Is there any way you can actually embrace this instead of disliking it? It seems like most of you, with PE, can go again very soon after.
I used to hook-up with a guy who would blow quickly and did so just from kissing and foreplay a couple of times. He would always apologise but as he didn't lose any desire to carry on I reassured him that it was absolutely okay. We'd just keep on and he'd cum again.
I find it ridiculously hot when a guy is really sensitive and can't hold back. The opposite, where he can't reach ejaculation without resorting to jerking himself off, is so much worse. In fact if I can't make a guy cum that's a massive deal breaker. Being able to make him cum easily on the other hand...
The only caveat to this is if he's completely done once he's had an orgasm.
You do not want to resort to alcohol, recreational drugs, or some kind of pinching your cockhead that could result in nerve damage. The same is true for Cialis or Viagra. Your body gets used to these and even if they do delay your orgasm you want to save them for later on in life rather than your issue with PE.
As far as I understand it taking low levels of antidepressants is one very common way of treating this. Find the right one and a low dose would be all you need. We're talking SSRI and SNRIs here. Don't be afraid of antidepressants, they tend to get a bad rep, but at the doses you'd be taking them, lower than typical starter doses basically, if you noticed any unpleasant side effects you can stop them immediately and switch to something else. Don't let GPs convince you that starting antidepressants is hard and plagued with starting side effects you have to struggle to cope with. If you're started on the right one, at a low dose, this is not how it is.
The easiest thing, though, would be to try and work your PE into your typical sex sessions. With a regular partner this is easy because you can get into a routine and understand each others bodies. With hook-ups you'll need to discuss it before hand. If you explain you can carry on after the first load I don't think it will be that much of a problem. And if, when topping, you need to be really slow and stop every ten seconds you do just this. I mean don't pull out but stop thrusting if you need to. Do tell the bottom before hand how you need to fuck though.
Porn glamourises hard endless pounding as a goal everyone should be capable of but it's so not true. You can have great sex in many different ways and bottoms that only want to be pounded tend to be completely devoid of passion.