Ruler pics - can anyone show 8 inches?

Its obivous that we need all the same kind of measurement method, otherwise everyone will have a different measure....
I think its also what the OP said in the intial post aka a ruler and standing up

But for you its not important, here an exemple, lets say you have a 3 000 dollars par month brut, you are happy right ?
but with the taxes you got only .... 1500 dollars, still happy ? or you don't care its just some fun comments about taxe nothing important ... :D
And another guy will have the same amount, 3 000$ brut, but he will have only 500$ of taxes and finish at 2 500$,

They start with the same, but different states apply differents rules, and end up with differents numbers.
It's money. It's not a dong.
It's money. It's not a dong.

Then how about this one:

You want me to help you check your height. You hand me a cloth seamstress tape, and I stand three feet away from you while holding the tape on the ground where I'm standing, using my foot, with one or two inches of it under my toe to pin it down. I stretch it across to where you are and hold the other end on the very top of your head. Is that your actual height? Why the heck don't they get anywhere near that reading when they check you at the doctor's office? I mean, it does go from the ground to the top of your head, which is what we're looking for.

If there is a flaw in that height example which might cause potential errors, what exactly is it, and is there just the one? As absurd as the stuff sounds, it really is exactly what you see in most "dick measurement" pictures, just on a smaller scale, and I guess the OP figured he'd avoid all that with the ruler request and all, but it doesn't appear to have changed anything. As you obviously are far from alone in here with your perspective on this, I would be very curious to know what it was you did consider an inaccurate measurement throughout the pages of this thread, and why (assuming there were any). - Not being a wise-ass on that part, I honestly do wonder when I see how some pictures are received.
And you got all that out of me agreeing on an honest 8" being rare?
You have set yourself up as a Judge, Jury and Executioner of what is an 8" penis, just by looking at photos or such. I spose it's not out of the question to know what parameters you use for your findings of what passes and what does not.

You offer no proof of your expertise in carrying out physical measurements of any sort.

Yeah, an 8" is rare, but you have set yourself up as a Judge....where are your qualifications? : )
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I like the executioner bit the best.

Apparently I have burnt you at some stage - if it makes you feel better, then it's apparently quite common.

I just don't play along on internet inches but calls things as I see them. If your life is better if Mandingo is 14", Shane Diesel 9.5" and yourself over 8", then enjoy life. I just call BS when I see it - it makes my life better...
You have set yourself up as a Judge, Jury and Executioner of what is an 8" penis, just by looking at photos or such. I spose it's not out of the question to know what parameters you use for your findings of what passes and what does not.

You offer no proof of your expertise in carrying out physical measurements of any sort.

Yeah, an 8" is rare, but you have set yourself up as a Judge....where are your qualifications? : )
Expertise in physical measurements. I mean using a ruler correctly is tought in 2nd grade around here. But keep digging deeper. That's gonna be a nice grave.
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Expertise in physical measurements. I mean using a ruler correctly is tought in 2nd grade around here. But keep digging deeper. That's gonna be a nice grave.
I like the executioner bit the best.

Apparently I have burnt you at some stage - if it makes you feel better, then it's apparently quite common.

I just don't play along on internet inches but calls things as I see them. If your life is better if Mandingo is 14", Shane Diesel 9.5" and yourself over 8", then enjoy life. I just call BS when I see it - it makes my life better...
Where did I say "over 8" " ? You call bullshit? So do I when I see it.
Expertise in physical measurements. I mean using a ruler correctly is tought in 2nd grade around here. But keep digging deeper. That's gonna be a nice grave.
If you or others are of the opinion I'm digging a hole or grave for myself because I ask TP, who mentions being a 'size queen', for the parameters or qualifications a 'size queen' uses or has, and are upset by this, that's not my problem. Since when has asking questions for clarification on a statement made by one or others been a problem?

They taught English first here, yet I don't see myself as, or claim to be a grammar queen, the same as I don't claim to be a size queen.

What I can claim is 50 years in the building industry gives you a pretty good background and intuition in gauging measurement, scale, distance, also a pretty good idea of those who claim to be what they are not when they pick up a trowel, hammer, push a barrow...or for that matter a shovel to dig holes.... :).

Iv'e been coming here about 16 years, you a bit longer, Tiny too, I remember TP's original profile at the beginning. But yeah, I don't become offended if people ask me questions about my experience, how I earned it, what it involves or entails if I say I have a lot of experience in it....either that or I just refer them to those who I've done previous builds for, but yeah again...some do.
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If you or others are of the opinion I'm digging a hole or grave for myself because I ask TP, who mentions being a 'size queen', for the parameters or qualifications a 'size queen' uses or has, and are upset by this, that's not my problem. Since when has asking questions for clarification on a statement made by one or others been a problem?

They taught English first here, yet I don't see myself as, or claim to be a grammar queen, the same as I don't claim to be a size queen.

What I can claim is 50 years in the building industry gives you a pretty good background and intuition in gauging measurement, scale, distance, also a pretty good idea of those who claim to be what they are not when they pick up a trowel, hammer, push a barrow...or for that matter a shovel to dig holes.... :).

Iv'e been coming here about 16 years, you a bit longer, Tiny too, I remember TP's original profile at the beginning. But yeah, I don't become offended if people ask me questions about my experience, how I earned it, what it involves or entails if I say I have a lot of experience in it....either that or I just refer them to those who I've done previous builds for, but yeah again...some do.
I think you're the only one upset to be fair.

As for "parameters" I think eyes and common sense works wonders. I was called out as "downgrading" when I said Shane Diesel was "only" 7.5x6.5 - everyone else thought he was 9.5x7. Surprise, surprise when he compared to his 7.5x6.5" dildo.

But yeah, I just got lucky. We all know women can't estimate size...
It would be funny if the OP just showed back up one day after thirteen years and gave his official opinion on what happened to his thread. :D
You mean like wonder if people are too stupid to read? That he asked for a ruler and non bonepressed? Not some deluded "measurements"? ;)