
Notice how in his recent IG post he says waiting for "them" to get ready.

Could be looking to much into it and he couple be with a group of people or fam, but wouldn't surprise me if he's there with a girl and refusing to explicitly say 'her' cause he doesn't want to admit he's going out with a girl since so much of his fanbase is LGBT folk that think of him as representation. I've noticed a number of times on his videos of he's talking about an ex or someone he's been with he never says the gender. Labels ultimately don't matter, but I think this is a very deliberate choice from him and he's only been with girls. He's never claimed to be gay/bi so he can defend himself if he was accused of queer baiting, but he also never mentions girls he's been with even tho I have heard from a few people near him that he's only been with girls in the past. I think he realistically is most likely straight but an open minded ally who doesn't mind the attention he gets from LBGT peeps and he probs knows that stuff is a big draw for his audience.

I think he's very clever and this stuff doesn't go unnoticed to him so he's careful what he says. No hate, just speculating.

Also might just be me, but the "Ay-Yo"s in his videos make me cringe so much.
I actually have thought why his head is so small but this pic isn't edited, I screenshotted it off his yt votes and cropped it x
I was going to comment the same thing on his instagram but I didn't want people thinking i'm hating on him
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I was one of Seb's biggest fans. I used to watch all his livestreams and I donated money during every one. His LOTR reactions were fantastic and so genuine — they're how I discovered his channel. He had a great fan base that knew each other by name, and he has a close relationship with his fans.

But since he discovered Marvel, his channel has been on a downward spiral in terms of quality. All he reacts to now are superhero films, lame TV shows and shitty 90s rom coms. No proper cinema any more. And his reactions have run out of steam — his commentary has no substance to it any more. 90% of his comments are innuendo, "aye yo" and Chris fucking Evans, even in films that have fuck all to do with him. No references to the actual direction or production aspects. And he no longer engages with fans the way he used to — he's just mailing it in now.

I also think it's ridiculous that he refuses to discuss his sexuality when it's HIM who fills his videos with sexual comments, then complains when people show an interest in wanting to know how he defines himself. In his Incredibles reaction, he seems to be making a conscious effort to let people know that he's attracted to women. I used to genuinely believe he was into guys, but I do now wonder if he's queerbating for views.

And don't get me started on his awful facial hair. How can he not see that it will never suit him.

Rant over. Such a shame, but I guess he won't care as long as his sub count continues to increase.
I was one of Seb's biggest fans. I used to watch all his livestreams and I donated money during every one. His LOTR reactions were fantastic and so genuine — they're how I discovered his channel. He had a great fan base that knew each other by name, and he has a close relationship with his fans.

But since he discovered Marvel, his channel has been on a downward spiral in terms of quality. All he reacts to now are superhero films, lame TV shows and shitty 90s rom coms. No proper cinema any more. And his reactions have run out of steam — his commentary has no substance to it any more. 90% of his comments are innuendo, "aye yo" and Chris fucking Evans, even in films that have fuck all to do with him. No references to the actual direction or production aspects. And he no longer engages with fans the way he used to — he's just mailing it in now.

I also think it's ridiculous that he refuses to discuss his sexuality when it's HIM who fills his videos with sexual comments, then complains when people show an interest in wanting to know how he defines himself. In his Incredibles reaction, he seems to be making a conscious effort to let people know that he's attracted to women. I used to genuinely believe he was into guys, but I do now wonder if he's queerbating for views.

And don't get me started on his awful facial hair. How can he not see that it will never suit him.

Rant over. Such a shame, but I guess he won't care as long as his sub count continues to increase.
I normally wouldn't say anything but seeing this the thoughts in my head are not so farfetched. I have only been watching him the last few months and i don't know how he was in the beginning but for some reason lately and now thinking back i feel like some of his reactions are full of shit especially for someone who has experience in film to not have seen some of these movies and shows that have been huge everywhere.

On the whole sexuality thing i'm not going speculate but he does play up certain things so it can get a reaction and he knows people will fall for it because you see it all in the comments. There was always some reason i never fully subscribed because in the back of my head i probably knew it was bullshit.
I was also a big fan of Seb's channel and subscribed to his Patreon. His livestreams were a lot of fun, and there was a lot of interaction from him, inside jokes etc. I was (actually, still am) part of a groupchat with other subscribers and we invited Seb to be part of it during one of the livestreams, which he accepted.
We had a lot of great banter and even a few deeper chats with him over several months. He was surprisingly vulnerable and told us a few personal things. He told us his full name when few others knew it. He shared selfies. He got to know us. During the subsequent livestreams we would chat privately at the same time and it was all very fun and felt like an "insider's club" of sorts.
I will say, he never defined his sexuality in any clear terms but insinuated that he preferred to remain "unlabelled" which we all supported, telling him he should not feel obliged to label himself purely to satisfy the curiosity of others. He often expressed physical attraction to male celebrities including, of course, Chris Evans, which has become the biggest running gag of his content.
An ex-girlfriend of Seb's contacted the groupchat and shared some screenshots of arguments with him to try and warn us off him, however i admit that myself and the others were too wrapped up in our friendship with him at that point to take it seriously, despite the behaviour he displayed in these screenshots being a major red flag. We all agreed that relationships are messy and it was none of our business anyway. We forgot about it and moved on.
There was, and still is, a lot of commenting and speculation around his sexuality, and i suspect this is one of the reasons he no longer really does livestreams. Also, some may remember he discovered LPSG after googling his name during a stream and was visibly, somewhat understandably, upset over the posts about him. He seemed to take the queerbaiting accusations as a real blow, and was uncomfortable with some of the attention. We reassured him he shouldn't take it too much to heart, although i think this is when he started putting his guard up and interacted less and less on social media.
Around the time of his Dubai holiday last year, something seemed to change in him and he stopped communicating with the groupchat quite suddenly. He effectively ghosted us for weeks and then abruptly left that chat with no explanation. In one of his Patreon posts he stated he no longer wanted to pay attention to too many "opinions" or be influenced too much by social media. It seemed a bit of an odd left-turn after him being so open and interacting so much.
Eventually, myself and the others took the rose tinted glasses off and realised he'd actually acted pretty terribly towards us after initiating what seemed to be genuine friendship and even suggesting meet-ups, to then cutting off all contact. We also started to see how overly confident (and kind of annoying) he had become, and his content also seemed to be getting worse. As others have said, the reaction videos have become an excuse for him to shout "ayoo" and mention Chris Evans at every opportunity, and he does seem to play into queer men's attraction to him for monetary gain (for example, keeping a lot of LGBT content as Patreon exclusives).
Anyway, we all unsubbed from his YT and Patreon. Looking back, i think we were very much blinkered by our fascination with him for some time, and while i don't think he's the worst person in the world, i do think he's somewhat immature and has personal issues he needs to work on, not least of which being the way he treats other people.
Regardless, i made some great friends out of the situation and we met up irl and had a great time, so all good ✌️
Also, if you're reading this, hello Seb lol.
Okay now that everyone is speaking out for some reason, let me tell you that I remember his beginnings and he was extremely different at that time. Like literally the opposite of who he is now. He was kind, cute, friendly etc. He was so pure in a way lol. He even looked way better no shade. I think livestreams totally boosted his ego, I remember seeing the process of him becoming that way tbh. I don't even watch him anymore, I stopped like really long time ago because of his behavior, I only get notification from this threads sometimes, it looks like he became even more annoying now that everyone is shading him lol.
This is the Seb I liked :cool: