Pumping muscle guys

If Peter got a short haircut, he would look like a dreamboat. His cock is so meaty and heavy. And yes his hole is pretty amazing. It’s remarkable how he is not shy at all.
Peter? I was talking about model Patrick.
Phillip V (Trey T) Photo Shoot
He tried to resist so much but once peter got to that booty bro started getting so hard lol if only peter realized and didnt change it up, imagine he had philip like he had patrick with all that ass damn
so unfair having that perfect PBTM body assets and mismatching it with goofy frogface.
he also is wearing glasses. there is a video of him on MMV when he is posing naked too.
ouch tough room
so unfair having that perfect PBTM body assets and mismatching it with goofy frogface.
he also is wearing glasses. there is a video of him on MMV when he is posing naked too.

And has the nerve to be a asshole !

I've engaged with him on insta and dude is trash

Mind you the engaging was simple conversation but he was guarded from the start when he knew i viewed his pumpingmuscle shoot
  • Haha
Reactions: Shacktown Sinner
And has the nerve to be a asshole !

I've engaged with him on insta and dude is trash

Mind you the engaging was simple conversation but he was guarded from the start when he knew i viewed his pumpingmuscle shoot
Given everything that's been discussed here, that makes him an asshole? Can you imagine the things guys have said to him? And remember assuming he's not now an OF guy; he didn't ask for people to connect the dots between his PM shoot and his Instagram. Assuming he's straight and not asking for attention he is not obligated to entertain every random that contacts him.
Given everything that's been discussed here, that makes him an asshole? Can you imagine the things guys have said to him? And remember assuming he's not now an OF guy; he didn't ask for people to connect the dots between his PM shoot and his Instagram. Assuming he's straight and not asking for attention he is not obligated to entertain every random that contacts him.
Given everything that's been discussed here, that makes him an asshole? Can you imagine the things guys have said to him? And remember assuming he's not now an OF guy; he didn't ask for people to connect the dots between his PM shoot and his Instagram. Assuming he's straight and not asking for attention he is not obligated to entertain every random that contacts him.
I've never understood why people contact them. It's so fucking weird. Just follow and leave them alone. If they wanted you, they would come to you. Even asking a mainstream question (ex: Do you have other social media outlets?) Leave it at that. Don't ask for OF, unless they have advertised it on the site you are following. Don't bring up their sex work unless they have currently discussed it. if they discussed it in the past, leave the past post alone. It's not difficult not to be a creep.