Shawn mendes

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Shawn, I wish I was with you and give you a big hug. I would tell you that everything will be OK. Pay no attention to what people say about you. It doesn't matter.Your neuroses will only get worse if you don't settle down. I love your love of exercise. That's one way to deal with anxiety. I'm doing that now. Try Trazodone. It might help. Beware of he drugs and too much alcohol. You will be in rehab sooner than later. I love you Shawn and wish you happiness. Roger
He's making it worse for himself regardless. Every celebrity has had their sexuality questioned. They either use it to their advantage a la Nick Jonas, Taylor Lautner, Josh Hutcherson. Or ignore the speculation completely, because they know it's not true and therefore get on with their lives.

Saying that he is not only aware that there's constant speculation, but changes his actions to discourage the speculation is problematic.

Sis needs to either suck a dick or get a therapist.
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I can't believe people are shading him for his comments. He called out the gay community for its bullying of people who they think are gay. Instead of letting the person come out on their own terms, they shame them, make fun of their mannerisms or try to expose them. It's like what the press did to closeted celebrities in the 70s/80s.

This isn't about whether he's gay, it's about all the pressed queens who love to try out people for the sake of a hit forum comment.
It doesn’t matter what happens to other celebrities and how they handle it! Everyone is different and everyone handles everything different you guys constantly slander and harass Shawn with all this gay bs along with MANY OTHER GUYS. Stop assuming because someone crosses there legs or talks with there hands or there voice isn’t deep doesn’t mean they’re gay. It’s time to stop all this bs let ppl come out if they want to! A lot of these guys don’t need to come out cuz there not gay! Tom Holland,Cameron Dallas,Harry styles,Justin Bieber ,Nick Jonas,SHAWN MENDES! Stop harassing them!!
Lmao. IKR


Thanks for this video
I said this first in my comment right after that first post about shawn article :joy::joy::joy: because this came to mind<
I just couldn't find the video.
We seen this happen even with others over and over again

Hummmmmmm : unamused: its hard to give an honest opinion about that text considering the ride or die fans he got on here. Am sure some of you know what am thinking. Ricky *cough*
It is however sad he goes through this thing at night, no one should go through that specially when in the public eye. Some of us been through it but not as escalated as he gets it.
Just wish him the best and he should just accept his natural mannerisms like Tyson Dayley did :mask:
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Remember when Shawn said he was going to audition for Simon in the Love Simon movie, why would he even consider that if he had such intense fears of being perceived as gay?

Also Shawn posted another photo to his Insta, it's him expressing his love and support for Teddy. Interesting photo and caption to post mere hours after this article was published. Shawn probably wanted to reassure that he is a ally to our community given how bad the article made him look.

100% with you. No need to shade me in that interview because I am gay and I can see other gays around. Sorry. If you are uncormortable because you don't want to say what you are it's on you honey. Not in me. Keep hanging with girls trying to be a "dude".

Even if he wasn't... WTF. Are you calling your fangirls crazy or saying that they cause you anxiety because they say you are heterosexual and dream of you? You are wrong. Let me dream if I want to and let me say what I want. Thank YOU.

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He said he's not gay so therefore he isnt gay. Its really up to him and what we say wont change the way he lives his life, which is as straight guy...atm. jk. However i do think he's not doing himself any favours by victimising hiself even if it is slightly. If he really was cool with his sexuality and thought being gay was completely ok, then he wouldnt be this unbelievably self concious where he cant watch a movie about a gay guy and constantly worrying about not being seen with his arm around a girl. I love him but the way he came across in the interview made me think that he kinda needs to get over himself.
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Also is he really gonna talk about getting anxiety over being sexualised when most of his career is based off of being the "twinky boy next door". Dont lie shirtless on a sofa in a photoshoot of you dont want guys and girls to swoon over you.
It’s been crazy to see the various reactions of Shawn’s fist real “scandal”... while there’s a lot calling his comments veiled homophobia; or anxiety of someone closeted; looks like most of the gay social media elite are in defense mode... for example, prince twink of vanilla content Connor Franta...
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Since the age of 15, Bieber has spent his life being called gay, lesbian, a girl, a hermaphrodite (and we wonder why the poor kid went a bit sideways?) and so much more and we never saw this kind of complaining from him. If being considered gay is the worst thing in the world for Shawn, it says a lot about him one way or the other.
If it's such a big issue, take notes from what Bieber did when they said he had a small penis: release a sex tape with a girl and enjoy the uptick in sales.
Since the age of 15, Bieber has spent his life being called gay, lesbian, a girl, a hermaphrodite (and we wonder why the poor kid went a bit sideways?) and so much more and we never saw this kind of complaining from him. If being considered gay is the worst thing in the world for Shawn, it says a lot about him one way or the other.
If it's such a big issue, take notes from what Bieber did when they said he had a small penis: release a sex tape with a girl and enjoy the uptick in sales.

What sex tape
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It’s been crazy to see the various reactions of Shawn’s fist real “scandal”... while there’s a lot calling his comments veiled homophobia; or anxiety of someone closeted; looks like most of the gay social media elite are in defense mode... for example, prince twink of vanilla content Connor Franta...

Didnt he make videos saying he wasnt gay ? Then came out a year after.

Its just like being said you gay is a bad thing.
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