You can report your own threads and within minutes a moderator can delete it, which indirectly gives you that result. So the OP got it deleted himself.
I think it’s more likely he reported it. He’s reported other things before, claiming he was a minor when the media was recorded.
How big is him dick? What do you think? I would guess about 8 and it's in line with what he's jokingly posted. He's only like 19 or 20.. and is milking the fame since his first random bideo dancing in class one day went Viral. He knows he's a little heart throb and pretty sure his posting's bought a sweet benz.. So there ya go. I'd say 8 and thick judging from the pics
This ain't about you. This is about my king daddy danya. You are lucky to witness his presence. He should be charging you all millions just to admire his glory. I love and worship my baby danya.
Liam ferrari coined this whole movement.. Does the same thing. Atleast his pictures are terribly photoshopped.
The more of his personality he reveals, the more unattractive he becomes
I think as he gets a bit older this is going to become pretty apparent. He wants to be a tiktoker. but they deleted his page at some point. Like any cute sensation we see it's never what it appears.
Yes it's her There's pictures of them together and kissing from a few months ago
He has often said he's bi. and In a country that persecutes homosexuality. um you'd find a beard as well if you were 18 -19 20 years old still in school and making it all work just starting out. He'd probably have an OF if it wasn't banned in his country and then Left. I say this one going to find a way to leave... And then you'll see his rainbox pop out a bit more.. Took my x and he's way better looking than this guy. WAY WAY smoking hot better looking. at 6'3 with 9 in to come out of his closet around 35.. then he got married to a guy.. point is Never think you understand the book before you know it. Some it takes YEARS for them to open the closet doors.. He was one.. I always knew and never matter how many GF's he had.. Still spent his days with me. We fought terribly about his denial. Took years for him to come to grips.