Shawn Mendes

I love a straight hot man, the others can go crazy wanting Shawn to be gay, he isn’t gonna fuck any of them anyway lol
Almost like it's only gay men who have experience of being in the closet and recognise themselves in situations like Shawn's...

Whether the relationship with Camilla was “authentic” or not, there’s no doubt that it came off cringe-y and forced. Within a few weeks of supposedly being together they’re making out in public, licking toes in public, constantly talking about each other to the press, going to every red carpet event with each other. They got together when Camilla was about to release an album and when the “queer talk” was really revving up for Shawn. That made it them come off even more calculated. But even if it was “real”, it was still cringe-y and ended up hurting instead of benefitting both of their careers. They also broke up just in time for the “break-up album” narrative to be pushed for Camilla’s release.

Once again, Shawn could be a “regular ‘straight’ guy”. Or he could be struggling with being “out” or struggling with stuff like fluidity, contradictions, internalized phobias, mental health, trying to understand his dimensions and preferences, trying to understand his place in the gender, sexual, affection, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum. But the note also comes off like further calculation. It felt more about creating a new field of interests and sympathy. And he knew many people would interpret it a certain way considering all the “gay” talk that’s out there. All of these public figures create narrative and do things for image, press, ego, and of course money. But you don’t want to come off forced and phony. That will hurt your appeal. So much of what Shawn has done has simply had no finesse to it. No matter his dimensions, a lot has come off calculated, desperate and insecure.
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I do find these pages of “he’s definitely ‘gay” to be annoying and problematic. But these people constantly promoting internalized phobias and gay inferiority are just as problematic. Just like Shawn is not gonna hook up with any dudes who post here, he’s also not about to thank anyone for defending his “straightness” by saying homophobic, “straight” worshipping, queer insecure, gay shaming shit. Both sides are annoying and are feeding into problems.
and you’re not helping by continuing the flow of the topic

I went back to read some of the recent comments and was very disturbed by the interactions, even more disturbed than I’ve previously been reading this thread.

About 50% of the homophobic, femme-phobic, gay-panic-y, homo shaming shit I see online comes from queers. So, there’s some definite issues there. That doesn’t justify trying to shame someone “out” or assuming that you know all the aspects and dimensions of people’s sense of self, sexuality, dimensions, preferences, love life. But internalized phobias, queer insecurities, gay shame and being a “pick me” queer are still very prominent issues. And some people (including many in this thread) are constantly looking for reasons to justify it instead of dealing with their issues.
I’d slap that ass and reach around to grab his dick in those positions
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Gay, bi, queer or straight,
Just appreciate this
And forget the rest.

My issue isn’t with Shawn but the way people here (and the internet in general) communicate.

Let’s be real. A large percentage of even “out” dudes still haven’t truly divested from stuff like toxic masculinity, queer insecurities, gay panic, gay resentments, internalized phobias, using sexuality or hetero dynamics as social and ego currency. A lot of “out” dudes still don’t know how to maturely deal with stuff like fluidity or questioning or contradictions or mental health struggles. And a lot of “out” dudes still have no confidence in where they are in the gender, sexual, affection, affirmation, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum. “Coming out” or adhering to whatever identities isn’t really the cure-all people try to act like it is. While there’s likely a lot of closeted people who post here anyways.

In general, no matter their identities, where they are in the general spectrum, whether they’re closeted or not, folks needs to stop communicating with so much bitterness and insecurities.
My issue isn’t with Shawn but the way people here (and the internet in general) communicate.

Let’s be real. A large percentage of even “out” dudes still haven’t truly divested from stuff like toxic masculinity, queer insecurities, gay panic, gay resentments, internalized phobias, using sexuality or hetero dynamics as social and ego currency. A lot of “out” dudes still don’t know how to maturely deal with stuff like fluidity or questioning or contradictions or mental health struggles. And a lot of “out” dudes still have no confidence in where they are in the gender, sexual, affection, affirmation, romantic, emotion, commitment spectrum. “Coming out” or adhering to whatever identities isn’t really the cure-all people try to act like it is. While there’s likely a lot of closeted people who post here anyways.

In general, no matter their identities, where they are in the general spectrum, whether they’re closeted or not, folks needs to stop communicating with so much bitterness and insecurities.

I understand what you are trying to say, but in my humble opinion let's just leave these things for other platforms, like Reddit.
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I do find these pages of “he’s definitely ‘gay” to be annoying and problematic. But these people constantly promoting internalized phobias and gay inferiority are just as problematic. Just like Shawn is not gonna hook up with any dudes who post here, he’s also not about to thank anyone for defending his “straightness” by saying homophobic, “straight” worshipping, queer insecure, gay shaming shit. Both sides are annoying and are feeding into problems.
Welcome to LPSG. Where the people who need therapy, avoid therapy, because they're too mucked up to realize they need therapy, so they express their untreated, toxic, obsessive thoughts and behavior that drive others crazy until we need therapy to recover from their bullshit. If you have your ticket, I'd be happy to validate your parking.
The only way our "community" will accept Shawn Mendes for being straight is if multiple sex tapes in HD 1080 quality are released of him having and enjoying sex with only cis-gender women. And even then, the Internet Inquisitors will only shift from bullying him to come out as gay to bullying him to come out as bi or pan. Sadly, Mr. Mendes has been accused of witchcraft in the modernized version of 17th century Salem. The only way for him to prove that he isn't what the villagers believe he is, is for him to drown instead of float after they toss him in the river. In other words, he's fucked no matter how the sit

I think this whole thing is ridiculous. I really don’t care if the guy is straight or gay. Either way, you guys in the “know” probably know NOTHING. Whomever he is or is not fucking….. or fucking him, you’re just jealous.

That’s my opinion of someone “in the know”.
I think this whole thing is ridiculous. I really don’t care if the guy is straight or gay. Either way, you guys in the “know” probably know NOTHING. Whomever he is or is not fucking….. or fucking him, you’re just jealous.

That’s my opinion of someone “in the know”.
I never said I knew anything about Shawn's bedroom partners. My comment was clearly criticizing the fact that the toxic people in our community, many of whom can be found in these threads, will never accept Shawn as straight because they have already convinced themselves that he is as gay as a rainbow colored pony in the glittery Castle of Candyland. I was specifically pointing out that even if crystal clear, undoctored footage of him having hetero-sex was revealed, our community still wouldn't accept that as evidence of his heterosexuality. They would simply shift their thinking of him being gay to him being bi or pan. They will always believe that Shawn is Team Dick, whether he is an exclusive player or drafts between other Teams, it doesn't matter. Our "community" has already accepted him as a member and refuses to issue a refund. Which means, Shawn has found himself in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" predicament. Do you understand what I'm saying now. Get it? Got it? Good!
How long do you think it'll be before someone says something controversially disagreeable about Shawn? I'll wedger within the next 12 hours.
That's very generous. Put me down for one hour