Ruler pics - can anyone show 8 inches?

LOL, it ain't just "small dick guys" who can't measure and tend to exaggerate their size.

Some of the biggest "arguments" on the 10-inches for $10K thread have been with guys who are considered large, yet want us to believe they are 10 inches. Or bigger.
He was including everyone in his statement
I'm looking for pics of dicks 8 inches or more measured against a ruler.

Please don't post if you can't see the beginning of the ruler or if you have the ruler pressed into your body fat.

It seems it's really hard to read for lots of people :relieved:

Tbh I am not surprised anymore that women can't guess size when guys can't measure and tell them fake numbers.
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It seems it's really hard to read for lots of people :relieved:

I realized a while back that when anyone points out common sense measuring "rules" or explains to people what guys are doing to deceive others with dick measurements, they might enlighten two or three people who will then better understand what they're seeing, but they'll enlighten twenty other guys as to what they can do to make their dick look bigger next time they break out the camera, which will probably fly right past the two hundred people that will see their new pictures. :mad:
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Lurker. I’ve seen over 100 photos and maybe 10 nbp photos. I would expect this on a subreddit lol I’m starting to feel like the girls who called my junk “big” weren’t feeding me bs. I just wish I had more girth at 5”. But I’ll post a nbp later.


I would wish for Bigdicknickb to post some new measured photos. He is probably the only one who I’ve seen who looks 9 inches or more, but with his upward curve it would be interesting to see.
Perfectly executed. Well done. Shockingly rare around here. Or anywhere. You might even be able to go a tiny bit further into your base and still claim NBP so long as the zero is visible. But overall, essentially perfect.
Thanks brother I appreciate it.
And surely nobody will see it’s starting at 1, loosely placed on the penis. Look here for an example on how it should be done and try again. Maybe you are as big?
Hardly facetious. Your post on OTOH...

My question was quite serious; what exactly would you report him for?

Telling the truth? ;)
Report to as in- answer to

no eye roll emoji but that's why I'm doing

Also look up facetious perhaps for clarification
Report to as in- answer to
Your initial post doesn't read as such. Surely you would have chosen those more appropriate words if that was what you meant?

no eye roll emoji but that's why I'm doing
Seems like a lot of eye rolling in this thread given your measurement post...

Also look up facetious perhaps for clarification
I understand what that word means. That's why I asked if you understood the meaning of the word, given that you posted a picture measuring your penis with a tape measure. With a portion of the tape not visible.

So how about you take another pic of you measuring your penis with a hard ruler, with all the ruler visible, which is what the Member did you chose to make your facetious comment about.

But why the need for you to skew your measurement, trying to make it appear larger than it is? You are already blessed with a penis larger than the majority of men. :confounded:
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Your initial post doesn't read as such. Surely you would have chosen those more appropriate words if that was what you meant?

Seems like a lot of eye rolling in this thread given your measurement post...

I understand what that word means. That's why I asked if you understood the meaning of the word, given that you posted a picture measuring your penis with a tape measure. With a portion of the top not visible.

So how about you take another pic of you measuring your penis with a hard ruler, with all the ruler visible, which is what the Member did you chose to make your facetious comment about.

But why the need for you to skew your measurement, trying to make it appear larger than it is? You are already blessed with a penis larger than the majority of men. :confounded:
Really should add eye roll emoji(please)

my post said," oh snap, am I to report to you?"

report to also can mean, answer to

not sure why you didn't understand that...maybe the word report just triggered/confused you, idk(shoulder shrug emoji)

perhaps facetious wasn't the best choice, but certainly sarcastic was

I have no need to skew. It's funny that because it isn't "properly measured" you think I'm purposefully trying to appear larger smh

just took a pic with tape measure, nothing deceitful...not entering a contest nor trying to appear larger... Just took a pic with my dick and a tape measure
No need to skew nor was that my desire