Shawn Mendes

I wish there was a bot deleting all posts that do not contains pictures -
It’s just so tiring to scroll through all the posts about cut/uncut cocks, sexuality assumptions etc...
I wonder if LPSG could make a 'filter' option for threads, like only seeing posts with media/attachments. Personally I don't mind the non-pic posts but I get tired of people complaining about them (which itself is the peak of irony but anyway) and with a filter both types of users get what they want.
I wish there was a bot deleting all posts that do not contains pictures -
It’s just so tiring to scroll through all the posts about cut/uncut cocks, sexuality assumptions etc...
YES!!! I have been saying for a while, LPSG needs to let us personalize our notification settings by requesting that we only be notified whenever a post contains a picture or video. We need to petition for this to be a part of their next update.
YES!!! I have been saying for a while, LPSG needs to let us personalize our notification settings by requesting that we only be notified whenever a post contains a picture or video. We need to petition for this to be a part of their next update.
I don’t know if it is possible coding wise.
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YES!!! I have been saying for a while, LPSG needs to let us personalize our notification settings by requesting that we only be notified whenever a post contains a picture or video. We need to petition for this to be a part of their next update.
we had that before the update
Shawn needs to take a page from Harry in how to answer sexuality questions.
“Around the time of Fine Line, he faced scrutiny around his sexuality. People became incredulous that he wore dresses, waved Pride flags, and yet hadn't clarified with precision, publicly to a journalist or on social media, the specifics of who he'd slept with, how he defined. This expectation is, to him, bizarre, "outdated." "I've been really open with it with my friends, but that's my personal experience; it's mine," he said. "The whole point of where we should be heading, which is toward accepting everybody and being more open, is that it doesn't matter, and it's about not having to label everything, not having to clarify what boxes you're checking."

“But Styles does not want to appear ungrateful or defensive, or even angry. All of this contemplation, this honesty, is not to say that he didn't love it, hasn't loved it all—because he has, he reminded me several times, "absolutely loved it." Despite the acceptance that some things could, should, have been different, he still feels lucky every day, he said, lucky to make music, lucky to do what he loves.”
Everyone is different. Aside from coming out affecting his career and turning away fans (or parents of fans, considering his demographic), he may just be a private person and not feel the need to share every aspect of himself with the public. I can't imagine walking down the street and people knowing my name and wanting to stop me for photos or an autograph. Whatever he's going through, I doubt it's one specific issue. While his path in life comes with perks as well as difficulties, he needs to get right and find himself before he loses himself to playing the part that his team wants him to portray.
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what... is he… trying…. to say??
Basically, this xD :emoji_point_up_2:
That he needs therapy. The end.
Shawn needs to take a page from Harry in how to answer sexuality questions.
“Around the time of Fine Line, he faced scrutiny around his sexuality. People became incredulous that he wore dresses, waved Pride flags, and yet hadn't clarified with precision, publicly to a journalist or on social media, the specifics of who he'd slept with, how he defined. This expectation is, to him, bizarre, "outdated." "I've been really open with it with my friends, but that's my personal experience; it's mine," he said. "The whole point of where we should be heading, which is toward accepting everybody and being more open, is that it doesn't matter, and it's about not having to label everything, not having to clarify what boxes you're checking."

“But Styles does not want to appear ungrateful or defensive, or even angry. All of this contemplation, this honesty, is not to say that he didn't love it, hasn't loved it all—because he has, he reminded me several times, "absolutely loved it." Despite the acceptance that some things could, should, have been different, he still feels lucky every day, he said, lucky to make music, lucky to do what he loves.”
Oh I really like what harry said here! i wish ppl would just stop asking him and criticizing him over it! Always found it odd the way ppl treat him about it sometimes
Oh I really like what harry said here! i wish ppl would just stop asking him and criticizing him over it! Always found it odd the way ppl treat him about it sometimes
Harry or Shawn? The issue with Harry is he is being idolized over actually LGBT artist. For example him being on vogue in a dress was ridiculous.