Phillip, he represented the elite, the privileged, the upper class, class distinction. He and those of Royal decent, those who have come before, those who line up after to take his place, have no place in modern Australia and our way of life.
We have issues with our aged Australians in nursing homes, as do many other nations. Yet the Royal representatives here, live in mansions on Australian taxpayer dollars, each state has a Royal governor, as well as a Governor General, paid for with Australian taxpayers.
There now is a 95 year old, portrayed as being alone on he death of her husband living in a Palace surrounded by a multitude of years long devoted staff, with the very best health care, which taxpayers of the nation 'one' resides, can provide. Please.
As far as Phillips humour goes, politically incorrect is how many stand up comedians deliver comedy, as it has been since I first began understanding human humour. Liked or disliked is a matter of personal taste. Just like art, food, politics, movies, spirituality, religion, websites we visit, or any other individual choice...etcetera. His humour at times may be considered distasteful, but I don't ever recall him telling a joke about his wife, nor his upbringing.
A degree of self depreciating humour goes a long way for comedians to connect with an audience, we as humans of all class say, do some pretty stupid things. What is the "irk", iss those who try pigeon hole humanity into their way of thought.
It's not up to others to choose our personal choices for us. I don't like all comedians, because most are predictable..I enjoy unpredictable humour. I'm sorry for Elizabeth's loss, it's a predictable loss, but difficult all the same. Privileged helped HRM and Phillip guarantee a quality life, long and enjoyable. If only we all had the same opportunity, but alas, we are not all born of preference of name and blood.
Yes, I support an Australian Republic. But it is difficult when you have a media and those who are insecure, clinging to Royal robes sucking their thumb like Linus from Charlie Brown fame...
Most distasteful of our Australian elected politicians swearing in on taking office..
Swearing-in – Parliament of Australia