he's a shit actor, for a start. and He IS the biggest porn star. Apart from that..