Jay was a late discovery for me, but what a hunk! That hairy ass... :heart_eyes:

His scenes had completely passed me by when they were more recently released even when I'd done little digging into the older scenes. I can't remember when I started watching SC vids regularly, maybe around 2010 or thereabouts? Might have been a bit earlier.

I love discovering models who flew under my radar lol, especially from the early years.
I love discovering models who flew under my radar lol, especially from the early years.

^^^ This is why I follow this Deleted SC Video thread and not the regular Sean Cody thread. The models from the earlier days were different. They weren’t the hairless muscled circuit queen types you see popping up under current ownership.

Honestly, my once twice/three times weekly check ups on the site dwindled to not bothering at all several months ago. All of the "big" studios have gone massively downhill in recent years.

Luckily there's a treasure trove of old content. :relieved:
^^^ This is why I follow this Deleted SC Video thread and not the regular Sean Cody thread. The models from the earlier days were different. They weren’t the hairless muscled circuit queen types you see popping up under current ownership.

Looks about white.
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^^^ This is why I follow this Deleted SC Video thread and not the regular Sean Cody thread. The models from the earlier days were different. They weren’t the hairless muscled circuit queen types you see popping up under current ownership.

Insta-gay roulette. Just different flavors out of the same cookie cutter.